
Add Multi line text field to sharepoint

Hi, I am trying to add a multi-line text field to a document within Sharepoint but can't currently figure out how to do it. Below is the code i have which works for most of the fields. SPFile file = folder.Files.Add(*snip*); file.Item[guid] = stringValue; file.Item.SystemUpdate(true); The document adds with no issues the ...

How do I get a handle to a dynamically-generated field name in javascript?

I have a series of fields created dynamically based on database records. They will be named cardObject1, cardObject2, and so on for as many rows as necessary. I'm now trying to access a specific cardObject field in a function where the number is passed in, but am getting an error message. The field looks like this: <input name="cardOb...

pdf field names from a locked pdf file.

I would like to extract pdf field names from a locked pdf file. When viewed in Acrobat Pro, I cannot edit. When viewed in notepad field names are not descernable. In case you want to try.. see thanks ...

mysql: show two separate fields become one field

dear all..i have a table it looks like: Name version DDX 01 DTX 05 could i combine two separate fields become one field? and it will show like: Model DDX01 DTX05 thanks before.. ...

SharePoint extend ALL fieldproperties with custom settings

What is want is pretty simple. I want to add settings to all field-properties (oob and custom) in a custom listdefinition, say "E-mailform". Thus, I create a "E-mailform" and I add a OOB-textfield. At the settingspage (where you can set length, required yes/no, etc.) I want to add a custom section with custom settings. When I add a OOB-...

what is the use of related fields in openerp ?

I want to know the something about related fields, how it can be helped, and for which kind of scenario I should use fields.related, if anybody can provide small example for real use of fields.related it would be great Thanks in advance....... ...

Array, EAV, Serialized LOB for custom fields?

I've been trying to answer a complex Mysql data structure problem for custom fields for an online app. I'm fairly new to Mysql so any input is appreciated. The current database is a relational database and each user of the service will share the same database and tables. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do. Let's say I'm tryi...

Compare fields of two unrelated objects

Hi. I've got two objects of different classes that share some fields with the same name and type. These two objects are not related to each other. There's no possibility for me to create an interface or a parent class. Now I want to compare those shared fields and as far as I know this should be possible using reflection. These are th...

EBAY: Custom Form Fields

Hi guys, I'm trying to create similar select boxes on my ebay product page. Any ideas would be greatfully apreciated! See caption below; ...

How to validate dynamic fields using jquery validation plugin ?

Hello, I am trying to validate a form using the jquery validation plugin. It's usually pretty easy but this time I'm using dynamic field. The new fields are not being checked so I tryed to remove the validator then to recreate it but It's doesnt seem to work. $j("#add").click(function(){ $j("#lignes").append($j(".ligne_vide:l...

Not getting values from Select Fields with jQuery

I'm trying to implement some basic ajax functionality in website I'm creating. I'm using the Flask microframework and jQuery to do this. I have a lot of experience with python, what Flask is written in, but very little with javascript. This would be why I decided to use jQuery. ;) There is a nice example included with the Flask documen...

Solr - Writing result of an Analyzer to different fields

Hello all, I have read a couple of tutorials and browsed the Solr documentation. But one thing isn't clear to me. Let me explain: Let's asume that the following document shall be indexed: <doc> <field name="id">R12345</field> <field name="title">My title</field> <field name="content">My Content</field> </doc> Contrary to this ...

vba how to update fields

I would like to update a Word field from a VBA macro. The Word Doucument is wrdDoc in the code below. When I run the code I get a Type mismatch error on retrieving the properties. If anyone can help I'd be really grateful. Dim objCustomProperties As CustomProperties Set objCustomProperties = wrdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties For i = 1 To...

Cas insensitive search in jqGrid including hidden fields

Hello All, I have few hidden fields in my jqGrid on which I have to perform a case insensitive search (may be using regex - not sure). Is it possible? Can someone give me directions on it? Thanks! ...

Filter query_posts by two custom fields?

I'm trying to filter my posts to only show the ones with that have a custom value for the field "Model" while sorting the posts by another custom field called "Price." Here's the function I'm using (not working): <?php global $query_string; query_posts( $query_string . "&meta_value=Model&orderby=meta_value&meta_key=Price&order=ASC");...

Wordpress Custom Field Output is Not Hyperlinked. Anyway to do the Same?

Hi all, I'm using wordpress custom field called company_name at the end of the post to display company name. I'm able to display the value of custom field but the output coming is not hyperlinked like wordpress categories. What I want is when visitor click on the company name wordpress should show all posts related to that company. ...

Parameters needed for talking to an HTML web form

Please view the page linked below to understand the question. How would I go about finding the name of that city/state/zip text input field? I need to allow a user to enter the city, state or zip into my own text field and then submit that to the above website's form but I don't know how to spec...

Copying fields in OCaml

Hi Guys, I have a very basic question regarding OCaml records. Suppose I have a record defined: type r = {a:int;b:int;c:int} let x = {a=3;b=8;c=2} Now, suppose I want to create a new record which has all fields equal to x but which has c=4. I could write: let y = {a=3;b=8;c=4} but this is annoying because there's not need to re-wr...

Magic Code?! - .aspx Fields Missing & Disappear from Source Code

Hi, I have a reeeaaally weird & strange problem with some form elements on a .ASPX page im working on.. the page form has a hidden slide-in on click of a div, section allowing the user to 'make a reservation'. The jQuery used to animate the slide works fine, and happens on click on the ticky check-box (id="rescheck"). The problem is, i...

Does `productElement(i)` on a case-class use reflection?

Considering the following Scala snippet: case class Foo(v1: String, v2: Int, v3: Any) def inspect(p: Product) = (0 until p.productArity).foreach(i => println(p.productElement(i))) inspect(Foo("Moin", 77, null)) Does the invocation of inspect() here means that reflection is used (in whatever way)? I'd like to somehow be able to ac...