
Initializing final fields - Java

I would like to know if there's a compiler option that could allow me to remove/cure the error that comes up ("variable X might not have been initialized") when I compile a class who has a final field in it. Or even better would be to have the final fields initialized to the default java value. Thanks, ExtremeCoder ...

Sharepoint view customization

I'd like to complete redo the annoucements, and i'm having issues getting the CAML to do what i want. I want to grab each Field( i assume this is what i want to grab) and style them. Say i want the Title to be in bold red and the body in green How would I accomplish this using CAML? I am customizing the View Style, adding my own. ...

Drupal Serial Number

I'm new to drupal, had a good start with basic functionality but I need to do some specific tasks and I'm starting to struggle. I want a form with a drop down list, that selects a string. I also want to create a serial number thats unique, and append it to the string. I was thinking that I'd create a document type "index", then as as d...

Retrieve only static fields declared in Java class

I have the following class: public class Test { public static int a = 0; public int b = 1; } Is it possible to use reflection to get a list of the static fields only? I'm aware I can get an array of all the fields with Test.class.getDeclaredFields(). But it seems there's no way to determine if a Field instance represents a sta...

how to write field change listeners to browser field in blackberry

hi,how to write field change listeners to browser field in blackberry ...

Get distinct values of Queryset by field

I've got this model: class Visit(models.Model): timestamp = models.DateTimeField(editable=False) ip_address = models.IPAddressField(editable=False) If a user visits multiple times in one day, how can I filter for unique rows based on the ip field? (I want the unique visits for today) today = yesterd...

Changing the type of a custom field for already created SharePoint sites.

Hi, Currently we have a series of SharePoint sites already created in which we have a custom field created as follows in a custom fldtypes.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <FieldTypes> <FieldType> <Field Name="TypeName">HierarchyTaggingField</Field> <Field Name="TypeDisplayName">Hierarchy Tagging Field</Field> <Field ...

Replace Button Text With Image?

I'm trying to find out how to replace the input text with a image. I can't use background: url(.../.../); because I am using CSS3 Gradients. I thought with using multiple backgrounds I am able to add another one that has a transparent image but then the rest of the background gradients disappear. Can anyone help me? ...

How to prevent from cutting string field values in a crystal Reports8.5 report?

Hi First, sorry for my poor english writing. there is an old application written with Vb6.0 and crystal reports8.5. One of the reports (for example report1) has used active data method for retrieving data from SQL server. It contains a field named "description" that has 500 character at most. The problem is that the field (decription) c...

Any pitfalls of converting MySQL TEXT field to MEDIUMTEXT?

I understand the size/storage constraints of MySQL TEXT and MEDIUMTEXT fields, but I just wanted to make absolutely sure (before I sign off on a change) that I'm not looking at any adverse effects from converting a field with existing data from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT. My concerns are mainly performance, integrity, and disk storage. Thanks ...

Custom field Search From - Wordpress

Hi there, does any one know how to create a search form with custom fields in combobox ? I have searched and tried to do this for weeks... and nothing... i have done so much thing with no results... last code i´v done ( I am not a expert ) ( cicle to get all the costum fields names ) <?php global $post; ...

drupal_execute populating image field

How to populate image field value with drupal_execute. for ex my content type (test) has two additional fields 1. photo (image filed), 2. phid (text field) for phid $form_state['values']['field_phid'][0]['value'] ='14'; . how to populate photo which is image field type ...

Lucene search - score higher if word or similar are in a Field

Hi, I need to know when a word or words are inside a field in my index, and have that document swith greater score. My problem is that if i search for "Sherton Hotel" I get this as greatest results Petit Hotel Crzy cow Simmonss And i would like this ones to have the greatest results Maui Sheraton Hotel near the moon A fantastic ho...

C#, ArrayList Property to List field

Hello, I have the following Field: private IList<Modulo> modulos; and the following Property: public virtual ArrayList XmlModulos { get { if (modulos == null) return new ArrayList(); var aux = new ArrayList(); foreach (Modulo m in modulos) aux.Add(m); ...

C# abstract class static field inheritance

I feel like I skipped a C# class or two, but here's my dilemma: I have an abstract class from which I derive multiple child classes. I know for sure that for each of the child classes I will have a constructor that needs a certain static object as a model and this object will be different for each of the child classes. My first approa...

Django: field's default value from self model's instances

How can I make default value for a field to be taken from existing objects of a model? I tried these and it didn't worked: 1) class ModelA(models.Model): fieldA = models.CharField(default=self.get_previous()) def get_previous(self): return ModelA.objects.all()[0].fieldA NameError: name 'self' is not defined 2) cla...

send radiobutton's value to different fields at DB

i have a submit form that consist of 1 group radio button. <div id="defectclass"> <input id="def1" type="radio" class="defect" name="defect" value="1"/>S <input id="def2" type="radio" class="defect" name="defect" value="1" />A <input id="def3" type="radio" class="defect" name="defect" value="1" />B <input...

Field's value of native query in JPA

Dear members, How to get value of some fields in a native query (JPA)? For example I want to get name and age of customer table: Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM customer WHERE id=..."); Note: I don't want to map results to entities. I just want to get the value of the field. Thanks ...

Javascript fails to hide some DIVs

I got the "New user form". There are three different clearence levels: client clientContact clientRepresentative And there are some fields, like newMail, newPostalCode, etc. Here is a code I am using to show an element: function doShow(obj) { document.getElementById(obj).style.display = ''; } A...

jQuery check empty field doesn't check all fields

For example, I'm using the script below to check for empty fields : $('a.submit').click(function() { if ($('.LoginData').val() == "") { $('input:text[value=""]').attr('style', 'border-color:#FF0000;'); } else { $(this).parents('form').submit(); } }); All the input elements have the class LoginData, so I used the jQuery class s...