
facebook "LIKE" button on Wordpress blog doesn't create a link on facebook?

Hi, I set up the facebook like button on my blog and when I click "LIKE", on my facebook profile, it says "XXX (my name) likes Yeok-Rin « GOINGNOWHERE on raw.herobo.com." Only problem is that at facebook recent activity page, it doesn't show the link, as shown here I "liked" a random post and a post from my blog and the one below...

How to start with new Facebook SDK for ASP.NET

I've done quite some research on which ASP .NET Facebook SDK to use. Acording to this post (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ee388574.aspx) old FacebookToolkit should not be used for new projects but instead we should use the all new and shiny Facebook C# SDK. But he problem is that it lacks documentation, especially beginners ex...

What does "straightforward UF" refer to in the context of the solution to the "liarliar" Facebook puzzle?

I've come across the term "straightforward uf" to describe the solution (algorithm ?) to the following facebook engineering puzzle: liarliar. Does anyone know what this means? ...

Certificate errors when using Devise with Facebook Oauth

Hi all- I'm using devise with oauth and Rails 3 (ruby 1.9.2) to log user's into my site. I followed this excellent blog post. That being said, I am getting a weird OpenSSL error, that seems to be due to some kind of certificate verification error. Heres what it looks like: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError in Devise/oauth callbacksController#f...

Facebook OAuth redirect shows FB image/link instead of authorization page

I have a perl CGI script doing the Facebook authorization flow as described at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/. When I go to my Facebook app page in a browser my script receives the initial query from Facebook, authenticates the signed_request, and then sends a redirect to the following url: https://graph.facebook.c...

javascript validation inside of fb:serverfbml block

I am trying validate input from a multi-friend-selector that I have embedded like so: <fb:serverFbml> <script type="text/fbml"> <form action="http://example.com/testSubmit.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return validate(this);"> <fb:multi-friend-input name="hidden"/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/...

Facebook Graph API PHP SDK posting on page as page

Hi there. It's final try with PHP, if it fails, I'll try with JS. So my goal is to post on FB page as "Page name" through PHP: this is what I want to get But all I get is shown pic below. Also, it's visible ONLY to this profile (not to friends/ppl who like/etc.). This is my current code function post_facebook($data=null, $redir =...

Need help programming Facebook application!!

Now i tried thousands of codes, to get my visitors to see a "authentication sign" where i can get access to their walls. but i can't get that to be visible!! everytime i try taking my application from iframe to FBML it says: "The application you are trying to access does not exist or has been disabled." Can you even get them to authentic...

Facebook Like - Can we transfer them to other URL's?

For example suppose I had 1000 Likes on this URL: example.com/coolpage.php But I wanted to rename the URL to: example.com/domscoolpage.php Can I transfer the Likes from the 1st to the 2nd in the same way you can transfer PageRank via 301s? Cheers smile ...

Facebook iPhone SDK Authorization question

I want users to be able to log on to my iPhone app, with their facebook credentials, WITHOUT displaying Facebook's login screen. How do I do this? ...

Facebook and twitter integration with my android application

I saw some topics here regarding facebook and twitter integration with Android Application. I need help regarding, is twitter integration with Android App possible in real?? [I need to tweet on user's wall and all] If i wanted to integrate Facebook with my App then whether i go as per explained in following link(and if this is the reco...

How would I go about creating a Facebook Fan Page tab that contains a Poll?

I'm not sure why but creating any kind of integration beyond the use of social widgets and buttons on external sites always confuses me. What I need to do is create a tab on a particular Fan Page. This tab needs to: Contain an interface for casting a vote in a Poll. Handle multiple Polls. Only one will be featured in the tab at a tim...

How to post on a friend wall on behalf of a user and use multi-friend selector etc. on facebook

I am developing a website ( not a facebook application) that uses facebook friend connect for people to login to my site using their facebook account. In my website I want the currently logged in user ( via facebook friend connect) be able to send a gift message/image to his selected friends. After user has selected a friend to whom he w...

Using Flash FLVPlayback component with skin on Facebook (FBML)

I'm trying to insert a player on a Facebook Page tab with FBML with fb:swf. I have the following: <fb:swf imgsrc="http://IP/player/player.gif" swfsrc="http://IP/player/player.swf" flashvars="source=http://IP/player/movie.flv" swfbgcolor="000000" wmode="opaque" quality="best" width="520" height="430" /> I can see the...

facebook fql returning album id's with an underscore

i have this fql statement $fql_query = array( 'method' => 'fql.query', 'query' => 'SELECT aid, owner, name from album WHERE owner = ' . $uid ); $albums = $facebook->api($fql_query); the print_r dump of the return contains aid= matching the id of the owner rather than the id of the actual album. but the aid is return not only with...

iphone - facebook login and post problem.

I'm integrating facebook in my iphone app. I placed a button "Post" and when clicked, its showing "Facebook Login" view. I'm entering the credentials. Then did login delegate, i'm posting the message. Now,its showing the message view with two buttons at the bottom "Skip" and "Publish". "Publish" is working fine. When "Skip" is clicked, i...

how to make facebook recognize my webpage images

i developed a website ut when i share any page in facebook facebook should recognize my page and select images to select a thumbnail but this do not happen in my website as if facebook can not recognize my page or cannot read it and select images from it what should i do to let facebook recognize my page and load all images in the ...

getting facebook most shared stuff

I was looking at websites like http://itstrending.com/, facediggs.com/ and I'm questioning myself how do they extract the most shared topics from facebook? I would like to build a similar widget for my blog. I searched the API but couldn't find anything. ...

Facebook API - a simple integration question - WALL + Like Box

Hello, I would like to display my wall (of my facebook) on my website. But, I would also like to add a like box next to it. It seems however, they I cannot have both, because: It seems that, once the user logs in (after pressing the LIKE button), my website looses the login and my wall can't display the information anymore. As anyon...

Posting short messages to twitter and long messages to gmail using ACTION_SEND

Using ACTION_SEND it's possible to post messages to various sharing services such as gmail, facebook, twitter, etc. Most services have reasonably long message lengths, but twitter in particular is very short (140 characters). Not knowing in advance which service a user is going to select once the Intent.createChooser() dialog appears, ...