
How to handle a FaultException in WCF without aborting the whole transaction?

I have a WCF service being called as part of a transaction. If the service is called twice (often happening during debugging) I want a FaultException to be thrown by the service but the overall transaction must succeed. throw new FaultException("Duplicate action not allowed for " + msgIn.ActionType, new Faul...

Custom Exception as Detail in Fault Exception

Hi, I'm trying to throw my own custom exception inside a FaultException from my WCF service and catch it in my WCF client. On the client side, however, the exception is caught as a non-generic FaultException and the details of my custom exception are lost. My custom exception is: [Serializable] public class MyCustomException : Applic...

WebFaultException to pass back an XML message rather than string?

In my RESTful services layer, any exceptions that bubble up to me are caught as Fault Exceptions. Within that FaultException, there's a custom XML message that contains <errorNumber>, <errorCode> and a <message>. I re-package the exception as a WebFaultException so I can set the HttpStatusCode for the response header to 400, 401, 404, et...

Wcf exception handling throw an error

Hi I have a problem handling exceptions in wcf. I have a service like this one: [ServiceContract] public interface IAddressService { [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(ExecuteCommandException))] int SavePerson(string idApp, int idUser, Person person); } I am calling the SavePerson() on the service in the WCFTestClie...

FaultException.Detail coming back empty

I am trying to catch a given FaultException on a WCF client. I basically need to extract a inner description from the fault class so that I can then package it in another exception for the upper layers to do whatever. I've done this successfully a number of time, what makes it different this time is that fault is declared as an array, ...

Abort() method of wcf client proxy doesn't release session after catching FaultException

Hello, I have created a simple wcf service hosted in IIS and wcf client and figured out that when u catch a FaultException from the wcf service and then call client.Abort() to release the session (as the microsoft samples said) it doesn't release the session and hangs up on the 11th call. Here is example: Wcf Service: [ServiceContrac...

How to invalidate a C# WCF session if login is incorrect

I am writing a remote service for an application using WCF, in which login information is kept in a database. The service requires session establishment through a login or account creation call. There is no ASP involved. Now, when a client starts a session by calling an exposed IsInitiating method, I check the account data provided agai...

WCF FaultException Without Sending StackTrace

I have some WCF services with predefined FaultContract attributes. When the FaultException<TDetail> exceptions are thrown, they're sending StackTrace, Source and other potentially unsave information. Is it possible to return only: Detail (from the generic TDetail) FaultMessage FaultCode (and possibly) FaultReason ...