
Tried to set up fastcgi using ssh and things need fixin

here is my error To connect to your MySQL server as admin, type: my To get rid of these messages/aliases, edit your /root/.bash_profile [root@MYDOMAIN ~]# vim /var/www/vhosts/ [root@MYDOMAIN ~]# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng -av httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax err...

Setting up django for the first time

I'm used to setting up a server for nginx with php and mysql. I understand that just fine. But I'm extremely confused at where to even start with django. I know nothing about python by the way. I'm running ubuntu 10.04 Python is already installed (not sure what version though. I read I need less than 3 or something) So firstly, how do...

django and nginx - urls are all the same

Right now, any url just brings up a project default page ("welcome to django"). No matter what I put (,,$(#$$#) I'm new to django and am following a simple tutorial. My nginx.conf has this: location / { # host and port to fastcgi server ...

Why is base64_encode so slow on PHP on IIS6 via FastCGI?

I'm trying to encode a PDF to attach is to an email, and the script I'm using requires the following lines of code: $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$license_filename."\"\r\n\r\n"; $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($license...

set fastcgi log location for rails app on shared host

I'm using a shared host to serve a rails app using fcgi. (Yes, it's old... passenger would be nice but it's not an option here.) Apparently fastcgi is logging errors to a serverwide log. I guess I need to close stdout/stderr and reopen them in my own location; how do I do this? Here's my dispatch.fcgi file. It claims that the log sh...

If I have an fcgi server running and visit it with a browser, what should happen?

I have the following setup - and don't get any response when I visit the server in a browser. Should I expect some? Here's the test setup, using python & flup. def myapp(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) return ['abc\n'] import os os.environ['FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS']="12...

Does FastCGI or Apache2 limit upload sizes?

I'm having a problem with file uploading. I'm using FastCGI on Apache2 (unix) to run a WSGI-compliant application. File uploads, in the form of images, are begin saved in a MySQL database. However, larger images are being truncated at 65535 bytes. As far as I can tell, nothing should be limiting the size of the files and I'm not sure whi...

FastCGI on IIS7... multiple concurrent requests from same user session?

Caveat: I realize this is potentially a server configuration question, but I thought there might be a programmatic answer, which is why I am posting here... Running PHP on Apache, our users were able to issue multiple concurrent requests (from different tabs in the same browser, for example). Since moving to FastCGI under IIS, this is...

running lua scripts using fastCGI

hello, i am currently trying to figure out ways to run lua scripts using fastCGI with either lighttpd or nginx. the only thing i was able to dig up yet was wsapi of the kepler project. but i wonder, if there are other possibilities. important for me is: should be as lightweight as possible should be stable enough to use in a productio...