
jQuery Facebox: Sends empty input field value.

I have facebox plugin to my jQuery, to make lightbox for me. I made a link that you click on and then a friend request form comes up in it. The form makes an ajaxcall when click on "Send request", but the 2 fields dont send anything of what you have written in it, it just sends empty value. But if its not inside the facebox lightbox th...

How to open a jQuery Facebox after validation?

Hello, I want to open a facebox modal after some javascript validation. I am using this code: <script type="text/javascript" src="facebox.js"></script> Script: function validatePage() { if(document.getElementById('username').value == '') { alert('Please enter Username'); return false; } //My Code should go h...

jQuery's .val() not working in Facebox

I'm using Facebox (http://defunkt.github.com/facebox/) on one of my websites. Also i'm using jQuery extensively on the site. My problem is that the .val() function doesn't seem to work inside facebox. Now, this is the DIV that shows up as facebox : <div id="edit-tags" style="display: none;"> <script type="text/javascript"> $('....

Convert HTML website with Facebox to .NET for form handling

My website was designed without any backend in mind. Facebox was the chosen plugin for the screen pops for features like logging in, registering, searching, etc. What is the easiest way to convert this to .NET? I don't care if it's web forms or MVC (I suppose I would prefer MVC). Most of the Facebox div's are in separate .html files. For...

Facebox 1.2 Hide event ?

Hi guys, I am using facebox in one of my projects. Is there a event to get the close/hide event of the box? onHide is not available ? ...

$.post form with facebox and redirect

Using Facebox with .NET (Web Forms) is painful--this primarily HTML site was designed by someone else. I may have IIS (7.5) issues as well. This Facebox pop-up is in a separate file, login.html, that is called from index.html: $k('a[rel*=example_2]').facebox_1({ loading_image : '/images/loading.gif', close_image : '/images/closela...

jQuery.validate may have broken Facebox pop-up

My Facebox pop-up contains a form with a submit button. I also have a second button to open an unrelated Facebox pop-up that was working before I added jQuery.validate to the project. I need to validate the email and password fields prior to being submitted. I should add that these pop-ups are loaded via external .html files. This loade...

jqPlot in facebox popup

I'm simply trying to show a jqPlot in a facebox modal popup window. The plot shows fine in the div on the page, but if I try to set display:none; and show the div in a facebox popup, I get nothing. I'm sure it's to do with the canvas renderer and the events sequence, but I can't get it to work. Has anyone else tried this? ...

Rails/facebox_render - Ajax is not defined (facebox's always loading...)

Hi, I tried to make a simple test with facebox_render and rails 3. Here are my steps: 1.) Installed Jquery 1.4.2 (Jrails) 2.) Installed the plugin rails plugin install git://github.com/ihower/facebox_render.git 3.) and added the following lines: in my application.html.erb <head> <title><%= yield(:title) || "Untitled" %></title>...

ASP.NET submit button RequiredFieldValidator not firing with Facebox

I was trying to create a popup logon form for a site I'm working on so I decided to give facebox a try. The logon pops up ok, but the submit button and required validators are not firing. This is within the master page and is contained with a Progress Panel. In the page header, I have: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document)....