
jQuery .fadeIn turns content invisible in IE

Hi, I'm having some difficulty getting IE to behave. I have created a web page containing various hidden divs. These act as sub pages, when a nav item is clicked they fade in/out in a very basic lightbox manner. It works in Firefox & Safari but in IE (8) it fades in to about 60% then vanishes completely, also knocking out the backgroun...

fadeIn not working with .append()

I put together a fading menu of sorts if you want to call it that. The problem that I am having is everything fades fine except the image I am appending to the end of the links. It fades out great, but I cannot get fadeIn to work at all. Preview: http://cu3ed.com/jqfade/ $(document).ready(function() { $(".fade").hover( function ()...

jQuery fadeIn() not fading in.

This one has be stumped. I'm adding some HTML to a element and then want to fade it in. However, when implemented, it doesn't fade in. It just 'snaps' in immediately. The syntax/order looks right. Anyone see anything wrong with my logic: $('span.mySpan') // fade out the empty span so it's hidden .fadeOut('fast',function(){ ...

jquery fade element does not show elements styled 'visibility: hidden'

I have a bunch of thumbnails which I am loading with a style of visibility: hidden; so that they all maintain their correct layouts. Once the page is fully loaded I have a jquery function that fades them in. This worked when their style was set to display: none; but obviously the layout screwed up then. Any suggestions? Heres the fade l...

JQuery FadeIn/FadeOut on mouse scroll

Hello, I was wondering if jQuery can handle following action: I would like to display url links when readers starts to scroll down Blogspot blog page. These links will stay 100% visible all the time until readers scroll the page to the top position (0% visible). I have found one jQuary, it is here. But this one works like scroll to ...

jQuery fadeIn/fadeOut loop problem

Hi. I'm trying to do a sequential animation with a loop....but i can't accomplish it in a smooth way (some "lag" problems). jQuery var i = 0; var b = 0; var fades = function(){$(".caja").stop(0).each(function(){ $(this).delay(i * 500).fadeIn('slow', function(){ $(this).delay(5000).fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(".cajar").delay...

Blinking an item. (Jquery FadeIn FadeOut ?)

I have two divs that I want to make blink at the same time until the user hovers the mouse on one of them. var shouldiblink = '1'; function mrBlinko(divid){ while (shouldiblink =='1') { $("#"+divid).fadeIn(100).fadeOut(300); } $(document).ready(function(){ mrBlinko("mydiv1"); mrBlinko("mydiv2"); } The I'll have an hover event th...

jQuery fadeIn fails with jqQuery form-plugin

I have a message that I want to fadeIn when a form is successfully send. I'm using the jQuery form plugin and the code: $(document).ready(function() { var options = { target: '#output', beforeSubmit: validate, resetForm: true }; $('#holdform').ajaxForm(options); }); The validate function works perfectly so i added this code before it...

JQUERY fadeIn - Why is it flashing the entire UL, and not the LI that is being appened?

Given the following: $("#taglist").append('<li><a href="">' + v + '</a></li>').hide().fadeIn(); Why does it fadeIn the entire taglist LI list, and not juse the new item that was appended which is what I want to happen? Thanks ...

Jquery: Fade multiple elements one after the other

Hello, is there any possible solution, to fadeIn(500) multiple list elements one after the other? <ul id="list"> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> Kind Regards, Werner ...

Stop jQuery animation prematurely

Hi, I'm trying to fadeIn and fadeOut a transparent png using JQuery. Of course, it looks slick in Firefox, but significantly less than acceptable in IE (7 and 8). It's a known bug with IE, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much of a workaround. Basically what I'm doing is place a semi-transparent white rectangle over an imag...

Why do jQuery fadeIn() and fadeOut() seem quirky in this example?

I've been playing with jQuery in an ASP.NET project and am finding some odd behavior with the .fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions. In the below example, a click on the button (ID Button1) is supposed to cause both the span of text with ID Label1 and the the button with the ID TextBox1 to do the following things: Fade Out Change the text...

How to do a fadein of an image on an Android Activity screen?

I'd like to display a photo on an Android Activity screen with doing gradual and continual fade-in from pale monotone sepia to the final full color. I know how to do it on a Java Image/BufferedImage for the Graphic object but unfortunately I know nothing for the Android programming environment. Could anyone help? ...

Fading between images

How can i fade rotate between two images using jQuery? Say for example. <img src="image01.jpg" /> <img src="image02.jpg" /> I like the images to fade in/out between for say 2seconds each. Thanks! Much appreciated. :) ...

jquery fade effect on 5 images on click

is there any jquery or any script, that when u click on one link, few images on a page change? ...

jQuery selective hover

Hello everyone, I'm trying to do a simple task with jQuery: I have a list of words which, when hovered, should fadeIn its corresponding image. For example: <a href="#" class="yellow">Yellow</a> <a href="#" class="blue">Blue</a> <a href="#" class="green">Green</a> <img src="yellow.jpg" class="yellow"> <img src="blue.jpg" class="blue"> ...

jQuery fade in background colour

Hi, I'm trying to fade in the background colour of a table row, and can't get it right. The fade-in will happen when a button is clicked. I tried something like: $("#row_2").fadeIn('slow').css('background', 'gold') And although this will apply the colour to the table row, it won't fade in, but apply it at once. I'm sure this is a s...

Having trouble with fadeIn and fadeOut in IE8 with jQuery

Guys, Here is my site: http://www.dreamweddinggroup.com/redesign and I'm having a hell of a tough time figuring out why in gods name my fadeIn, fadeOut and corner() functions won't work in IE8. They were working for a time, but now they have broken and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Can anybody see anything that would caus...

How would i go about showing the closest paragraph element to a unique link with jQuery?

The title is a bit rusty, sorry about that. Now let me explain what i'm trying to do. I have a few listed items, like this: <li> <a id="toggle" class="0"><h4>ämne<small>2010-04-17 kl 12:54</small></h4></a> <p id="meddel" class="0">text</p> </li> <li class='odd'> <a id="toggle" class="1"><h4>test<small>2010-04-17 kl 15:01<...

JQuery delay()-function breaks loop?

I'm trying to fade an element in and out, but with a slight pause in between, it works without the pause, but when I add the pause using the jQuery delay()-function, it just stops after the first fadeOut(); Here's the code: $('#headerimage2').each(function(){ for(i=1;i<50;i++){ $(this).fadeOut(1200).delay(1000).fadeIn(1000).delay(1...