
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition") not opening file in IE6

Hi I'm using Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Server.HtmlEncode(FileName)); to pop a 'open/save file' dialog for the users, so that they can download an file on to their local machines. This is working good normally in IE7,But on IE6 the file is not opening when user click on the open button in 'open/...

Prompting for download

Whats the best method to prompt a user to download something? In the past I've used'file.pdf'); but I can see popup blockers having a problem with this. Of course I'll include a manual link aswel. I basically want something like the Microsoft Download page. So whats the script that prompts this? ...

Progress Bar for ftp downloading.

Hello, Is there anyway to display a progress while downloading a file from ftp in order to show the download progress status ? Thank you. ...

Download file in base64 efficiently

I have to download an arbitrarily large file in base64 in a device with limited RAM memory in Java. How do I download a file in base64 efficiently? Is it possible to get sequential chunks of base64 and write them to the output as binary data? A code or pseudo-code example would be much appreciated. Note: I can't use external framework...

Downloading a Cab file using WebClient gives too few bytes

I need to download a Cab file from a Url into a stream. using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; byte[] fileContents = client.DownloadData("http://localhost/sites/hfsc/FormServerTemplates/HfscInspectionForm.xsn"); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(fileConte...

File download via external link - how to implement?

Hello, I have a web application which consists of many aspx pages ... one of them shows a grid with rows that can be exported to a file via button click. This works fine. Now I want to have that feature which allows a user to access an external link to this page (or another) and to export to a file and download. I dont need any informati...

A batch file to download and delete files from a server

Hi, How can i write a MS dos ftp batch file to: download files from the server to my local pc remove these files from the server after download cheers! Edit ok so far i have... Batch file: ftp.exe -s:ftp.txt FTP.txt: open usernamehere passwordhere cd /httpdocs/store/files need get, list an...

FTP file download problem. Getting readonly file exception.

public class FtpDownloadDemo { public static void Connection(String filename) { FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { client.connect(""); client.login("admin", "secret"); // // The remote filename to be downloaded. // ftpClient.set...

Android browser/webview bug? Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xyz.txt"

So an android browser or a webview works fine with urls like this - However, if your URL looks like this - and what's sent to the browser in the headers is - Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xyz.txt", then the Android browsers and web view seems to get terribly confused. It looks like it saves ...

Download large PDF in javascript

I have a website which hosts large PDF documents, as well as some other file formats. How can I open up a download-dialog box in javascript so that the user can save the document to their computer? ...

Android download large files

I'm trying to download a large .zip file from a web server but I have a weird behaviour, the description is: I'm executing the code in the device emulator, API level 3 (version 1.5) with an SD card of 512MB. I start the device with "Wipe data user" The length of the size from conexion.getContentLength() is 7012725 The server address is...

parallel downloads in PHP

Hi, I want to download (or simply file_get_contents) for 5 places. I wait say 1.2 sec for each that means in total 1.2X5=6 seconds. I want to save waiting time. I thought I could wait 1.3 sec is enough. How can I approach? ...

Response.TransmitFile OnSucess OnFail? Also, how many concurrent downloads?

Hi, I've got an app that user's can download a file through. I need to log when the file transfer completed successfully and also when it failed. Is this possible with Response.TransmitFile. Here is my code: Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename...

Blackberry: Download and display .jpg image

I am trying to pull a .jpg image off of a server, and display it as and EncodedImage in a ZoomScreen. Because this .jpg could be very large I want to save the .jpg to a file and read it from there so i don't have the whole thing sitting in memory. The problem I'm facing is that"") is either throwing ...