
Subsonic 3 - No Fetch, FetchAll, or Scaffolding Control?

I'm fairly new to SubSonic, and downloaded the latest version which only contained a zip file with the folders Binaries, Examples and T4 Templates. Upon further reading I was looking forward to trying the Scaffolding control, however the DLL contains no tools to add to the VS2008 toolbox. I'm also unable to use .Fetch, .FetchByID, etc....

If fetched data from MySql is smaller than *number*, show this, else show something else?

Hi Masters of Web Programing. I've got this code: <?PHP $db_user = 'user'; $db_pass = 'password'; $db_name = 'dbname'; $db_host = 'localhost'; if(mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass)) { mysql_select_db($db_name); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS smsads(id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment, link varchar(255)...

hibernate ignores fetch="join" on a collection when navigating the object tree with iterator

i have a forum with 1..n members each having 1..n articles, so this is my mapping: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"&gt; <hibernate-mapping auto-import="true"> <class name="Forum" table=...

How to fetch all hits in lucene.net

Hi, I want to fetch all hits from lucene. Is there any wild card character which fetches all records? ...

mssql_fetch_object text character limit?

Hi there, I'm fetching some data from an MSSQL table using the mssql_fetch_object, but the text appears to cut off on the page. The data is all there in the table, but it seems to cut off in the view page. Has anyone else encountered this problem and perhaps knows of a workaround? Here is my code; <?php include('includes/session.php'...

fetch=join to tables to one class NHibernate

I have read some post about fetch=join - http://nhforge.org/blogs/nhibernate/archive/2009/04/09/nhibernate-mapping-lt-many-to-one-gt.aspx (ser4ik.livejournal.com/2505.html) So I have some question, Forexample I have class <class name="AttributesInf" table="attr_inf"> <id name="Id"> <generator class="identity"/> </id> <proper...

Check for files (robots.txt, favicon.ico) to a website php

I would like to check to a remote website if it contains some files. Eg. robots.txt, or favicon.ico. Of course the files should be accessible (read mode). So if the website is: http://www.example.com/ I would like to check if http://www.example.com/robots.txt. I tried fetching the URL like http://www.example.com/robots.txt. And sometim...

How to make a C code to fetch some content from the internet?

Suppose I want my C code to fetch the headline from a website, like www.example.com How to do that? Can I write a program in C to do this? give me a start... ...

iPhone dev: how do you print results from a Core Data fetchRequest?

I've added the following to the AppDelegate in the Core Data Recipes example, but I don't get any printed result in the Console...any ideas? #pragma mark - #pragma mark TESTING RETRIEVAL OF RECIPE NAMES - (NSArray *)allRecipes{ NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; NSEntityDescription *entity = ...

which is the better way to get the ip...

What is the better way of getting the IP address in PHP: getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); or, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; please tell me the difference, if any, between the two. ...

iPhone + SQLite3 + fetch date column

Hi, I am having a date column in my table and I want to fetch that in iPhone application, I use following method to fetch values: objPlayer.type = sqlite3_column_int(selectstmt, 1); Now I can't find something like sqlite3_column_date. Which is the method I can use for this purpose. ...

Program for fetching email from the inbox in VB.NET

Possible Duplicate: Recommendations for a .NET component to access an email inbox I am trying to develop an application to parse email messages. I wrote that program in PHP. It is now working. But the problem is I can not complete my requirement. Now I try to do this in VB.NET or any type of language that is supported by Visua...

Core Data (iPhone)- Limiting the fetch results across a relationship

I have recently been looking at Core Data for the iPhone and I have one query which I have not been able to find an answer to in the literature. Lets imagine that I have a User model object with a to-many relationship with a Purchase object. A User may have thousands of purchases. All of the information I have seen thus far seems to su...

how to fetch data from nested Dictionary in C# code

I need to fetch data from nested Dictionary IN C#. My Dictionary is like this: static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<ulong, string>> allOffset = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<ulong, string>>(); I need to fetch all keys/values of the full dictionary, represented like so: string->>ulong, string Thanks in advance. ...

Fetch specific field from a MySQL result array

Hi! I’m trying to retrive the field *media_file* from the first line of the query. I don’t figure how to do that. I’ve tried several times to get it by calling the multidimensional array $pages[0]['media_file'] with no success. I’m trying to have the first image of a series bigger and then append the other thumbs. Here the page that we...

In Google App Engines, how to display the HTML source of a page of a fetched URL in Python ?

Hello everybody!!! On Google App Engine I found this code that is fetching a web page's URL: from google.appengine.api import urlfetch url = "http://www.google.com/" result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: doSomethingWithResult(result.content) Is this the right code to fecth that page's HTML source? Does the resu...

Get object by its Uid in WPF

Hello, I have an control in WPF which has an unique Uid. How can I retrive the object by its Uid? Thanks in advance Jose ...

Git svn fetch retrieving only one revision at a time

I'm using Git- I've cloned a SubVersion repository using: git svn clone -s https://xxxxx:8443/svn/project/SubProjectA The SubProjectA has the standard layout (trunk, branches, tags). SubProjectA is a copy of another project. It has only 60 revisions if it own. After the command, a folder is created with th...

iPhone CoreData Queries

Hey there, I'm new at using CoreData and I'm trying to understand how to perform a query on a table. I can use a fetch request to pull all of the records from a table, but I'm looking for a subset. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks, Howie ...

Hibernate Criteria: Eagerly load ManyToMany collection

My problem seems pretty straightforward to me, but I just can't seem to find an answer that works. I have a Hibernate Entity which has a ManyToMany association with another Entity, which is fetched lazily by default. I want to create a Criteria which will return the Entity with the ManyToMany association loaded eagerly. Here is the Enti...