
jquery plugins: localisation and facebox conflict

hello, I'm having a problem trying to get working those 2 plugins together: Localisation (for translating the javascript) and facebox (everyone knows that one right?) I can make them work separately without any problem, but when the localisation plugin is loaded and I clic on a link that launches a facebox modal, the ajax request start...

A link to redirect within a facebox (does not break out)

How can make a link within a facebox window that redirects it to another page without breaking out? I tried using an iframe which worked nicely... except the initial content I want to display in the facebox is a simple message and a link. I then want the link to redirect to a page if clicked. As iframes require a src there is no where ...

Questions on a snippit of jQuery

Ok, so I am using the facebox plugin. One of the examples given is to trigger the popup, trigger a spinner, do an ajax call, when the call returns replace the spinner with the results. Code is here jQuery.facebox(function($) { $.get('blah.html', function(data) { $.facebox(data) }) }) A few questions. I thought that the jQuery and...

how to remain facebox open after a form submition

I have a form that is shown inside a facebox but I want to validate the sutmibted data and if there is a error show it on the ame facebox. any idea hon how to do this ? regards ...

Jquery inside Facebox

I have facebox setup and it works. when I load an external page with a tab based navigation (JQuery too) the modal works but the nav doesnt. If it isnt clear I actually want the tabs to be inside the lightbox. And I also have php/mysql running inside the lightbox if that can change anything. Thanks for any help. Edit=> Sorry about...

Facebox with other jquery in it

So I have facebox setup and it works. when I load an external page with a tab based navigation (JQuery too) the modal works but the nav doesnt. If it isnt clear I actually want the tabs to be inside the lightbox. And I also have php/mysql running inside the lightbox if that can change anything. Thanks for any help. This is the original ...

Show a Facebox from a button click event

The examples I have seen all show a Facebox by clicking on an anchor. Is it possible to use a button instead? I am modifying an asp.net page that dynamically generates asp:button controls, and would like to not have to replace them with anchors. Thanks. ...

tinymce text area in facebox modal window not allowing me to type

i am using facebox (a jquery modal plug-in) and tinymce for my textboxes. however when i open any modal windows, i cannot type anything within the tinymce input box. any help? <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init(...

Facebox window closes after submit

Hi all I have a question regarding Facebox. When I click a certain link on my page, the Facebox modal window opens just fine. But inside this modal window I'd like to have a form that users can submit. When the users click the submit-button, the whole page refreshes, and my Facebox-window is closed. This makes sense to me, but I'd like ...

How to create a BBC style (facebox?) help popup

Hi guys, I have tried to take apart the code, but can't seem to replicate it. On the BBC weather homepage, http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/, you will see a little help quetionmark in a circle in the top right corner or some of the boxes. When you click on it, it brings up a nice help popup, that looks a little like facebox. The main thi...

How to make facebox popup remain open and the content inside the facebox changes after the submit

Hi, I'm a jQuery total n00b. In my rails app this what happen: I'm on the homepage, I click this link: <a href='/betas/new' rel='facebox'>Sign up</a> A beautiful facebox popup shows up and render this views and the containing form: # /app/views/invites/new <% form_tag({ :controller => 'registration_code', :action => 'create' }, :id...

How to style content in jQuery Facebox

I'm using jQuery Facebox plugin to create some modal windows. One situation is to display errors that might occur. If JS is disabled, I do this by displaying any errors in a normal div that is styled by CSS using a class selector. If the user does have JS enabled however, that div is hidden and the info is displayed in a facebox. The pro...

add a jquery datepicker into a jquery facebox overlay form... how?

facebox form works well... but if I add datepicker nothing appear... for example facebox open a page called form.php ...in this page if I click on a input field, datepicker doesn't appear. if i open form.php directly into the browser (without passing for the page with the link for facebox), datepicker WORKS!!! what's the problem? ...

calling facebox in a google maps balloon

Hi Guys, I have a gmap balloon. var marker = createMarker(point, '<div style="width:240px" id="mapsball"><h2>Splash of London</h2><img src="_assets/images/themes/shop.jpg" id="mapThumb" width="100" align="right" /><p>110-112 Hoxton Street</p><p>London</p><p>N1 6SH</p></div>'); map.addOverlay(marker, icon); and a facebox attached...

facebox and SAFARI... error messages open in a full page insteat of a div target... how to fix?

my index.html page open a overlay facebox page with a contact.php page form.... it contain this code for display error messages in a div. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#submitform').ajaxForm({ target: '#error', success: function() { $('#error').fadeIn('slow'); } }); }); </script> ...

how use ajax- dynamic- list inside the div tag

Hi, how use ajax- dynamic- list inside the div tag.The div tag displayed in the facebox.Thanks inadvance ...

Make multiple lightboxes (facebox) execute one after each other.

I have a php application that sometimes creates two lightboxes on the same page - the result is the last one to be called is the only one shown. How might I ensure that they show one after anohter? I call a facebox at the bottom of the page like so: jQuery.facebox('blah'); Currently multiple facebox's are called like so: jQuery.face...

Open facebox from c# codebehind

Hi there, I am creating a basic contact us form that contains a few fields and a button. I am using the jquery facebox plugin which I want to open after the buttons click event is fired displaying a value from one of the textboxes within the div tag. e.g. <div id="info" style="display:none;"><h1>Thanks for your enquiry</h1><p>Thanks [N...

Add Facebox To FullCalendar Events

I have been trying to make the FullCalendar events use Facebox to pop up with information when they are clicked. I have no problem putting the events on the calendar or getting the information that needs to be displayed it is just getting the pop up box to work. I have tried adding rel="facebox" to both the "span" and the "a" that wraps...

Loading an FLV in Facebox with jQuery for IE7 and IE8

It goes almost without saying, this works perfectly in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. IE (any version) being the problem. Objective: I am trying to load JWplayer which loads an FLV from S3 in a Facebox popup. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('a[rel*=facebox]').facebox() }) HTML (haml): %li#videoGirl = link_to 'What is HQcha...