
How can I detect the type of a dll? (COM, .NET, WIN32)

I need to process a number of dll's and exe files in a folder and determine what type of file I am dealing with: .NET, COM, Win32 or some other alien life form. I've been trying to determine the easiest way to detect the type of a DLL, what do you think of this: COM dll => I do a LoadLibrary, then GetProcAddress for "DllRegisterServer...

Deploying files to remote machines

I need to deploy a set of configuration files to a hundred or more Windows hosts. I have the IP addresses, the user name and password, and the location on the remote machines into which the files should be copied - and was wondering if there was anything in the .NET framework that would let me utilise all that info to move these files?...

Create a temporary FIFO (named pipe) in Python?

How can you create a temporary FIFO (named pipe) in Python? This should work: import tempfile temp_file_name = mktemp() os.mkfifo(temp_file_name) open(temp_file_name, os.O_WRONLY) # ... some process, somewhere, will read it ... However, I'm hesitant because of the big warning in Python Docs 11.6 and potential removal because it's ...

List iPhone application document files

Is there a way to get the filenames of the files in an iPhone application's document-folder? How do you do that? ...

WCF Service Reference .datasource files

What are the .datasource files that are automatically generated by "Create Service Reference" in Visual Studio? The comment in the file is this: This file is automatically generated by Visual Studio .Net. It is used to store generic object data source configuration information. Renaming the file extension or editing the conte...

How to handle references to Files properly within an application?

Hi! i have always wondered how to handle Files in applications. Say we have an Object containing several data about a File like a UUID and the reference to the file on disk. Even if this Object is immutable, there might be side effects like the file will be deleted by a part of the application but the other do not know about it, render...

C# - Toggle hidden files system wide?

What would be the best way to be able to toggle hidden folder and files system wide? I would prefer to do it in C#. I know I would use the global keyboard hook but I am not sure how I would toggle folders/files to be hidden and then visible when the shortcut key is pressed. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. ...

Search recursively in text files in a directory with java ?.

I need to search a text in all the files of a directory and subdirectorys any clever idea ? ...

How to check whether the file is using/reading or not in JAVA?

I am using Java to develop an application, it needs to manage the file on the computer. The application have the ability/function to delete the file on the system. But I want to check whether the selected file is using/reading by another application or not first. Because I don't want to delete the file which is reading/using. How can I d...

Which is better caching data with a file or a sqlite database?

I am caching data in an application I am currently writing and was wondering which would be better to use a regular text file or a sqlite database to hold the cached data? Thanks. EDIT: I am using Zend_Cache so relationships are handled without the need of database. What I am caching is xml strings if saved as regular files can be as b...

Tools for merging multiple xsd files

Hi, I've got a XML schema which is split to multiple XSD files. Now we need to merge them into one big XSD file. Anyone knows a good tools I can use to do it? Manually merging would be too cumbersome, and error-prone. Thanks very much. ...

WinForms Control for Textfile converting like in excel or open office?

Hi, for a Windows application I need to read in fixed block files which need to be splitted in fields. I would like to this like in excel or openoffice where I have a preview of the file and can graphically define where the line should be splitted. Does anyone know some control for .net which supports this, or any sample code where th...

saving a records containing a member of type string to a file (Delphi, Windows)

I have a record that looks similar to: type TNote = record Title : string; Note : string; Index : integer; end; Simple. The reason I chose to set the variables as string (as opposed to an array of chars) is that I have no idea how long those strings are going to be. They can be 1 char long, 200 or 2000. Of course when...

How do I upload binary content from an HTTP post into a MYSQL database through PHP without using PHP's file handling functions?

This may not be possible, but I'd like to ask anyway and see if there's a creative solution out there. I'd like to have a "file" form field on my site that uploads a file into a BLOB field in a MYSQL database. I must use PHP to accomplish this task. Normally, I know you would open the temp file found in the $_FILES array, using fope...

Program for generating files?

Not sure if this belongs on Stack, SuperUser or ServerFault, so feel free to migate as best fits. I am testing a web service that sends out files, because of this I need to find a way to automatically create files. Does anyone know of a free file generation tool? ...

compressed file format for Iphone

hi all, i am new to iPhone i want to ask that what is the compressed file format which is supported on iPhone. Also how can extract this file programmatically. ...

Comparing two files

I am comparing to files by reading it into filestream and comparing byte by how can i skip whitespaces while comparing?I am using ...

Which files do you commit and/or omit from your source control?

I think we can all agree, when a developer gets a project out of their source control system... it should successfully build. Question: What extraneous files do you omit and which are you certain to add? ...

passing input from standard input to a file (C programming)

I wrote a program in C which has a function that processes files which can be passed to it by a file pointer. void process_my_file(FILE *fptr, ...) { /* do work */ } I would like to read some input from standard input and pass it to my function, without having to write the input to a temporary file. Would it be possible to pass it ...

geting a list of all files in a directory

I want to do following 2 things 1)i want retrive the list of all files in a directory 2)and then i want to remove their extensions eg: if i get a list of fils as A.png ,B.png,C.jpeg,D.txt I want to get A,B,C,D How do i do that in php? ...