
How to compare 2 files fast using .NET?

Typical approaches recommend reading the binary via FileStream and comparing it byte-by-byte. Would a checksum comparison such as CRC be faster? Are there any .NET libraries that can generate a checksum for a file? ...

Why does Lucene cause OOM when indexing large files?

Hi, I’m working with Lucene 2.4.0 and the JVM (JDK 1.6.0_07). I’m consistently receiving “OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space”, when trying to index large text files. Example 1: Indexing a 5 MB text file runs out of memory with a 64 MB max. heap size. So I increased the max. heap size to 512 MB. This worked for the 5 MB text file, but...

How would I scan a directory to make links to pdfs using php?

I'm really new to php but what I want to do is make a dynamic table of contents for some of my companies job offerings. so if i put all the pdfs of the job descriptions in a folder called ../jobops with the php file located in root directory what would i need to do. ...

Unique naming of photos - GUID vs sequential number

A while ago I wrote a plan management system for the council that I work for, which lets us store all the old and new plans in digital format with information associated with via a access database(I didn't know MS SQL server at the time). Each plan has a unique plan ID which is just a auto incrementing int (primary key), a title and ...

php doesn't scan relative path for files

Here is my current code (that i am very proud of for my first attempt at php) <?php $files = glob("/jobops/*.txt"); $indexcount = count($files); sort($files); print("<br>"+$indexcount+"<br>"); foreach ($files as &$file) { print("<a href=\"$file\">$file</a><br>"); } ?> the problem is glob again works fine in the root directory (whe...

Directory.GetFileSystemInfos(string) returns non-matching files.

I'm using the follow command to get a list of FileSystemInfo's IList<FileSystemInfo> requestFiles = new List<FileSystemInfo>( _RequestDirectory.GetFileSystemInfos(GetSearchPatern())); Get search pattern returns "*.exr". The list still includes files that end with ".exr2", but does not include thos...

Serving files from SQL Server through Zend

I am storing files into an image field in SQL server storing the string in hex after converting into using: unpack("H*hex", $datastring); If I read from the database and write to a file, then open the file locally I can open it up just fine. But if I try to send the file as an attachment to the browser the file becomes corrupted and u...

Merging File and Post data in PHP

At work I've been dealing with some complex forms (publish pages of Symphony) that contain multiple image upload fields. I need a way to quickly merge $_FILES with $_POST, unfortunately you cannot simply merge the two with array_merge because they don't follow the same structure. Basically if you have $_POST[a][b] it would be $_FILES[a]...

C++ redefinition due to including header files multiple times

As, the title says. I'm encountering redefinition errors due to including header files multiple times. I know its because of that, but I don't know how to resolve. Yes, I previously posted the same problem in SO an hour ahead. But I wasn't able to explain properly (I think so) and didn't get answers expected. Here is the link: C++ Redef...

Files Changed Since

Short of recursing and comparing dates of files/directories, is there a better way of getting a list of all files and directories that have been changed on an NTFS drive since a particular date? ...

PHP Compression Options

I need to compress some binary files as quickly as possible with PHP - it needs to be reasonably fast and easy to use. What options can you fantastic people recommend? :) Jamie ...

Build .SQL File with Batch file not working

I have a folder C:\Scripts. In that folder I have 2 sub folders, Procedures and another Views. In the Procedures folder I have 2 files proc1.sql proc2.sql in the Views table I have 2 files view1.sql view2.sql I am trying to combine these files into one .sql file with the following batch file Copy Procedures\*.sql proc.sql Copy Vie...

How do I read hex numbers into an unsigned int in C [Solved]

I'm wanting to read hex numbers from a text file into an unsigned integer so that I can execute Machine instructions. It's just a simulation type thing that looks inside the text file and according to the values and its corresponding instruction outputs the new values in the registers. For example, the instructions would be: 1RXY -> ...

Creating the Previews of MS Office Files like word excel and PPT in cocoa

Hi How can I create the preview image for MS Office files like word, excel , power point in cocoa. Can anyone suggest me on this like how to handle those file?. I tried using the Bitmap representation of the .doc files.It dint work.. Which API i can use?.. thank you.. ...

How to unzip and return a file instead of a page in Page_Load( ) ?

There is an page receiving some request parameters. When everything is fine, it returns somehow a file to download. When not, it inserts an error message into this page. The file doesn't exists in hard-disk, it will be created by my page. Do you know how to do that? EDIT: In fact, the file exists in hard-disk, but it is embe...

How do I edit HTML files directly?

I'm trying to build a blog/messageboard that uses static HTML files to serve content. I know MovableType used to manage their blog engiene this way, but using Perl CGI scripts. How do I edit/append to HTML files preferebly using PHP? What other methods would people reccommend? ...

How can I get filename when user close Word?

I have one button and one textbox on form. When I click on the button, Microsoft Word is started. When the user closes Word, I want to get the file name that the user saved his work under to show up in the text box. I am using the following code for button_click: System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessS...

Save File to Desktop - Feasibility?

We have a part of our program which can save a diagnostic file for the user to email to us so we can help them with problems. We have the option of saving it to the desktop, and it seems to be the prevailing idea at the time. However, I have these two questions: Is there any instance where we WON'T be able to save to the desktop? I ...

Changing Title attributes of a bunch of music files by a script

I have quite a lot of music files but their title attributes have the track numbers infront of them, like 01.TrackName, 02.TrackName. What is the best way to strip off integers from the file attributes? Edit: I am using windows and all music files are MP3. Any solution as batch files, c++ or .net etc will be appreciated. ...

What variable name do you use for file descriptors?

A pretty silly trivial question. The canonical example is f = open('filename'), but f is not very descriptive. After not looking at code in a while, you can forget whether it means "file" or "function f(x)" or "fourier transform results" or something else. EIBTI. In Python, file is already taken by a function. What else do you use...