
MySQL Workbench: Generate a bunch of rows?

I have a MySQL workbench model that I've used to generate a schema. To play around with it, I'd like a bunch of fake data. Is there an easy way to generate this, or must I do it by hand? ...

How to test a class that makes HTTP request and parse the response data in Obj-C?

I Have a Class that needs to make an HTTP request to a server in order to get some information. For example: - (NSUInteger)newsCount { NSHTTPURLResponse *response; NSError *error; NSURLRequest *request = ISKBuildRequestWithURL(ISKDesktopURL, ISKGet, cookie, nil, nil); NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousReques...

Create fake UDP traffic

I have to write a UDP client. Unfortunately, the source system is not always available Is there a simple tool out there that I can use to create a fake UDP server/traffic on my machine? ...

C# - A good library to fake Time.Now?

Hi, In order to Unit-Test a feature, I need to fake DateTime.Now. Something like: SupposeNowIs(new DateTime(..)); I can either use a third library that does it, or write my own little class. What do you recommand? Do you know any good library for this purpose? How would you fake time in C#? By changing DateTime.Now? (I suppose it's r...

How to Fake a AsyncToken return in ActionScript 3

Using Parsley, I have a service that I access through a [Command(selector='list')] public function getRssFeed( msg:RssEvent ):AsyncToken { return service.list() as AsyncToken; } when I point to the "Real" RssService, everything works as expected. My problem is when I point to the "Mock" RssService. I can't figure out how to fake a Async...

asp.net mvc - How to create fake test objects quickly and efficiently

Hi, I'm currently testing the controller in my mvc app and I'm creating a fake repository for testing. However I seem to be writing more code and spending more time for the fakes than I do on the actual repositories. Is this right? The code I have is as follows: Controller public partial class SomeController : Controller { IRepos...

How can I make sure someone is not sending fake data ?

Hey guys, I've been reading Stack Overflow for quite some time, but this is my first posted question. I have this tracking program written in C# which collects information about local computer usage and sends them to a server. The data is XML-formatted, sent once per ~10 minutes. My problem: no matter how I encrypt the XML data (be it...

Java fake a Method given some Metadata from an MBean

I am trying to create a fake MBean server, so when it comes to evoking operations, I am running into problems. I have grabbed all the metadata from the mbean and put it into an xml file. I have the attributes working fine it seems, but having problems with the operations. I have all their metadata (method name, return type,etc) but I nee...

Mock/fake test data generator into NET classes

Does anyone know of a test data generator that will create the code to populate a .NET collection class which can then be copied into a unit test? Searching this site, all the tools mentioned seem to hit databases and I already have Red Gate's SQL Data Generator for that task. However if one follows the TDD paradigm and/or model first d...