
(Rails) Reloading "lib" files without having to restart server...?

Hi All, Is there any way in Rails to have the ENV reload "lib" files without having to restart the server? I'm working with some classes that I have inside a module in "lib". However, in order to see my changes I must restart the server each time. I'm guessing this is the way Rails is intended to work, but it is quite tedious when de...

Adding specific files or folders to a windows explorer view

I've been working on a tagging program for my computer. I need to the ability to pass a list of files or folders into an explorer (or something similar) to display them and be able to manipulate them much like you would do with a folder view in Windows. I've already written the software which records and stores tags relative to file's ...

How to delete Folder at uninstallation in C#.NET application?

I have a window .net application named "XYZ", I have created a custom folder named"ABC" (folder may be anywhere other than application path) while using my application after installation. When i am uninstalling the application all folders are removed but "ABC" folder remain there. How can I delete 'ABC' folder which resides other tha...

No images displayed when website called from self written webserver

I have Java webserver (no standard software ... self written). Everything seems to work fine, but when I try to call a page that contains pictures, those pictures are not displayed. Do I have to send images with the output stream to the client? Am I missing an extra step? As there is too much code to post it here, here is a little outli...

How can I detect the file type of image at a URL?

How to find the image file type in Perl form website URL? For example, $image_name = "logo"; $image_path = "".$image_name From this information how to find the file type that . here the example it should display "png" . Supposer if it has...

VBS Script: Copy directories listed in web file from Windows machine to Unix/Samba Share

[Outline] Hello Folks. In the home here we have five windows PC's running various editions of XP and Vista. As a backup solution, we have a file server with ample space for backups to be made too. Some of the users are not very competent at remembering to back their files up. I'd like to run a script on shutdown of a machine to fetch a ...

How can you determine the file size in JavaScript?

I help moderate a forum online, and on this forum we restrict the size of signatures. At the moment we test this via a simple Greasemonkey script I wrote; we wrap all signatures with a <div>, the script looks for them, and then measures the div's height and width. All the script does right now is make sure the signature resides in a pa...

nullobject for File in Java

I have a class that occasionally gets passed null for File objects. During normal operation it uses a Scanner class to parse through the file. Instead of littering my code with null checks against the File objects, I thought I could replace the Files with nullobjects (Gang of Four style). However, it looks like File isn't really design...

Creating same method in more than one aspx files.

I have a method which I have to use in two aspx pages. This method calls method in Data Access Layer. This method is 35 lines long. This method is not using any UI element. Structure of my project is like this. Solution MyProject - BaseWeb - CommonLib - DataAccessLayer My Data Access Layer is generated from LLBLGen Pro (an O/R map...

Unpacking rar on iPhone

Hi everyone, I created little download application with music player and now I want it to unpack archives, because quite often mp3s are packed in archive and you can play them before you unpack the archive. I found solution for .zip files on iPhone here on stackoverflow, but I'm wondering if there's a way to unpack .rar files, or other t...

Installshield Dynamic Links Question

Is there any way to exclude a folder that is located under a dynamic link in InstallShield? So I have a dynamic link that starts at PATH_A, and the following is a small example directory structure: PATH A --- PATH B --- PATH C (which contains files) --- PATH D (which contains files) --- PATH E (which contains files...

Downloading big files (~40MB) and saving as attachments with paperclip

I have found some code ` require 'socket' host = "" path = "/" # get 1gb sample file request = "GET #{path} HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" socket =,80) socket.print(request) # find beginning of response body buffer = "" while !buffer.match("\r\n\r\n") do buffer += end response ...

How to read each line in a file which is delimited by LF only?

I have to read line-by-line a log file. It's about 6MB in size and 40000 line total. But after testing my program, I discover that that log file is only delimited by LF character only. So I can't use the Readline method of StreamReader class How can I fix this problem? edit: I tried to use Text Reader, but my program still didn't work:...

Change python file in place

Hello, I have a large xml file (40 Gb) that I need to split into smaller chunks. I am working with limited space, so is there a way to delete lines from the original file as I write them to new files? Thanks! ...

Moving files from one directory to another, using Java

Hello, I have problems with moving files in directories in Java. The problem is that I cannot understand why the program behaves the way it behaves. Below is a (slight) modification of my real program. I traverse directories of a directory. In each of these traversed directories there are text files, which I want to move into two subd...

Is it possible to read .eml files in .net

I would like to know if it is possible to parse .eml and .msg files in dot net (preferably from a memorystream) such that I can use them on an ASP.Net page. ...

Could not find a part of the path

Hey I'm using the ExeConfigurationFileMap class's OpenMappedExeConfiguration method to open a config file. The config file is used by two programs in the same directory. Everything is working fine on my development machine but when I copied the programs to another machine I get this error while executing the program Code not find a par...

Computing estimated times of file copies / movements?

Inspired by this xckd cartoon I wondered exactly what is the best mechanism to provide an estimate to the user of a file copy / movement? The alt tag on xkcd reads as follows: They could say "the connection is probably lost," but it's more fun to do naive time-averaging to give you hope that if you wait around for 1,163 hours, it ...

SQL Server 2008 File Write Behaviors

Sort of a 101 question: with multiple files in a user defined filegroup, what is SQL Servers behavior when inserting rows? Round robin? Write until full and move on to the next? I have found some interesting posts regarding tempDb on this subject that suggest round robin, but nothing conclusive. ...

What best practices do you recommend for safeguarding user data while writing to a file?

Let's say you have a program, like a text editor or a word processor, that writes to user-created files. What steps should be taken to guarantee the minimum risk of data loss or corruption in the face of crashes, out-of-space errors, sudden power loss, race conditions, etc? ...