
Multiple uploads

Hi I need to upload the files to FTP from three different classes simultaneously.. How can i handle it using connection Kit .. If i use thread for three classes uploading will not be done. I think for uploading it is using the main thread of the application.. How can i separate this into three main threads so that uploading should be car...

Sync without scanning individual files?

Consider two directories: /home/user/music/flac /media/MUSIC/flac I would like the second directory (destination; a USB drive) to contain the same files and structure as the first directory (master). There are 3600+ files (59G in total). Every file is scanned using unison, which is painfully slow. I would rather it compare based on f...

korn Shell script to get files between two dates

Hi, Need to get the files between two given dates. If there are multiple files on one day get the latest of the files for that day. ...

korn shell script to get the most recent file for a given day

HI, I have a list of files from the last 7 days. From this list, if there are multiple files on a certain day, i need to get the latest for that day using korn shell script. Please help! ...

Shell script to find out if two files from a list of files are created on the same day

Hi I would like to find out using a korn shell script if two files from a list of files are created on the same day. I need to check the current file against the previous file in the list to see if they are created on the same day. Can someone please help? ...

Classes and file reading

Can an object of ifstream type used for file reading be a static member of a class? I want to read a file and store each line in an array of objects of a class i have created. I want the file reading object to belong to the entire array of objects instead of one single instance of the class. ...

Renaming multiple files: mv changing_part_footer.php changed_part_footer.php

I have files: hallo_flower.php hallo_house.php I need to rename them to: tjena_flower.php tjena_house.php ...

Copying files to directories as specified in a file list with python

I have a bunch of files in a single directory that I would like to organize in sub-directories. This directory structure (which file would go in which directory) is specified in a file list that looks like this: Directory: Music\ -> 01-some_song1.mp3 -> 02-some_song2.mp3 -> 03-some_song3.mp3 Directory: Images\ -> 01-some_i...

Writing to and retriveing from a file: List in Flex!!

Hi People :) , I am Totally new to flex and Action script.. I have a List control in my Air application. When I install the application I want a file created automatically on the local folder, and then when I start using the application .i.e. start typing in the List control, after exiting the application I want this data saved in that ...

General advice needed - How to implement record file attachments in ASP.NET?

I have an application which will have approximately 25,000 records when the initial data import is complete. These records will each have 1-3 associated 'file attachments' (.doc, .pdf, etc). Can anyone give me advice on how to implement this functionality? Specifically, where would you store the files and how would you organize them? ...

Ruby: how do I recursively find and remove empty directories?

I'm trying to write some ruby that would recursively search a given directory for all empty child directories and remove them. Thoughts? Note: I'd like a script version if possible. This is both a practical need and a something to help me learn. ...

Under which circumstances does the System process (PID 4) retain an open file handle?

My application running on a Windows server makes use of a Jet/Access database. For some reasons around every two weeks that database file gets locked by the System process (PID 4, seems to be fixed) After some googling I found some other users having their files locked by that special process, but different files (of course). What's t...

Why are there no simple IO utils in the JDK for reading an entire file into a String?

In the comments to my answer about reading an entire file into memory using, I asserted that the reason there is no read-whole-file-into-String method in Java is that it is not (of course) scalable with regards to how big the file is and how much heap you have. However, I guess everyone has some method like: String con...

Combining files using COPY command and getting odd characters

I have a bunch of small PowerShell functions, each in their own file and I am trying to combine them into a larger file. Using the low-tech approach of the DOS copy command by doing: copy /Y /A functions\*.ps1 super.ps1 works fine however where two files are joined it is inserting:  I'm guessing it's the line break characters showin...

C#: splitting a class into multiple files (with a form)

Using: C#, VS2008 I have the following main form class: [Main.cs] namespace Server { public partial class PipeServerform : System.Windows.Forms.Form { ... } } But it's big, and long, and contains GUI + logic code. So I seperate the class into multiple files for easier management and create this file that only holds the ...

Efficient flat file searching in PHP

I'd like to store 0 to ~5000 IP addresses in a plain text file, with an unrelated header at the top. Something like this: Unrelated data Unrelated data ----SEPARATOR---- Now I'd like to find if '' is in that text file using PHP. I've only ever loaded an entire file and processed it in memory, but I wonde...

Any way to rename image filenames?

Is there any way to make the "image" module store files under a new name on upload? Basically, someone could upload a file that says something like "macs are cool" or something equally absurd. Now, I don't want people to see that. I'd much rather have all the files renamed on upload to something like: "111494949478383.jpg". How would I g...

Are there any invalid linux filenames?

If I wanted to create a string which is guaranteed not to represent a filename, I could put one of the following characters in it on Windows: \ / : * ? | < > e.g. this-is-a-filename.png ?this-is-not.png Is there any way to identify a string as 'not possibly a file' on Linux? ...

Opening multiple files (OpenFileDialog, C#)

Hi all, i'm trying to open multiple files at once with the OpenFileDialog, using FileNames instead of FileName. But I cannot see any examples anywhere on how to accomplish this, not even on MSDN. As far as I can tell - there's no documentation on it either. Has anybody done this before?? ...

Reorganize folders with a script

Hi, Through the last years I have different types of software to organize my photo and music collections. This has resulted in differences in directory structure, and I'd like this to be uniform. Problem a: Music collection I want my music collection to look like: /Artist/Album/files.* but now there are several instances of /A/Artist/...