
SharePoint document library problem using .config extension

If I upload files with the .config extension to a SharePoint document library, clicking on them from a browser gives me the message: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: https://www...........somefile.config Line Number 1, Column 1: Also, if I view the document library using "Open with Windows Explorer" I am unable to view...

Cannot access INI files in "Program Files"

I wrote this C++ application that needs to check an INI file (“preference.ini”), and eventually modify it (e.g. if the user does not want to see the introduction form anymore). I created it in WinXP, and it works fine on the system where I compiled it (in many locations, including “Program Files”). Problem: In Win 7, it works fine if ...

Tens of millions of small files, where to host them? (prefer a free one)

I have over 10 million small static html files (10K each). And I am an user of It have a limitation of 50000 files. It sent an email to warn me that if I didn't delete the files in 30 days, it would disable my account. So I am looking for a free service to host my files. I considered google app engine, but it has a even mo...

I get weird characters when removing line breaks in my aspx files

I wrote a small .NET applications that removes all line breaks in aspx/html/css code to make it harder to read for people trying to steal my design. And surprisingly I get weird characters that appear out of nowhere such as Â, » and others. They all stay at the same places, but I have no clue why they appear. Do you have any ideas on ho...

Asp.Net initiate transfer of 2 files with 'Save as' dialog

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.ContentType = "text/txt"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "file.txt"); Response.Write(@"C:\temp.txt"); Response.End(); } Hi, the previous code allows me to transfer ...

Reading files to list of strings in Python

When you use the fileName.readlines() function in Python, is there a symbol for the end of the file that is included in the list? For example, if the file is read into a list of strings and the last line is 'End', will there be another place in the list with a symbol indicating the end of the file? Thanks. ...

android file handling

hi expert, i'm newbie for android dev, now i want explore file handling in android, for example how to write a file (ie. sample.txt) and which location, how to read back it, can this file can be view manually thanks in advance ...

python - appending different columns from a file to different lists?

Hi, I have a tab-delimited file as below: A 3 A 6 B 6 B 9 C 0 C 2 I wish to read the file in as below: LIST = [['A', '3'], ['B', '6'], ['C', '0'], ['A', '6'], ['B', '9'], ['C', '2']] The order is not important. I am only concerned that each row is read in increments of two and assigned to a sub list. An...

Select Multiple Files in .NET Compact Framework?

The OpenFileDialog does not provide the functionality to select multiple files. Nor does OpenFileDialogEx (Although better) How do i get about selecting multiple files in .NET Compact Framework? Thanx a lot in advance :) ...

how to find if the file is a link file, and find the path of the target file (actual file pointed by the link file)

how to find if the file is a link file, and find the path of the target file (actual file pointed by the link file) ...

Delete images that don't exist in SQL database

Hi, I have a table of products in my sql database. Each product has an image and 4 thumbnails. These just store the filename of an image on the hard drive. The problem I have is that over time I have deleted thousands of products but the images still remain on the hard drive. Now I need to build a script (in c# .net) to remove any orpha...

Detect when a directory or file changes

Other than reading all the files and comparing them with a previous snapshot, is there a way to detect when a directory changes in C# with Windows? I don't mind PInvoke if that's what it takes. ...

PHP Real file type

I am building a website where the user can upload mp3 files. And, I want to check if the file is a mp3 file. What I need to know is if there is a php function that do that for me. I tried $_FILES['uploadedfile']['type'] But, I does not work like I want, because it returns the file type based on the extension (I tested it only on windo...

Redirect a file stream into memory stream

Hey, I do have a program (call it "a.exe" for example) which reads its config from several files. can I write another program to redirect all file accesses of "a.exe" to another stream (console for example)? I don't have the code of "a.exe" but if I get the source code of a.exe, obviously I can change all the file accesses. but is ther...

C++, console Application, reading files from directory

I have a directory and I want to read all the text files in it using C++ and having windows OS also using console application I don't know the files' names or their number thanks in advance ...

What's the simplest way to embed (new) file information in a drag?

I want users to be able to drag elements from my program onto the desktop to create files from them. What's the simplest way to embed this information into a DataObject so explorer will accept drops and create the appropriate file(s)? My experience with drag and drop is limited, and so far the only way I can think of is to actually crea...

Manipulating data in Memory instead of file.

consider the function below: int Func(char* filename); int Func(FILE* filepointer); these two do the same, reads alot of data from the given file (by name or pointer), analyze he result, and returns it. I wanna call this function with lots of different data. Therefore I should write data into file, then pass the new filename to Func. ...

Problem with $_FILES and cURL

I'm having some trouble sending $_FILES by cURL - the files get transferred alright using the following code, however it is impossible for me to get the name, and type of the file, in fact once the $_FILES reach their destination their type is stored as "application/octet-stream" - what am I doing wrong!? $count=count($_FILES['thefile...

Can I call other methods in other javascript files from my overlay script?

I am writing a Firefox extension. I have setup an overlay for chrome://browser/content/browser.xul and I am handling the on load event. This I have working. I also have N separate .js files in my extension (specifically in chrome://my-extension/content/js/*.js). Each of these .js files implements a common interface. For example, fo...

How to determine the file extension of a file from a uri

Assuming I am given a URI, and I want to find the file extension of the file that is returned, what do I have to do in Java. For example the file at is When I do URI uri = new URI(address); URL url = uri.toURL(); Strin...