
Can someone tell me XCode's path to the iPhone?

Hello everyone Im in the process of pre populating a sql file and would like to know where Xcode keeps its folders for apps for the device. For example, the folders to get the apps on the simulator is /username/library/application support/simulator. Can someone please tell me where these folders are for the device? Any help is appreciat...

How to turn an image's file path into the actual image?

Hello, I've saved a user's respective picture in a folder named 'profileportraits'. So when a user uploads their picture, it is saved into that folder. Furthermore, I also save the 'portrait path', i.e. the location/name of the photo onto a MySQL database for user data. My question is: I am able to echo the Portrait Path, where the user...

Determining location of JVM executable during runtime

How does one obtain the location of the executable of the currently running JVM during runtime? I would like to instantiate another JVM as a subprocess using the ProcessBuilder class. I am aware that there is the java.home System property, but this doesn't specify the location of the JVM executable. I understand I could do something lik...

.htaccess File Causing JS and CSS Files From Being Called

Hi, I have an .htaccess file working in my website. I found out that javascript and CSS files are not called if the path of each of these files are not set to absolute. I changed all the URL paths to absolute in my smarty template and javascript files, and not it's working. Now in for my php files, I have require_once all over many ph...

File path in mvc application with jquery file tree

I'm trying to get a grip on the jquery file tree plugin, and I have a problem with file paths. The thing is, the jquery call sets a root directory, and if it is set to "/" I want it to be a path in my server directory. So I set this in the server code that the jquery code interacts with. Here's the jquery call: <script type="text/javas...

How do you determine the physical path of a file without an HttpContext?

I have some processes that run without an HttpContext in an ASP.NET MVC web application. This process needs to be able to determine the physical path to the Contents directory of the application for reading/writing data. But, since it is without an HttpContext, I don't get to use fancy things like Server.MapPath and such. Suggestions?...

web application root operator and script tags

Is there any way to use ASP.NET's 'web application root' operator ~ in a script tag? If not, is there any way to mimic such behavior? My application uses nested master pages for different sub directories; A content page uses its directory-specific master page, which uses the root master page. I'd like to be able to include my <script> t...

NetBeans 6.8 C++, files are being written and read in the wrong directory...

When i run my project with the "Run main project" mode, my program writes the .txt file to my /home directory. I found this extremely odd, so I ran the program with "Debug main project" mode and it wrote the .txt file to the project directory. Is there a setting in options that will fix this so both modes will write the file to the proje...

Remove file extension and path from a string in perl

I want to obtain a file name without its path (if it is part of the string) and also the extension. For example: /path/to/file/fileName.txt # results in "fileName" fileName.txt # results in "fileName" /path/to/file/file.with.periods.txt # results in "file.with.periods" So basically, I want to remove anythin...

Problem executing a .bat file at a path where folder name has spaces, in VB6

Hi everyone, I'm trying to execute a .bat file in VB6 (silent window mode) with following code. Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") cmds = WshShell.RUN("E:\My Folder\RunScript.bat", 0, True) Set WshShell = Nothing Things work absolutely fine if there's no space in 'My Folder'.but call fails if such a space is encountered. ...

Indexing file paths or URIs in Lucene

Some of the documents I store in Lucene have fields that contain file paths or URIs. I'd like users to be able to retrieve these documents if their query terms contain a path or URI segment. For example, if the path is C:\home\user\research\whitepapers\analysis\detail.txt I'd like the user to be able to find it by queriying for path...

how to validate a safe filename with double (.) (.) "fileName ..pdf"

Im sarching how to create a safe filename in my webapplication I had read a lot of post around here last one but I can't find the solution for this example when the filename comes in the way "fileName ..pdf" (double dot), the brows...

Pythonic way to modify python path relative to current directory

I have a project that is structured like this (cut down a lot to give the gist)... State_Editor/ bin/ state_editor/ features/ # .py files io/ # .py files # etc. You get the idea. Now say for examp...

ASP.NET Get physical filepath from URL

Is there a way to get the physical filepath from an ASP.NET's URL? Scenerio: I have an app that is on two severs, but it will now be on lots more, and each server puts it in a different physical file path. Right now I'm doing this: //for server 1 if (Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path).Contains(".com")) { Application["StoreFiles...

Embedding Flash in Wordpress: filepath problem?

I have a Wordpress site. I want to embed a Flash file in one of my pages, like this: <object id="wdmmg" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%" codebase=",0,40,0"&gt; <param name="src" value="/_flash/main.swf" /> <embe...

How to get a path to a resource/file out of a Java JAR file

Hi there, I'm trying to get the path to a file that it is located out of the java jar and I don't want to use an absolute path. An exampel: lets say that the jar is located in ~/lib/myjar.jar and the file is located in the same folder. What I've trying is something like this, but it fails: File myfile = new File(this.getClass().getRes...

How to either create a filesystem filepath alias/redirect or rename several (xml) files to point to a new path via a programmatic text replace?

Forgive me if this is obvious but- is there any way to set up a filepath alias in Windows? I have a bunch of custom app config files that exist in a certain location and they contain filepath references to paths which I am trying to get rid of. I want to move the files referenced in these configs to a completely different file system pa...