
jQuery fadeTo effect applied to <tr>

I want to add the fadeTo effect to a tr tag using jQuery. This should be possible, right? Here's my code: if ($) { $(document).ready(function() { $("tr[id$='_trPendingRequest_Manager']").fadeTo("slow", 0.33); }); } For whatever reason, the effect is not happening. I decided to do a bit more testing and added a paragr...

jQuery fadeTo IE6 and IE7 flicker bug problem not working

In IE6 and IE7 my fadeTo is just flickering... I'm fading a background image on a div, and I'm fading an img that rests inside that div. The idea is to make it look like its fading from one color to the other. I would love to post my code here but this site's code preview tool is broken to all hell every time I paste it in there the fo...

jQuery fade not working in IE

http://bit.ly/Veyy5 If you view the above URL in FireFox and try to change any of the search parameters you'll see that the search results portion of the page fades to a low opacity and then fades back in once the results are received. In IE this doesn't fade at all. Any ideas? Thanks, Shawn ...

jQuery FadeTo causing pixelated text in IE8 when font-weight: bold

I am fading out, and in a div: $('.formErrors').fadeTo('fast', 0); $('.formErrors').fadeTo('slow', 1); But when I do this in IE 8, it seems this bit of CSS: .formErrors li { font-weight: bold; } Is causing the text to come back quite distorted: (image below) http://www.newmania.com/images/error.jpg The HTML I am applying this to...

jQuery hover and fadeTo effect is slow in IE 8

I've been developing my website in both Firefox and IE 8. There's an image hover effect on the main page (as well as in the photography and drawing sections). You can see the code in the source at http://www.dgendill.com. In Firefox, the effect works perfect. In IE 8, it works, but it's much, much slower. Here's what I've tried to i...

From scrollT to fadeTo

My task is to gracefully change the scrollTo function to use fadeTo from inside serialscroll.js taken from eleganttheme's ePhoto Wordpress theme. I simply tried changing the single scrollTo to fadeTo inside of serialScroll.js only for the scrolling featured section on the homepage to disappear entirely. I have found: docs.jquery.com/Ef...

Thumbnails fadein fadeout specific div fade issues

I am using this code to hide and show a div based on which thumbnail you rollover; $(document).ready(function(){ $('div.infodiv').hide(); $(".website_thumbs a").hover( function(){ var name = $(this).attr("name"); $(".infodiv").stop(); $("."+name).fadeIn(); }, function(){ var name = $(...

jQuery: How do I fade-out a list of less frequently used divs, and fade-in on mouseover?

Say you have a bunch of elements on a webpage you don't use much, how can jQuery fade them a little, but only when there is no mouseover? It must fade back on mouseover! ...

jQuery hover fadeTo with three div's

I'm using this div fadeTo code from here, which fades one of two divs, depending on hover. What I'd like to do it add a third option - and a third div called #maindiv - in this way: "If hovering over #maindiv, don't fade either #sidebar or #primarycontainter, but if hovering over #sidebar or #primarycontainter, then fade either of those...

Child elements in div won't fadeTo() in IE

This is strange to me. This code: $(".layover").fadeTo("fast", 0.0); $(".layover").hover(function() { $(this).fadeTo("fast", 0.9); }, function() { $(this).fadeTo("fast", 0.0); }); ..works just fine on all browsers except IE7 and IE8. It even works (slowly) in IE6 (screams!) In IE7 and IE8 this code will NOT fade out child elements nam...

jQuery: Can you find the selected element's opacity with jQuery?

I have a filter running on a set of list elements which fades the lesser desirable elements down to 0.25 opacity but I'd love to have their opacity return to 1 and then back down to 0.25 on hover over and out. Is this fairly simple to do? I'm only having trouble finding a way to grab the selected element's current opacity so I can store...

Fadeout a tiled background image in load using JQuery

Hi, I've used JQuery in the past to fade divs in and out successfully. However, I have encountered a situation I can't quite wrap my head around: I am coding a site for a designer who has based the formatting of all the elements on a grid pattern he's created. As he wants the pattern elements to be the same size independent of the brow...

How to fadeTo() everything except one div???

I am creating a tutorial and want to fade every div on the page apart from the div I want them to see. How can I do this using fadeTo? I currently have it set to fade the whole body. How can I set it to fade the body apart from div id "step2"? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $("body").fadeTo("slow", 0.5, function() { /...