
how to send / get files via web-services in php

is this possible ? what is the correct way to send files ? thanks ...

Repetitively Retrieve Data from Site via PHP

When accessing, a CSV file is downloaded with the most current data regarding that site. I want to have my site,, access on an hour by hour basis in order to get updated information. I want to then use the updated information stored in the CSV file to compare change...

Python file manipulation

Assume I have such folders rootfolder | / \ \ 01 02 03 .... | 13_itemname.xml So under my rootfolder, each directory represents a month like 01 02 03 and under these directories I have items with their create hour and item name such as 16_item1.xml, 24_item1.xml etc, as you may guess there are several items an...

How to retrieve a directory of files from a remote server?

If I have a directory on a remote web server that allows directory browsing, how would I go about to fetch all those files listed there from my other web server? I know I can use urllib2.urlopen to fetch individual files, but how would I get a list of all the files in that remote directory? ...

Storing files on the filesystem

I have an application that stores images in a database. Now I have learned that this isn't the best way to do this because of performance. I've started extracting all the "blobs" out of the database and added them (through a virtual folder) into the data folder the problem is that I allready have 8000 blobs stored and if I put them in ...

How to implement a pythonic equivalent of tail -F?

What is the pythonic way of watching the tail end of a growing file for the occurrence of certain keywords? In shell I might say: tail -f "$file" | grep "$string" | while read hit; do #stuff done ...

Creating files in Objective-C

Hi all, Which is the faster way of creating files ? Case 1: ====== NSData *data = [Some data]; [data writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES]; Case 2: ======= NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; [fileManager createFileAtPath:filePath contents:data attributes:nil]; Thanks Biranchi ...

PHP dealing with files

im' trying to make a file based article system and i want the folders to be my categories and files inside it to be the actual articles. But sometimes i need some special characters in my folder/file name(\/:*?",and actually i'm interested just in double quotes and question mark). Is there a way to do the trick...something like & is ...

Making a temporary dir for unpacking a zipfile into

I have a script that's gonna check a zipfile containing a number of matching PDF+textfiles. I want to unpack or somehow read the textfiles from the zipfile and just pick out some information from the textfile to see that the file version is correct. I was looking at the tempnam function to find an equivalent to make an tempdir, but mayb...

HttpWebRequest Class Text + File in

How to create an POST with the HttpWebRequest Class in (2008)? I can find exemples with text only but not with text and files. Thanks. ...

How can I load a folders files into a ListView?

I'd like to have a user select a folder with the FolderBrowserDialog and have the files loaded into the ListView. My intention is to make a little playlist of sorts so I have to modify a couple of properties of the ListView control I'm assuming. What properties should I set on the control? How can I achive this? ...

retrieving a string with spaces from a file in C

We were given an assignment that involved taking information from a file and storing the data in an array. The data in the file is sorted as follows New York 40 43 N 74 01 W the first 20 characters are the name of the city followed by the latitude and longitude. latitude and longitude should be easy with a few fscanf(i...

Convert files of any types to a file with c strings.

Please suggest a small command-line utility (for Windows) to convert files from particular directory to a valid c file. Maybe it can be done just with batch commands? The resulting file should look like this: static const unsigned char some_file[] = { /* some_file.html */ 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x65, 0x7...

PHP: Files or database

What's better? I want to share a script where some data (4 ints (between 0 and 2000) and a string (length up to 200)). Should I store them in files or in a MySQL database? I use normally databases, but in this case are files also not that bad (to handle). The problem is that there are partial in one day over 100.000 inserts. That are s...

File I/O In DrScheme

(read) takes in a string from stdin, parses it as an s-expression, and returns that expression. How do I do the exact same thing, except taking input from a file? ...

Inno Setup installer package supplied file list

Hi Guys, I've got a "Project" containing a mixed set of files that my application compiles into an installable using InnoSetup. Many of the project files are system or configuration files, and not relevant to the actual install. Therefore, i want to include only the relevant files in an installer. I have a list of them in my application...

Scaling File Systems

Hi, This could be a question for serverfault as well, but it also includes topics from here. I am building a new web site that consist of 6 servers. 1 mysql, 1 web, 2 file processing servers, 2 file servers. In short, file processing servers process files and copy them to the file servers. In this case I have two options; I can setup ...

C# solution for analysing files as they are written/modified

I have several projects that require me to monitor files, and then edit them as they are getting written to disk. I have a feeling that what I am looking for is operationally the same as how anti-virus tools operate. Let me give more details: 1) I need to trap all files saved by Office application, and then add specific company tags to t...

What is use of feature.xml in moss2007?

What are the exact use of feature.xml, onet.xml, webtemp.xml ? please describe.... ...

How to put records from a random access file into an array in the C programming language?

How do I put the records from the random access file into the array allRecs[10]? /*Reading a random access file and put records into an array*/ #include <stdio.h> /* somestruct structure definition */ struct somestruct{ char namn[20]; int artNr; }; /*end structure somestructure*/ int main (void) { int i = 0; ...