
fading text using div tag

fading text using div tag any help....??? ...

jQuery fadeIn() not working in IE

$(document).ready(function() { //Default Action $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content $("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(".tab_content:first").show(); //Show first tab content //On Click Event $("ul.tabs li").click(function() { $("ul.tabs li").removeClass("active"); //Remove any "acti...

Fadeout and Fadein into the same space

I want to fade out #lg-image and fade in #column-left and #column-right into the same space as #lg-image was. Is this possible? Thank you ...

jquery fade an element in when a link is clicked and then swap the element when another link is clicked

I have worked out how to fade an element in: Click here to view the page If you click on the heading Posture 1 : Standing Deep Breathing : you will notice the element fades in as it should. If you now click on posture 2 you will see the element fades in below posture 1. I need to be able to swap posture 1 with posture 2. I have a total...

Jquery fade and swap an element when clicked which will also relate to an accordian menu

You will notice when you click posture 1 the description drops down and images appear on the right. Now when you click posture 2 or posture 3 the images and description change as they should. view website What I need to do now is - If posture 1 has been clicked and then posture 2 is clicked the posture 1 menu needs to close so that th...

jQuery fadeIn fadeOut pause on hover

I have a little jQuery snippet that will fadeIn and fadeOut a group of divs over a select interval. I now need to pause this fadeIn fadeOut on hover, then resume on mouse out. Any help is appreciated. Here is the relevant code. The following is what is located in my body <div class="gcRotate"> <div class="gcRotateContent"> ...

jQuery fadeIn fadeOut - IE8 does not fade

Can anyone tell me why a .jpg would not fade in or fade out in IE8. Right now it is just disapearing and reappearing with no opacity changes. I have this set up locally and on a publishing server, strange thing is the images fade in and out just fine locally, it's only when I go to the publishing server that they cease to fade. Just w...

trying to fade out a top div on hover to reveal working links in text below using JQuery

I need to fade a div (and image) to reveal a div underneath (text with clickable links) using jQuery. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("img.a").hover( function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "0"}, "slow"); }, function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "1"}, "slow"); }); }); </script> Used the above code and all w...

How to show div when user reach bottom of the page?

When user scrolls to the bottom of the page I want to show some div, with jQuery of course. And if user scrolls back to he top, div fade out. So how to calculate viewport (or whatever is the right name) :) Thanks ...

JQuery fadeIn() moving other CSS elements on fadeIn()

Hi, I've just been learning some jQUery to get a basic image gallery going on a website I'm creating for a hotel but it's currently not going to plan. I've got it so the arrows will cycle through images (no animation yet) but I decided that the arrows should fade in when the image is hovered over and fade out when not but this is messin...

Trying to get simple jquery animations on a site I created in Dreamweaver

Hey guys, another question. I'm trying to do some basic jQuery stuff for my final project. I'll be using it to modify my already existing site created in Dreamweaver a few months ago. However, no matter how I source the framework, it just won't take regardless of whether I host my own copy or link to someone else's like Google's. I'm...

jQuery li with image fade in background (fade in class)

I'm currently using this code: var gallery = $('ul#gallery').children(); $(gallery).filter(':even').not(':last').hover(function () {$(this).toggleClass('next')}); I'm trying to make it fade this new class in. Currently, there's an <li> with an image in it, no background. When the 'next' class is added, it gives it a background image ...

jQuery fadeIn is not working in Internet Explorer

I have the following HTML DIV which does not work using FadeIn in IE: $(".tip").fadeIn("slow"); /* Is not working in IE. */ $(".tip").show(); /* Works well in IE, that's weird. */ <div class="tip" style="width: 220px; display: none;"> <div class="tip-header"> <span><b>Title</b></span> <div...

How do i create a nice looking image fadein onload with mootools?

Hi everyone! I´m creating a website for a photographer who would like a fine fadein on his images. I have excluded flash as a solution and would like to use those fine-looking effects of mootools fx. But the problem is that I'm really lousy when it comes to javascript. So if anyone could give me an easy solution for fading in one single...

fadein child when calling addChild

Everywhere I've looked has instructed me to download plugins and addons because they're "superior." I'm just looking for a simple fade in/fade out when a child is added/deleted (if fadein is all I can get, I'll take it.) Here is a function I'm calling... var trashbagFrame:MovieClip = new menu_trashbag_mc_frame(); trashbagFrame.x = 900;...

Stacking multiple slideshows using Jquery

Hi, JQuery newbie here! I'm having difficulty stacking more than one slideshow with each it's own individual controls. The one slideshow works just fine. However, when I add another slideshow I lose the controls and title for that one. link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1466448/numbered/stack.html I read on other related posts about using a...

UIImage Fade in after load on my UITable

I have an UIImage that loads from the web, and I'd like it to fade in when it displays in my UITableCell. if([thumb image]) { UIImage *imagen = [thumb.image retain]; [imagen drawInRect:CGRectMake(15, 4, 44, 44)]; [imagen release]; } How could I achieve it? ...

Chrome fadeIn scroll bar issue

Bikram Website If you view this page in the latest version of chrome you will notice when you click on an instructors name the scroll bar is black when fading in. It is not a webkit issue as safari is fine. Anybody know why chrome does it? ...

Creating a Google-style background image fader?

Hey guys. If you haven't already seen, Google has the ability to add a custom background image (for better or worse) and I was wondering how to achieve the same fade-in-on-load effect using jQuery. Any ideas? ...

how to fadein LI elements randomly? (jquery)

Hi I've got a set of <li> with a hover effect, what I want is when the page loads ALL the <li> elements fade-in randomly. I don't want to shuffle them...they should keep their ordering intact meaning 1,2,3,4,5. I just want to make them appear on the page randomly and stay there. Test page: http://humayunrehman.com/hovertest/ ...