
Space between two rows in a table?

Is this possible via CSS? I'm trying tr.classname {border-spacing:5em} to no avail. Maybe I'm doing something wrong ? ...

jQuery .toggle() not working with TRs in IE

I am using jQuery's toggle() to show/hide table rows. It works fine in FireFox but does not work in IE 8. show()/hide() work fine though. slideToggle() does not work in IE either - it shows for a split second then disappears again. Works fine in FireFox. My HTML looks similar to this <a id="readOnlyRowsToggle">Click</a> <table> <...

What XPath selects odd TRs from a table, starting with the third?

I have a table: <table> <tr><td>1</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td></tr> <tr><td>8</td></tr> <tr><td>9</td></tr> </table> I need an XPath to select odd rows, starting on the third row (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). ...

SED: How can I replace a newline (\n)?

I unsuccesfully tried: sed 's#/\n# #g' file sed 's#^$# #g' file How to fix it? ...

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

Meaning making the resultant table look less like this: [===ROW===] [===ROW===] [===ROW===] [===ROW===] ... and more like this: [===ROW===] [===ROW===] [===ROW===] [===ROW===] I tried adding margin-bottom:1em; to both td and tr but got nothing. Any ideas? ...

jQuery fadeTo effect applied to <tr>

I want to add the fadeTo effect to a tr tag using jQuery. This should be possible, right? Here's my code: if ($) { $(document).ready(function() { $("tr[id$='_trPendingRequest_Manager']").fadeTo("slow", 0.33); }); } For whatever reason, the effect is not happening. I decided to do a bit more testing and added a paragr...

How to specify the bottom border of a <tr> ?

I tried : .bb ( border-bottom:1px; ) <tr class="bb"> But no effect at all. ...

jquery adding to the last tr of the first table

Hello, I have a table structure like the one shown below: <table id="result"> <tr> <td id="groupx"> <table> <tr> <td>Data</td> </tr> </td> </tr> </table> I want to add a TD to the last tr of table result. Trying x.appendTo($("#result tr:last")); isn't working since it's adding to the last tr of a table id "group" Any suge...

What is the order to style a div inside of tables?

#div that holds table, table tr td.class of td now what goes here to style a div class I put inside of the td class? ...

BASH: Find highest numbered filename in a directory where names start with digits (ls, sed)

I have a directory with files that look like this: 001_something.php 002_something_else.php 004_xyz.php 005_do_good_to_others.php I ultimately want to create a new, empty PHP file whose name starts with the next number in the series. LIST=`exec ls $MY_DIR | sed 's/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g' | tr '\n' ' '` The preceding code gives ...

What's going on with tr(anslate) here?

in applescript if i do: do shell script "echo \"G:\\CRE\\MV Studios\\Exhibition Projects\"|tr \"\\\\\" \"/\"" I'd expect all my backslashes to come back forward slashes. To make it slightly easier to understand he tr command would look like this without all the escapes tr "\\" "/" #there's still an escaped \ for the shell But what ...

How to set 50% height for table cells for WebKit (Chrome, Safari)

Look at this code: <html> <body> <table border="1px"> <tr> <th align="center" width="70px">Name</th> <th align="center" width="70px">State</th> <th align="center" width="70px">Enabled</th> <th colspan="2">Date &amp; Time</th> <th>Message</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <spa...

How to know index of a <tr> inside a <table> with jQuery?

I'm now implementing something like this post, the effect takes place when the row is clicked, the problem is now:how do I know what the index of the row is inside the table? ...

Qt tr for internationalisation does not work in main function?

Qt's translation function tr does not work in the main function but works fine in a QWidget member function. Why is that? int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QDialog dialog; QString temp = tr("dadasda");//error:tr was not declared in this scope; return a.exec(); } ...

accessing the next tr from an input in the row above using jquery

Dear jquery experts, Is there any way to access a tr from an input of a tr above without adding row specific id's or classes? <table> <tr><td>just another row</td> <tr><td><input name="inputToSerachFrom" type="text" /></td><tr> <tr><td>I want to acces this row without adding id's or classes</td><tr> <tr><td>just another row</td> </tabl...

using jquery to add tr

I added a jquery function to add a <tr> dynamically at the end of my table. It worked fine until I added table headers to my table. After I did this, the function started adding 2 trs at a time to the table. What happened? HTML: <table id="table" border="0"> <th>Col 1</th><th>Col2</th><th>col3</th> <tbody> <tr> <td> <select...

Redirect sed output to tr

How do I redirect the output of a sed command as input to a tr command? ...

HTML align table rows on top

Hello, I have an HTML table. It looks as follows: <table> <tr> <td>Content one</td> <td rowspan="2"> Very long content right</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Content two</td> </tr> </table> As you see, I have some very long content on the right side of the table, actually, it is so long that it does not fit...

How can I change 0123 into ACTG with tr or Perl?

I have a file with such list: 100 101 102 103 What I want to do is to replace every 0 into A, 1 into C, 2 into G, 3 into T. Hence we hope to get CAA CAC CAG CAT ...

Jquery add table row after the row which calling the jquery.

Hello! I've got a table. <table id="servers" ...> ... {section name=i loop=$ownsites} <tr id="site_id_{$ownsites[i].id}"> ... <td>{$ownsites[i].phone}</td> <td class="icon"><a id="{$ownsites[i].id}" onClick="return makedeleterow(this.getAttribute('id'));" ...></a></td> </tr> {/section} <tbody> </table> And this java script. <...