
CakePHP - Fatal error: Call to undefined function

I get the Error Fatal error: Call to undefined function getAvnet() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ems\app\controllers\queries_controller.php on line 23 when accessing the source file attached. The line is: $ret = getAvnet('de', $searchstring); supposably calling function getAvnet($country, $query) The Source File ...

Fatal error from incrementing loop.

Currently, I'm trying to make a function that sorts a vector full of fighters in the function sortFighters in the Fighter.cpp file. It all seems to compile correctly; However, when it does run, I get a fatal error in one of the lines of the aformentioned .cpp file. I know exactly what the problem is, and put a comment there accordingly. ...

getting Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in Stemmer.php on line 317

I am getting a Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in Stemmer.php on line 317. At the moment I am using the Stemmer class which I found on the internet to change words to their stemmed version before searching the database for matches. I have read all the related posts where people are having a similar problem. The dif...

Cannot use [] for reading

In one of my scripts, I try to do the following $data[] = self::get($row['sr_id']); // <-- line 55 However, PHP does not allow me to do this, giving me this error Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in /file.php on line 55 The self::get function return either a bool, or an object. Edit: The get function creates a new object whi...

PHPUnit : Fatal error handling

Hi all, I use PHPUnit for unit tests, but when a fatal error is triggered, the script dies and I have no correct PHPUnit output. I'd like that the PHPUnit output stays correctly formated, because it is read by a plugin for Eclipse. Actually the fatal error stops PHPUnit and in Eclipse the plugin can't interpret anything (because the PH...

"Can't use function return value in write context" error in PHP

Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in line 3, In which cases such errors get triggered? My program: //QUERY VARIABLE $query="select * form user where user_name='$user_name' and user_password='sha($user_password)'"; //ESTABLISHING CONNECTION $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query)or die('Error Query...