
When using jQuery and Fade is there a way to prevent the surrounding content from "jumping" downwards?

I'd really love the surrounding content to "scroll" up/down in like when using Scroll - but would also love the appropriate div to "fade" in. ...

jQuery randomly fadeIn images

I have a container with a lot of small images. <div id="container"> <img src="1.jpg" /> <img src="2.jpg" /> <img src="3.jpg" /> ... <img src="100.jpg" /> </div> I set opacity to 0. (not hidding) Then I want to show(fadeIn) random image after half second. for example 5th, 1st, 55th ... Any suggestions, thanx a lot ...

Fade out div over the whole site to (simulate) do a preloader with (Mootools) Jquery.

I made a page, 3 cols, tableless and css formated (as it should be). Sometimes the browser doesn't put anything in its place. So I made a fake preloader in a DIV id="preloader" and a content wrapper in another DIV id="container". First I made the whole wrapper nonexistant (not there, in opposite to visibility, that just "hides"). CSS ...

jQuery REplace Fade Effect with slide up /Slide Down

Can anyone help me to rewrite the below code which use a fade effect , to use a sliding effect.I want Slide up and Slide Down function ShowCostMetrics() { $("#pnlGraph").fadeOut("slow",function() { $("#pnlCostMetrics").fadeIn("slow"); }); } function ShowGraph() { $("#pnlCostMetrics").fadeOut("slow",function() { ...

fade in of added component with Actionscript

Hi when I add a new component using Actionscript I want it to fade in smoothly, for example this component var df : DateField = new DateField(); df.text = DateField.dateToString(new Date(),stringFormat); df.formatString = stringFormat; I tried this var fade : Fade = new Fade(); df.setStyle("showEffect", fade);...

How to fade to display: inline-block

In my page I have a bunch (about 30) dom nodes that should be added invisible, and fade in when they are fully loaded. The elements need a display: inline-block style. I would like to use the jquery .fadeIn() function. This requires that the element initially has a display: none; rule to initially hide it. After the fadeIn() the element...

Windows Forms Textbox - fade-in/fade-out background color

I want to validate the user's input and I want to inform him/her about validation error with changing background color of a standard Windows Forms TextBox control. But instead of changing color immediately I would like to use a color fading effect, like here (click on input to see fade in effect, click again to fade out). Is there any ...

jQuery fade stop error: jQuery(".box").stop().fadeIn();

This code is not working, what im doing wrong? Tnks. var x; x=jQuery(document); x.ready(inicializarEventos); function inicializarEventos() { var x; x=jQuery(".Caja2"); x.hover(entraMouse,saleMouse); } function entraMouse() { jQuery(".Caja2").stop().fadeOut(); } function s...

Fading a UIView on top of a UITableView with Sections

Greetings! I've added a UIActivityIndicatorView as a subview of a UITableView. The intent is to fade this view out once the underlying table has been refreshed with new data. The problem is that the sections in the table view (e.g., A, B, C, etc.) appear to be added after the Activity Indicator appears, partially blocking the activity ...

jquery cycle breaks fade functions for everything else in IE8/IE7

JQUERY 1.3.2 CYCLE PLUGIN (http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/) IE8 IE7 (aka compatible view in IE8) I have a website with 2 tabs. The first tab contains a slideshow that uses cycle, the second tab contains text. When you click a tab, the current content div fades out and the correct content div fades in. This is the expected behavior and ...

Why does JQuery not fade a flash object properly?

I am trying to fade out a Flash embed object and fade in regular Html. For some reason the callback of the fadeout method gets fired multiple times, before the fade out has finished. The result is that the Html gets appended multiple times in the callback function and it blinks an extra time. This doesn't happen when I try fading regu...

JQuery help - animate background color

Hi Using JQuery, what I want to do is create a function that when I call the function, it will fade the background color of my "#page" DIV from the CSS defined background color to yellow then back to the original CSS background color for #page. Any ideas on how I can do this with JQuery? I know JQuery has both an "animate" and "highli...

Image Replacement (gallery style) with Fade-In's / Fade-Out's

Hey Everyone, I'm sure you've all seen this demo of image replacement using this : $("#largeImg").attr({ src: largePath, alt: largeAlt }); http://www.webdesignerwall.com/demo/jquery/img-replacement.html So, imagine that I want to change 4 images on the screen to simulate that I am changing the entire 'page' , but avoiding using AJAX...

Is there a jquery plugin to show/hide divs based on their class(category) on click

I am working with a grid of small divs which have one of four classes and I would like to be able to fade classes in and out using an onclick event. For example if there are 10 divs and three are categorized as "class1"; upon clicking a link in a menu all BUT the class1 divs fade to completely hidden or barely visible. Similarly the othe...

jquery: fade in image after image

I have a page with 10 images in and I want to fade them in one after another once the image has been downloaded. how can I detect the image is loaded and ready to be displayed? and should I loop through the loaded images fadeIn and once fadedIn wait for the next to load? ...

JQuery fade with loop and delay

Hello, I have 2 Divs stacked on top of each other. I need a really simple function that will: a) Wait for 3 seconds and then b) FadeOut the top Div to reveal the second Div c) Wait 3 seconds again and then d) FadeIn the top Div again e) Loop back again Can anyone offer any advice? Many thanks ...

jQuery clone question

I have a problem. I use this code: $( '#wall_msg').clone( true ).insertAfter( '#wall_msg' ); What can I do to set the ID for the clone and I need to fade the new item in with $.getJSON in jQuery. I hope for help. :) ...

jQuery Tab Fade Animation

I have implemented jQuery tabs and am using the opacity technique to fade one tab out and then fade another in. I would like to have the second image fade over the first and then hide the first image. That way the background behind the tabs will not be shown. Please advise. Current jQuery code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(fun...

fade in and out between songs

What is your opinion when blending audio tracks on which fade method to use? or is it better to use volume envelopes in order to achieve better result in human earing and sound level (0db)- (not clipping)? ...

How to replace slide effect to fade out/fade in effect on this slideshow?

Hi guys! I need replace slide effect to fade-out/fade-in effect on the prev and next slide functions: function animate(dir,clicked){ u = true; switch(dir){ case 'next': t = t+1; m = (-(t*w-w)); current(t); if(o.autoHeight){autoHeight(t);} if(s<3){ ...