
Downloading a csv file in django

I am trying to download a CSV file using HttpResponse to make sure that the browser treats it as an attachment. I follow the instructions provided here but my browser does not prompt a "Save As" dialog. I cannot figure out what is wrong with my function. All help is appreciated. dev savefile(request): try: myfile ...

What am I doing wrong with HttpResponse content and headers when downloading a file?

I want to download a PDF file from a SQL Server database which is stored in a binary column. There is a LinkButton on an aspx page. The event handler of this button looks like this: protected void LinkButtonDownload(object sender, EventArgs e) { ... byte[] aByteArray; // Read binary data from database into this ByteArray ...

Session lost and application end, after file download

I have this code in the end of link button click: Response.ContentType = "application/zip"; Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;"); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("")); Response.End(); Response.Flush(); to download a zip file from an aspx page. In the previous page i set a s...

Download file from premium rapidshare account with .NET

How can I log to premium rapidshare account from my source? I tryed this but it is not working: string authInfo = "name" + ":" + "pass"; authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(authInfo)); client.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + authInfo; client.DownloadFile("url", "C:\\Temp\\aaaa.file"); OR WebClient client...

Setup.exe files downloading without cab files over poor connections

We have customers who are trying to download a setup.exe file over mobile connections that appear to be very slow. They have reported that when they click on the downloaded setup.exe, the install wizard starts up, but part way through the wizard they get an error message indicating that a cab file is corrupt or missing. They couriered ...

Use of bit-torrent for large file download as an alternative to FTP

The company I work for procures large volumes of data and does this by subscribing to FTP locations. I was wondering if it is possible to download the same using a tracker, the major challenge is authentication of the users IMO. Most ftp servers we subscribe to have a restriction of the number of ftp connection attempts. Does any one her...

Download multiple files from an array C#

Hi everyone, I have an array of file names which I want to download. The array is currently contained in a string[] and it is working inside of a BackgroundWorker. What I want to do is use that array to download files and output the result into a progress bar which will tell me how long I have left for completion. Is there a way I ca...

Allow user to download file and filename on client defaults to no extension

I want the user to be able to download a file from a page and have the filename extension in the Save As dialog box to be defaulted to nothing. This is the code I'm using: Response.ContentType = "text/plain" Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=FILE") Response.WriteFile("C:\Temp\FILE") Response.End() FIL...

Downloading file from server ( to IE8 Content-Disposition problem with file name

I am downloading a file from the server/database via aspx page. When using the content-disposition inline the document opens in correct application but the file name is the same as the web page. I want the document to open in say MS Word but with the correct file name. Here is the code that I am using Response.Buffer = true; ...

Download Successful now direct to next page?

I have a page where a text file is downloaded when I button is clicked. When that happens I would then like to direct the user to a confirmation/more details page. I am using visual studio 2008 and it is VB.Net in 3.5 ...

how to know whether file is downloaded by user or not?

hi all, I have a functionality where a user is given file to download. It works fine. BUT - 1. How to know whether user has downloaded a file or cancelled it? 2. After downloading I wat to redirect current page to another one that is also not happening. Please let me know if any one of you have any idea about it. (I am doing it in Joom...

while downloading filenames from non english languages are not getting displayed on the downloaded file correctly

When i am trying to download a file whose name has characters from languages like chinese japanese etc...... non ascii... the downloaded file name is garbled. How to rectify it. I have tried to put charset=UTF-8 in the Content-type header property, but no success. Please help. Code below. header("Cache-Control: ");// leave blank to avo...

jquery: how to force a pdf download automatically ?

Is there any way to force the user's download-manager to start a download for .PDF instead of showing the .PDF in a new window/tab ? I've seen this function already several times, hope somebody knows a solution ...

Automate downloads from password protected website

I need some help with a work project I have been assigned. At the moment we manually go to the site, logon and then download 2 excel files from a supplier's website every month. The files are then loaded into SQL. We want to automate this process. Now the loading of the files into SQL I can do, but I am not sure how I can automate log...

PHP File Serving Script: Unreliable Downloads?

This post started as a question on ServerFault ( ) but I determined that our php script was the culprit. So I'm issuing an updated question here about what I believe is the actual issue. I am using a php script to verify permissions and then serve up a file for use...

how to download client side content

I want to let the user download the current content of a textarea into a text file on their computer. In the past I would create an iframe pointing to a URL with the data, which would trigger a file download dialog. However this time the data is client side. So, is it possible to let the user download data without sending it server sid...

PHP File Downloading Questions

Hey All! I am currently running into some problems with user's downloading a file stored on my server. I have code set up to auto download a file once the user hits the download button. It is working for all files, but when the size get's larger than 30 MB it is having issues. Is there a limit on user download? Also, I have supplied my ...

On a local machine: How can I download and save a file using Javascript and ActiveX?

This is a binary file. I would like to download and save a file with Javascript. This is all happening on a local machine. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! ...

File download when imagebutton is clicked

In my .aspx page, I have an image button that when clicked I want a file to download. When the button is clicked, it logs things to do db first. How can I push a file for download? I don't want to stream the file via on the server-side, just let the user download the file. Is this possible? ...

Download file from site PHP

Hi, I would to know the command in a PHP script to get in output and save a file from my site. Thanks ...