
System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to map the path '/sharedDrive/Public'

I'm trying to set up a page that will allow users to download files from a shared drive (where the file is actually sent via the page). So far this is what I have. public partial class TestPage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected DirectoryInfo dir; protected FileInfo[] files; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e...

Problem accessing config files within a Python egg

I have a Python project that has the following structure: package1 ... package2 ... config dev_settings.ini prod_settings.ini I wrote a file that converts this into an egg with the same file structure. (When I examine it using a zip program the structure seems id...

What does it mean if some files in TortoiseSVN are marked "deleted" and others "deleted (+)" with a plus sign?

I'm about to do a commit in TortoiseSVN involving rearranging a lot of files and directories. On the "commit" window, there are several files whose text status is "deleted" or "added" but others whose text status is "deleted (+)" or "added (+)". What does the (+) mean? (It's quite difficult to Google for a plus sign, and the word "plus...

Transferring files from disk (Linux on virtual machine) to Windows shared folder?

Hi, I'm using RedHat on a Hyper-V virtual machine. I need to copy files from the CD (captured to the Redhat VM) into a Windows shared network folder. After copying some files, the windows side pops up an "Invalid MS-DOS function" message, although everything looks fine from the Linux side. What could be the reason for that? Do I need t...

Printing several files of different formats from within application

We have a business application where users can upload documents and where admins later review them. These admins want to print these documents, preferably by just ticking checkboxes in the file list form and clicking a "print button". My problem is how to append the different documents, which of course can be of different formats, and s...

How do I securely wipe a file / directory in Python?

Is there any module which provides somehow basic "secure" deletion, sth. like the Linux utility "wipe", e.g. import securitystuff securitystuff.wipe( filename ) I need to protect company source codes which should not be easily retrievable anymore. Thank you, Marcus P.S. Yes I know "wipe" is not perfect, e.g. on journalling filesyste...

C# .exe upload of multiple files to PHP server - filename param?

What is the best way for a C# .exe program, to upload to a php server script that accepts file uploads. If using .NET WebClient is the only way, is there a way for WebClient to specify the parameter name, rather than just the file? For example, the C# .exe would do basically what a simple html form would do in this case. <input nam...

Php grab file information on upload

Is it possible to write an upload script in php that takes the file information(for example... a music file has the artist, album ect ect within the file information) and writes it into a database? If so how would i go abouts doing so... ...

How to store files on disc to increase performance

From performance point of view: How it's better to store uploaded files on disk? One folder and huge number of images? or create logically subfolders? OS: Linux FS: ext3 Thanks! ...

Differentiate between a parameter that can take either file contents or file path in PHP

Hey all, I'm implementing a function called attach. I'm looking for a way to take a param that is either a file path or a file's contents. Here's what I have: /** * @param name - name of the file * @param file - either a file or a file path */ function attach($name, $file) { $attachment = array(); $attachment['name'] = $n...

how to load a big file and cut it into smaller files ??

I have file about 4MB (which i called as big one)...this file has about 160000 a specific format...and i need to cut them at regular interval(not at equal intervals) i.e at the end of a certain format and write the part into another file.. Basically,what i wanted is to copy the information for the big file into the many smalle...

[Flex]Static XML files are not exported when, building the Project

I am doing a video library. Each category has it's own XML files that feeds it data. Everything works great. However, when I Exported the Release Build. I noticed those XML files are gone(i.e. never got exported). I don't understand why. I need the video library to be dynamic so I can add or remove videos. Anyone know why those files a...

(C++ header file question) Can someone help clairify how header files work?

Hi I've been working with C++ for a good couple of weeks now, but the mechanism behind header files (or the linker I suppose?) confuses the heck out of me. I've gotten in the habit of creating a "main.h" to group my other header files and keep the main.cpp tidy, but sometimes those header files complain about not being able to find a di...

How to get file signature, files type (*.exe, *.js, *.msi, *.ocx, *.sys, *.vbs) ?

Hi, I am developing tool to make signature test be easy, already i succeeded to pull out signature from dll files using .net C# reflection. i want to know if the reflection in C# will help me to get signature from the below list, files type :(*.exe, *.js, *.msi, *.ocx, *.sys, *.vbs). if not, then how can i get the signature (from list ...

Insert file contents into MySQL table's column.

I know there's the LOAD DATA INFILE statement, which allows me to INSERT structured data into a table. What I'm curious about, is whether it is possible to INSERT contents of a file into single column. So, is something like this: INSERT INTO my_table (stamp, what) VALUES (NOW(), LOAD DATA INFILE 'my_file'); possible? ...

Is there any way to acces file stored in project folder?

Hello. I have several files stored in my project /res/values folder, is there any way to open and read these files from my android application? Each file contains text informations about one level of my game. I really appreciate any help. ...

Why is the concatenation of a set of files greater than the sum of the parts?

In an obscure way, it is a programming question. I concatenated several sets of text files in the range of 1MB and found that in each case the concatenated file size was much larger than the sum of the individual files by a large extent (2x-4x times more, even greater for Windows7). Why is this? ...

Transfer files in C

How do I transfer files from one folder to another, where both folders are present in oracle home directory? int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ char *home, *tmp2; home = getenv("ORACLE_HOME"); temp2 = getenv("ORACLE_HOME"); strcat (home,"A"); strcat (tmp2,"B"); //transfer files from home to tmp2 } strcat doesn't ...

How to findout if a file has been changed

I need to develop a file synchronization application to sync my files from my local computer to my remote server. My local OS is windows and remote OS is Unix. I can access files on the remote on FTP. Is file's 'modified date' enough to find out files that has been changed on my computer? ...

PHP: How to check if a file is currently being written to

Lets say I have a PHP script that is going to serve a big file and I am currently uploading this big file through for example FTP. Is there a way I can check in my PHP script if the upload is complete? Is there for example a way I can check if a file is currently being written to or something like that? Update: Should have mentioned th...