
Displaying emails in a JTable (Java Swing)

Hi I'm new to all this. I have been trying to display fetched emails in a JTable using the JavaMail add-on. However when I ask the program to set the value it never does. I have been working in NetBeans if that is any help? the fetchMail class finds all may on a server. The gui class is used to display all emails in a table as well as cr...

Size of assosiation in Hibernate criteria.

Hello guys. I've faced with a problem when querying with Hibernate Criteria in Grails. Take a look: def visitors = Client.withCriteria{ visits{ use ( TimeCategory ) {between('date',date,date+1.month-1)} } sizeGe("visits",params.from) sizeLe("visits",params.to) fetchMode("v...

PayPal Fetch Token

Hello, I am using the PayPal API for Express Checkout Integration. Upon setting the Express Checkout, one gets to a page with a token, like this page: https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp The token looks more or less like that ACK=Failure&L_ERRORCODE0=81002&L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Unspecified%20Method&L_LONGMESSAGE0=Method%20Specified%20is...

How to mass-fetch pages from a website behind authentication in PHP

Yes, yes, i know user and password. I need some trick in php to get logged into a website and retrieve some images/contents, like a normal website. Obviously with a curl o file_get_contents it doesn't work because i'm not authenticated. How i can do? The authentication is normal HTTP auth with POST. Edit: ok thanks for help it works...

Dojo fetch, how to wait on two simultaneous async fetches?

Hey guys, im not well versed in dealing with asynchronous design patterns, and im having a problem writing a script that does two async data fetches. Im using Dojo.data.api.Read.Fetch() to make two fetch() calls from seperate databases. The reulsts come back asynchronously. However, I have to cross reference the results, so i want my s...

git: setting a single tracking remote from a public repo.

I am confused with remote branches. My local repo: (local) ---A---B---C-master My remote repo (called int): (int) ---A---B---C---D---E-master What I want to do is to setup the local repo's master branch to follow that of int. Local repo: (local) ---A---B---C---D---E-master-remotes/int/master So that when int changes to: (int) ...

mysqli and field types

Hi, I'd like to know if there is a simple way to fetch data from mysql tables with "correct" data types? What i mean, if field type is for example INT or SMALLINT is it possible to pass those types directly to PHP as integers? I did some searching and found mysqli_fetch_fields, but for SMALLIT type is 2, for INT 3 and so on. It could b...

Hibernate: Overriding mapping's EAGER in HQL?

It's possible to override LAZY in HQL using LEFT JOIN FETCH. FROM Obj AS obj LEFT JOIN FETCH obj.otherObj WHERE obj.id = :id Is it also possible to override EAGER? How? ...

Is there a simple ActionScript class that fetches the content from a URL and returns it?

Is there a standard class that simply returns the response received from a URL given a URL? Looking through the documentation, I found mx.servicetags.HTTPService, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for. Update: The request is happening inside of a function and therefore that same function has to return the result. In other words, ...

How to use cURL to fetch text

I'm trying to grab/fetch text from another URL using cURL. The location of where I grab the text from is within a blank HTML document with dynamic (not static) data, therefore there are no HTML tags to filter. This is what I've got so far: $c = curl_init('http://url.com/dataid='.$_POST['username']); curl_setopt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, t...

Grab/Fetch content and giving specific text a variable using php.

Using php coding, I'm attempting to make a script which will grab content from another URL and give each word/number a php variable. I'm unsure whether this is possible, hence the reason why I've come onto stackoverflow and hoping for assistance from other members. This is what I've currently got: <?php $searchdata = file_get_contents...

Git Remote Repository Check-Out Problem

Hi, I've just started using Git and have never used a versioning system before. I am trying to setup a git repository on my web server and one on my local computer. I am doing the following on the server (I run the commands in a project folder ~/project): git init git add . git commit -am "Initial Commit" Then on my laptop i'm using...

PHP: LightOpenID, how to fetch account data from provider?

Hi! I'm having problems with a small OpenID-library called LightOpenID . I can authenticate to almost all providers, but I don't know how to fetch the data from the provider. I only get Array(), eaven with print_r(). ...

php sqlite_fetch_array corrupted results

Hi, I started trying to use sqlite to host small websites and on my own personal server, I ran into a glich which kind of spoils the whole idea. I have a very simple test example, on a two row table in a sqlite 2.x database, I am being hosted with 5.2.12, I have also tried with the PDO sqlite3 database, the problem is this. The "users...

Is there a performance difference between PDO fetch statements?

like in /* Exercise PDOStatement::fetch styles */ print("PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: "); print("Return next row as an array indexed by column name\n"); $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); print_r($result); print("\n"); print("PDO::FETCH_BOTH: "); print("Return next row as an array indexed by both column name and number\n"); $result = $sth->...

In Core Data, how do I access a specific attribute of every managed object (instance) of a given entity?

This is the Core Data object model I am working with (I am a new user, so I can't post pictures directly): http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae134/spindler77/Screenshot2010-07-26at112231AM.png All I am trying to do right now is to populate a UITableView with the "className" of every myClass instance the user has created and saved. My...

returning a lazily-computed scalar, in perl

I'm trying to add some functionality to our code base by using tied scalars. We have a function which is specified to return scalars. I thought I could add some features to the system by tie-ing these scalars before returning them, but it looks like the FETCH method is called just before the return, which results in an untied scalar bei...

Only download specific MIMETYPE with JavaMail

Each message that I am downloading is quite large. However, I am only interested in the JSON MIMETYPE. Is there a way to specify to the server that I am would only like to download the JSON part of the message? I have looked into the FetchProfile settings, but it does not seem to support this. ...

django-orm case-insensitive order by

Hello all, I know, I can run a case insensitive search from DJango ORM. Like, User.objects.filter(first_name__contains="jake") User.objects.filter(first_name__contains="sulley") User.objects.filter(first_name__icontains="Jake") User.objects.filter(first_name__icontains="Sulley") And also, I can fetch them as user_list = User.objects...

Perl DBI fetch portion of database?

I'm working on a database, where the number of rows is somewhere above 1,000,000. I have my select statement, but if I fetchall to begin with, I run out of memory quickly. Here are my 2 questions: Since I dont know the exact size of the database to start, is there any way to find out the size of the database without doing a fetchall?...