
Reading a file from a UNC path and setting the correct MIME type in a HTTP request

How would I go about reading a file from a UNC path, discovering the proper MIME type, and streaming that out to a browser? It feels to me like I'm re-inventing IIS, and I'll also have to maintain my own MIME type database for each file extension. Does the above request sound reasonable, or is there a better way? I plan on streaming t...

Is this method of sending couchdb attachments in Django efficient enough for general usage?

Currently I'm using the below code to allow a user to download a file that's attached to a couchdb document. I'm using couchdbkit with Django. def get_file(request, user_id): user = User.objects.get(pk = user_id) application = user.get_profile().application() attachment_name = request.GET.get('name', None) assert attachm...

Should I reuse a FileStream/BinaryWriter object?

Update: After looking in the event log at around the time this occurred, I get the message: "The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool was empty." repeated continually throughout the log, until it was rebooted. I am writing a class that writes debugging information to a file, up until now the class...

Need help understanding Stream.Read()

I am a little confused as to the steps of reading a file into buffer gradually. from the MSDN docs public abstract int Read( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count ) source from C# Examples FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); try { int length = (int)fileStream.Length; // ...

Empty Path Name Is Not Legal

So I'm trying to compile an Asteroids game. It's almost working, all the files are in place etc etc... The issue comes when it hits this code. FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); string myTempFile = @"F:\Documents\Junior School\Computer Programming (Java 1)\AsteroidsWithSo...

Exclusive access to text file, to read and overwrite it.

Hi, I'd like to open a text file and not allow any other processes to write to it. I understand I can do this with the following FileStream: Dim fs As New FileStream(_FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read) Once I have access like this I need to read all of the lines (I will use a StreamReader(fs)) and then I w...

FileStream and memory usage

I've written the following program which purpose is to create a file of a give size with some random data in it. The program works fine and does what it's suppose to do. However, I don't understand why it consumes 5GB of RAM (see screenshot of my Task Manager). While I am writing the file with random data, I am not creating new objects. ...

FileStream.ReadByte - Inefficient - What is the meaning of this?

The default implementation on Stream creates a new single-byte array and then calls Read. While this is formally correct, it is inefficient. Any stream with an internal buffer should override this method and provide a much more efficient version that reads the buffer directly, avoiding the extra array allocation on every call. ...

FileStream not letting me create file on local machine?

Hi all, I'm using a FileStream to download information of an FTP server to a directory on my C:\ drive. For some reason, even though I've even tried setting the directory permissions to even 'Everyone' access, it's given me this exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\tmpfolder' is denied' Why is this?...

Saving create / modify dates of file when writing / restoring a binary filestream

Is it possible to save a file's original create / modify dates when saving a file to a db (via filestream & BinaryReader) and then have those dates attached to the file when recreating the file, again via filestream & BinaryWriter, from the db? If possible, how do I do it? My inital research leads me to believe only the file contents ar...

LINQ to SQL SubmitChanges not working FILESTREAM Table

I have some code that inserts data into some tables (one table has a FILESTREAM column) and then calls SubmitChanges after it is done. db.Log = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\windows\temp\linq.log") { AutoFlush = true }; db.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.FailOnFirstConflict); I have referenced the following links but they appear to not b...