
File names containing non-ascii international language characters

Has anyone had experience generating files that have filenames containing non-ascii international language characters? Is doing this an easy thing to achieve, or is it fraught with danger? Is this funtionality expected from Japanese/Chinese speaking web users? Should file extensions also be international language characters? Info: W...

How to open multiple files with Delphi program invoked via shell open

I am currently using: if ParamStr(1)<>'%1' then begin address.Text:=ParamStr(1); autoconfigfile; end; to pick up the name of the file that was used to open the file with via file association. I now want to develop the ability to operate on multiple files. I.e. if I select 5 files and right click and select open with "EncryptionS...

PathCanonicalize equivalent in C#

What is the equivalent to PathCanonicalize in C#? Use: I need to take a good guess whether two file paths refer to the same file (without disk access). My typical approach has been throwing it through a few filters like MakeAbsolute and PathCanonicalize, and then do a case-insensitive comparison. ...

Installation File Name Format Best Pratice

I was reading the post when I thought about Installation File Names. I'm a addicted software downloader, and frequently I've got installation names like "setup.exe" or "install.exe", that says nothing about the program to be installed. I think that an ins...

What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names?

I know that / is illegal in Linux, and the following are illegal in Windows (I think): * . " / \ [ ] : ; | = , What else am I missing? I need a comprehensive guide, however, and one that takes into account double-byte characters. Linking to outside resources is fine with me. I need to first create a directory on the filesystem usin...