
Hints in Sql Server

Are hints really necessary for every sql statement? We have a dba who is anal about it and asks us to put hints on every select and update statements in our stored procs. Is this really necessary? ...

Will Oracle optimizer use multiple Hints in the same SELECT?

I'm trying to optimize query performance and have had to resort to using optimizer hints. But I've never learned if the optimizer will use more than one hint at a time. e.g. SELECT /*+ INDEX(i dcf_vol_prospect_ids_idx)*/ /*+ LEADING(i vol) */ /*+ ALL_ROWS */ i.id_number, ... FROM i_table i JOIN vol_ta...

Can specific Delphi hints be disabled?

In Delphi, you can use compiler directives to disable specific warnings, such as {$WARN USE_BEFORE_DEF OFF} But when I tried to do that with a specific hint, whose underscore_style_name I got out of the helpfile, the compiler said it doesn't know what {$HINT} is. So is there any way to do this? ...

How to force Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings

Is there a way to force the Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings all the time? Here is the behavior that I am currently seeing in Delphi 6: Check out fresh copy of my application from source control Open project in Delphi and Compile All hints and warnings for the project are displayed Make a change in one unit Compile On...

How to fetch all hits in lucene.net

Hi, I want to fetch all hits from lucene. Is there any wild card character which fetches all records? ...

What effect does HOLDLOCK have on UPDLOCK?

I have seen many examples of the HOLDLOCK hint being used in combination with UPDLOCK (like this). However as I read the documentation for these hints, it seems that HOLDLOCK should be redundant, since UPDLOCK already persists the lock until the end of the transaction. (Also it seems to say that HOLDLOCK only applies to shared locks anyw...

How to design an inheritance with changing parameter types in php?

The idea is to create a DOM-like tree. But there are some restrictions, that only certain types can actually contain the other. I want to use an interface|abstract class|superclass to implement some well known js-functions as appendChild, replaceChild etc. I'm using the classes page, block and item, where pages can contain blocks and b...

Netbeans 6.8 Tree & editor hints not in sync with build

I'm having two nb-projects. One nb-project(a) has the other nb-project(b) as a library dependancy. Now both nb projects compile/build fine, but the hints for (a) are out of sync. This interferes when i want to run/debug saying 'one or more projects were compiled with errors' I've tried opening/closing both projects and recompiling ...

Text Hints with JQuery and JavaScript for loop

Hey guys! I'm developing a small app where i ask users to put some info. I want to show text hints in the input fields. I do this in a for loop... When the page is loaded, the hints are displayed correctly but nothing happens on 'focus' and 'blur' events... I'm wondering why since when I don't use a 'for loop' in my js code, everything...

what's wrong in File.Exist() method?

Possible Duplicate: show a message if the filename already exists Reading some answers with code samples I notice that those where this method mentioned are subjected to criticism. I'm using this method in my code. So I'd like to know if someone give me detailed response whuy this method is not recomemnded and what alternative...

Vim: Show function hints or signature for PHP

I've got my nice PHP syntax highlighting all set up and it looks great. What I need now is the ability to show built-in function signatures or hints while typing. This is so common in so many IDEs, I would think somebody has a plugin to do this for VIM. Example: While in insert mode, and typing str_replace, somewhere on the vim screen ...

c# remove hint over datagridview

hi all! how can I remove the hint message when the mouse is over the row? ...

Delphi : Prevent TPageControl Hint from showing on contained items.

I have a form with the following components: A TPageControl containing a single TTabSheet, containing a TEdit. I want a hint "Hello" displayed when I mouse over the pagecontrol tab, and no hint displayed when I mouse over the TEdit. The PageControl has a hint= "Hello", and showhint = true. This works as expected. The TEdit has showhin...

how can I get wordpress to tell me which function rendered a specific piece of output

Hi, I've found the List Hooked Functions method to display all the elements that are contributing to the final render, but I want to see which of those functions is ultimately responsible for rendering a specific piece of output. Ideally, it would work similarly to Magento's Template Hints so the responsible code is listed right next t...