
How can you tell if the user hit cancel during a download from a Java servlet?

How can you tell if the user hit cancel during a download from a Java servlet? What seem to happen for me with IE, the output stream println() blocks. The used hit cancel, but is there a way to time this out or anything like that? ...

Why there are many framework support multiple uploads, but none for multiple downloads?

If I am not wrong, multiple download can only accomplish by zipping file together. What so special about multiple download compare to multiple upload? ...

How do you force a download prompt, before data it sent from a servlet?

Hi all, How do you force a download prompt to popup before you send any data to browser? I know about content disposition attachment, but this is different. Basically, the servlet starts sending data to the client, and then the client open a dialog, open, save, cancel. The probably is my servlet is slow getting the data, and it gets ...

how can I download a file with Zend_Http_Client or other library

I am trying to find a solution to get directly the file like wget does instead of reading from the stream and writing to another file, but I am not sure if this is possible. Any suggestions? ...

Jquery ajax function and downloading files

Hi all, I am using $ajax( { type:"post", url:"/whatever/" } ) to access my server which works nicely. The problem is that the response is not evaluated as I need it. On some occations the server sends back a dummy string ("x") which can be ignored on the browser, but on other occasions my server sends back a special file as attachment: ...

Trouble downloading a file in C#

I am trying to download a file from a C# application. I have tried two different methods, but both yield the same response: "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." I am pretty sure this is a credentials issue (because of the 401). If I navigate to the url from a browser, and enter the very same credentials provided,...

grails - how to force download file with its extension

Hi, I have the following code def fileDoc = new File(document.documentLocation); if(fileDoc.exists()){ // force download def fileName = fileDoc.getName(); response.setContentType("application/octet-stream") response.setHeader "Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=${fileName}" ; re...

Providing .jad file download link

Hi, We are trying to provide a download link to abc.jad file in index.html. abc.jad and index.html are both in the same folder. Following is the link. <a href="abc.jad" type="text/">download</a> In addition, we defined the mime type for .jad file in web.config as follows <mimeMap fileExtension=".jad" mimeT...

How to get a xml file from iphone's email and use it in my app

Suppose i want to open an xml file which i have in my email through my app. How should i go for this. Thanks, ...

Converting images on the ipad, or server side

I'm working on an ipad application that needs to work with images; it uses four different versions of each image in different situations (each has its own resolution and image quality). The options I have to get the images in the app are: 1) Download only the original image. Convert the image into several formats on the ipad. CPU/mem c...

I want to provide a button (or link) on my webpage which shall open a download window and ask where to save the CSV file. How can I do that?

I have a function generateCSVlist($var) This function returns a Comma Separated Value list, a (huge) text string. I can easily display this text on a webpage <?PHP $myList = generateCSVlist($var); echo $myList; ?> but actually I want to provide a button (or link) on my webpage which shall open a download window and ...

Download File Using Javascript/jQuery

I have a very similar requirement specified here need to start download a file when i manually calls $('a#someID').click(); But I cannot use window.href method as solution since it replaces the current page contents with the file you're trying to download. Instead I ...

C# WebClient crashes my application!

Hi there, i'm trying to run this code: remoteProducts.ForEach(delegate(RemoteProduct p) { this.toolStripStatus.Text = "Downloading product: " + this.progress.Value + "/" + remoteProducts.Count; try { prodLocalDao.addProduct(p.Id, p.Categ...

HttpHandler to download txt files (ASP.NET)?

Hey, I created a HttpHandler for downloading files from the server. It seems it is not handling anything...I put a breakpoint in the ProcessRequest, it never goes there. public class DownloadHandler : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //download stuff and break point } } It never stops t...

What determines if a downloaded file should be saved as read-only or read-write?

When you write some binary data in the http response stream (of Servlet etc) or using the Content-disposition header, what is the factor that determines whether the downloaded file is saved as readonly or has write permissions ? How can we control whether to make it read-only or not? Is that browser/OS dependant? ...

Catching errors when downloading massive files via PHP

I am attempting to download fairly large files (up to, possibly over 1GB) from a remote HTTP server through a PHP script. I am using fgets() to read the remote file line by line and write the file contents into a local file that is created through tempnam(). However, the downloads of very large files (several hundred MB) are failing. Is ...

Flask/Werkzeug how to attach HTTP content-length header to file download

Hi, I am using Flask (based on Werkzeug) which uses Python. So the user can download a file, I'm using the send_from_directory function: However when actually downloading the file, the HTTP header content-length is not set. So the user has no idea...

Iframe onload when downloading file

Hi there! I've been pulling my hair out for hours trying to figure this out. I have an iframe with which I want to download a file. It all works fine, but the iframe onload is not called if my Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM"; My javascript function is as follows: function DownloadStuff(){ var DownloadSource = "http:/...

Readfile issue PHP

Hey, I'm using the following : @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); @header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); @header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); @header("Content-Length: ".$row['file_size']); @header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$row['artist'] . " - " .$row['title']."\""); @hea...

Why don't I always see IE's "Internet Explorer blocked this site from download files..."?

I see there are several questions regarding how to deal with IE's 'protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. ' toolbar. My problem is that I have two different tools that I use to download files and one, when a 'trusted' site with medium security in IE8 downloads file just fine. ...