
WPF ClickOnce file issues. (XBAP/WPF/ClickOnce Gurus in.)

I am making a new Visual Studio 2008 project that integrates all the DLLS and EXEs and make it a ClickOnce Project and to publish it.The issue is that I have some XML files that store the localization data.I am adding all the files as link files to the solution project and then building and publishing. I have set for say en.xml Build Ac...

What good web file management systems do you use?

I am looking for a web based file management system and have the following requirements: Deal with the huge size of storage Permissions on the files according to association groups Tagging on files Search engine Is there a service that you can recommend? ...

Access local file modification time in javascript

Is there a way to get the modification time of a file (either ctime or mtime should work) that is accessed locally through javascript. I want to go to file:///home/me/mtime.html and have the javascript tell me that /home/me/file.txt was modified 2 minutes ago or something. I understand that javascript has limited file access due to sec...

Best strategies to manage file access restrictions on the web?

This is about selling files such as PDF files. Lets say there is a web interface where an administrator can upload files to the server. These files are for later download by clients who have paid for the rights to download these files. How to simply manage restrictions to these files for clients? How to prevent someone who has not paid f...

What is an MDF file

Is this like an "embedded" database of sorts? A file containing a built in database? ...

Tool which shows me which files are written in Linux?

I found in IOStat, that some part of my application is writing extensively, but I don't know which process it is and what files it is writing to. In Vista there is a tool fo that which shows the files that have been active in the last 30 Seconds. Is there something similar for Linux? ...

Locks on Files Preventing Overwriting Files in ASP.NET

I have a small C# ASP.NET web application which generates several PNG image files from dynamically created .NET Chart controls. These are then used to: Create a lightbox effect Create a PDF Create a Zip file The application gets little usage and the data is updated often, so I'm re-creating everything on each load. The problem is, ...

Writing in file's actual position in Python

Hello, I want to read a line in a file and insert the new line ("\n") character in the n position on a line, so that a 9-character line, for instance, gets converted into three 3-character lines, like this: "123456789" (before) "123\n456\n789" (after) I've tried with this: f = open(file, "r+") f.write("123456789"), 0) f.wri...

Getting the path to the directory of a given class file

I was confronted with code which tries to read some configuration files from the same directory where the .class file for the class itself is: File[] configFiles = new File( this.getClass().getResource(".").getPath()).listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.ends...

Using Server.MapPath in external C# Classes in ASP.NET

I'm trying to get the absolute path of certain files in a C# class. Server.MapPath works great of course for ASPX and their code-behind pages, but that doesn't exist in another class file. I tried HostingEnvironment.MapPath(), but that complains that the relative virtual path isn't allowed. Any thoughts? System.Web is already importe...

Can I prevent from users to delete files from the SERVER using TortoiseSVN and RapidSVN?

When a user is useing TortoiseSVN and RapidSVN, he sees the files as they are on the server, and thus has the ability to delete them. I want to prevent that. Maybe to block the option to delete? Thanks, Oded EDIT I want the only way a file will be deleted from a server is that a user deletes it from his local drive, and then commits it...

Can this code to loop through photos in a folder be optimised?

I have written this code having not used PHP for 2 years now to loop through a folder of photos and write them to the page in alphabetical order. It is a fairly simple request but it took me the best part of 15 minutes to write. if ($handle = opendir('photos')) { $count = 0; $list[] = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($ha...

Whats the best way of putting tabular data into python?

I have a CSV file which I am processing and putting the processed data into a text file. The entire data that goes into the text file is one big table(comma separated instead of space). My problem is How do I remember the column into which a piece of data goes in the text file? For eg. Assume there is a column called 'col'. I just put s...

Opening a custom file on-demand

I have a custom file type that is implemented in sections with a header at the shows the offset and length of each section within the file. Currently, whenever I want to interact with the file, I must either load and parse the entire thing up front, or else pick only the sections that I need and load just them. What I would like to do ...

How to use Python's Easygui module to pick files and insert filenames into code

I'm trying to use Python's easygui module to select a file and then insert it's name into a program I wrote (see code below). So I want to insert filename 1 and 2 where it says insert filename1, etc.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! import easygui import csv msg='none' title='select a 90m distance csv file' filetypes=...

how can I save struct in file .... C lang

I'd like to save a struct in a file. I'd like to realize a function which makes this work. I tried this code but it didn't work. struct utilisateur // enregestrement pour sauvegarder les details de l utilisateur { char nom[20]; char prenom[20]; int place; char depart[20]; char arrive[20]; char sexe; int nwagon; }; struct uti...

How should I organize project-specific read-only files in c#

My standalone smallish C# project requires a moderate number (ca 100) of (XML) files which are required to provide domain-specific values at runtime. They are not required to be visible to the users. However I shall need to add to them or update them occasionally which I am prepared to do manually (i.e. I don't envisage a specific tool, ...

How to use VIM to remember open files between sessions?

I use VIM as my main text editor here at work and I often have 10-15 files open at once in a couple of windows with several tabs, each of which has its own split windows. I love using VIM, but I hate having to re-do my entire set-up every time the dev server gets bounced or my machine crashes. Is there a way to get VIM to remember a setu...

exposing files from a service through a rails application

Hi All, I have a rails application that generates open office files, and I have a service at another location that will convert these open office files to microsoft office files. I'd like to have a controller action that will send the open office file to the converter, then serve the returned microsoft office file to the user. how cou...

Concatenation of files using ffmpeg does not work as I expected. Why?

I execute the following command line for ffmpeg.exe -i C:\Beema\video-source\DO_U_BEEMA176x144short.avi -i C:\Beema\video-source\DO_U_BEEMA176x144short.avi -i C:\Beema\temp\9016730-51056331-stitcheds.avi -i C:\Beema\video-source\GOTTA_BEEMA176x144short.avi -y -ac 1 -r 24 -b 25K C:\Beema\video-out\9a062fb6-d448...