
What are PHP functions file and their users?

By functions file I'm referring to a file that is called for in each PHP page and contains functions. I noticed another question asking about function files and it reminded me that my PHP website did not use any function file. So I'm just wondering if function files are recommended for sites. ...

Win32 API CopyFile() fails to send multiple files

While attempting to use the CopyFile() function I have encountered a strange error. It will write neither of the files to my destination. Here is the code. The section when I send files has been commented. Keep in mind this code is a rough draft so ignore the function definitions. /* BrowserFind.c Version 0.2 07/29/09 LogicKills ...

Storing Data in Files on the Server rather than in Databases?

What are the problems associated with storing your Data in files rather than databases? I'm thinking in terms of something like a blog engiene. I read that MoveableType used to do this. What are the pros/cons of working this way? ...

Compile C++ over FTP

Hello! I would like to know if I can use g++ to compile C++ source files stored on an FTP server? Can this be done? Thanks NOTE: The FTP server is within the local network ...

What's the best way to automate file renaming?

Here's the situation: I have an excel file which contains the following information: Document location: (C:/folder/sub/file.doc) and Document New Name: (RENAMED-FILE.doc) What would be the be the best way to automate this as I have about a thousand files to rename? *Note: Document location can be in different locations (files will not...

need to put a nested Dict into a text file

I have a nested dict like this d={ time1 : column1 : {data1,data2,data3} column2 : {data1,data2,data3} column3 : {data1,data2,data3} #So on. time2 : {column1: } #Same as Above } data1,data2,data3 represent the type of data and not the data itself I need to put this dict into a file like ...

Can I get all the file extensions of text files in the repository in CVS ?

I need a list of all file types of text files in CVS (such as .cpp,.h etc. ) can it be done? ...

UnauthorizedAccessException when using Directory.GetFiles

In the application I am writing, the user has the ability to add some folder to search for some files recursively. The problem is the files he wants to add to the app might be stored in the base drive like K:. So if he add this drive directly, I get an exception. Or if he adds C:\, then I get UnauthorizedAccessException where it says: ...

svn / subversion: Get ALL files on new check out, but then exclude certain files from update/check in

After a fresh checkout, I want to get ALL files, specifically this file: etc/config.ini However, once I modify etc/config.ini, I do not want it committed with "svn commit ..." nor should it be reverted on a "svn up". This would allow you to get default values on an initial checkout (convention over configuration), but then after config...

compress binaries in SVN ?

Hi, I have written a script to compress and uncompress binary files of a selected directory (and the sub-directories). I need to activate the script before I commit files to SVN. Is there a way to use the pre-commit hook to execute the script? and if so, how do I give to the he script the root directory (so it would scan the sub-folde...

Qt QFileDialog input field - tab complete like shell

I've got a basic PyQt QFileDialog file browser goin in Python, Kubuntu. My issue is I would like the "tab key" in the file input to act as tab-complete does in a shell. Is there any way to accomplish this? ...

Wrapper to SVN commit and checkout for compressing.

Possible Duplicate: compress binaries in SVN ? exact duplicate by same author: compress binaries in SVN? Hi, I want to build a script to wrap the issues of commit and checkout. I want to compress binary files before commiting and to uncompress right after checkout. What is the way to do it? is the IMPORT command instead of C...

Linux: Move 1 million files into prefix-based created Folders

I have a directory called "images" filled with about one million images. Yep. I want to write a shell command to rename all of those images into the following format: original: filename.jpg new: /f/i/l/filename.jpg Any suggestions? Thanks, Dan ...

Deleting x amount of lines from the top of a text file.

I'm writing an application which will use a log file. What I want to do is when the application starts it will check to see if the log file is above a certain size and if it is it will delete 'x' amounts of lines from the top of the log file to shorten it up. What would be a good way of going about doing this? Would it be easier to write...

Getting extra HEX bytes when concatenating data files.

I'm concatenating data files, but the problem is that I'm seeing some extra bytes where the files are joined. The new file has extra bytes. I had thought this was maybe a problem with encoding. Here are the methods that I've tried to use to concatenate the files. The first example I'm getting extra 0xA0 0x00 bytes. Dim inputfiles(...

Uploading Multiple Files For FTP in Mac

Hi i am using Connection Kit Framework in my cocoa application.. I need to set multiple connections to a ftp server. and also i am facing problem in multiple file uploads.. How can i do that using connection Kit.. Can anyone Guide me on this.. I want to connect to ftp from three different classes.And also i need to upload from three cla...

Locking files in windows

I am working on some legacy code which opens a file and adds binary data to the file: std::ifstream mInFile; #ifdef WINDOWS miWindowsFileHandle = _sopen(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY , SH_DENYWR, S_IREAD); #endif, std::ios_base::binary); For some reason the code opens the file twice...

What Windows API function should I use to mark/unmark files/folders as protected operating system file?

What Windows API function should I use to mark/unmark files/folders as protected operating system file? ...

Download multiple files and zip them on client side programaticaly

I have a requirement to download multiple files from server and zip them into one file. So that user will to deal with only one file while downloading. We have files hosted in akamai servers, we want to download those files in client side, then zip them programatically and popup message asking user where they want to save the zip file...

Moving a file to the Recycle Bin (PHP)

Hi, This question is related to a Windows install of PHP5. Doing a file unlink() makes it difficult for recovery. Instead I would like to move the file to the Recycle Bin (without doing an exec()). Do you have any idea? Thanks for your help. ...