
How to find the file system type in python

I'm looking for a way in python to find out which type of file system is being used for a given path. I'm wanting to do this in a cross platform way. On linux I could just grab the output of df -T but that won't work on OSX or windows. ...

Is it easier to write filesystem drivers in userspace than in kernel space?

I will use the Linux NTFS driver as an example. The Linux kernel NTFS driver only has very limited write support in the kernel, and after 5 years it is still considered experimental. The same development team creates the ntfsmount userspace driver, which has almost perfect write support. Likewise, the NTFS-3G project which is written ...

How to get notified when a folder is accessed?

I have a shared folder on my local machine. I want to get notified every time someone tries to access it. Could someone give me some hint on this? I have checked the FileSystemWatcher class, it only provides events for change/creation/delete/rename of the contents under the folder, which is not exactly what I want. I also tried to use ...

PHP Filesystem Pagination

How does one paginate a large listing of files within a folder? I can't see any functions in the PHP documentation that mention any way to specify an 'offset'. Both glob() and scandir() simply return all the files in the folder, and I'm afraid that won't be a good idea for a huge directory. Is there any better way of doing this than si...

How to see fragmentation of a specific file?

Is there a tool that would show me for a specific file on disk, how fragmented it is? (How many seeks does physical disk need to make if I were to read that file in a linear fashion) ...

FileInputStream for a generic file System

I have a file that contains java serialized objects like "Vector". I have stored this file over Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS). Now I intend to read this file (using method readObject) in one of the map task. I suppose FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("hdfs/path/to/file"); wont' work as the file is stored over HDFS. So ...

Embedded systems linux

I want to make final year project so i want a two way interface device one connect to server and other connect to ouput display television. whats are the rquirements i need....and how do i this. ...

Uploading multiple images through Tumblr API

I have about 300 images I want to upload to my new Tumblr account, becuase my old wordpress site got hacked and I no longer wish to use wordpress. I uploaded one image a day for 300 days, and I'd like to be able to take these images and upload them to my tumblr site using the api. The images are currently local, stored in /images/. T...

where the crawled files are stored in Heritrix web crawler

hi i want to know where the crawled files are stored in Heritrix web crawler... thanks and advance ...

How to put\save files into some publik directory? (adobe air)

We develope for multy users OS. So my Air App needs to save some files to let all users acsess them (and be able to acsess them on its own). So I need a function to save files into public directoris (crossplatform function) . Can any one please share such one? ...

Deliver files from a web server from outside the web app

Is there anyway to serve a file from a web server through the web, that is not within the web application. I am using Tomcat and a Java servlets based application. I don't want to put the files within the webapp because they are several 100GB and I will have to replace them every time I update the WAR if I put them inside it. ...

Deleting locked files with Java?

We have to delete some directories and their contents using Java running on Windows. I was worried about running into the directory files being locked. We could just invoke Unlocker to do the delete. Or is there a more Java centric way to handle this situation? ...

The FAT, Linux, and NTFS file systems

I heard that the NTFS file system is basically a b-tree. Is that true? What about the other file systems? What kind of trees are they? Also, how is FAT32 different from FAT16? What kind of tree are the FAT file systems using? ...

Linux - How do i know the block map of the given file and/or the free space map of the partition.

Hello, I am on Linux and need to know either of the two things: 1) If i have a regular file on some file system on a partition under Linux is there a way to know the set of the physical blocks that this file occupies on the drive from user space? Or at least the set of the file system's clusters? 2) Is there a way to get the same info...

Highly efficient filesystem APIs for certain kinds of operations

I occasionally find myself needing certain filesystem APIs which could be implemented very efficiently if supported by the filesystem, but I've never heard of them. For example: Truncate file from the beginning, on an allocation unit boundary Split file into two on an allocation unit boundary Insert or remove a chunk from the middle of...

Ruby generic filesystem libraries

I am looking for a "Virtual File System" type library for ruby. I want to be able to have a completely generic file system that I can easily switch between using Local files and using S3 or using FTP or something like that. (Identical to VFS for Java) Has anybody used any type of generic file system for ruby (I just need it to support l...

Does the FileInfo.GetFiles method in .NET CF retrieve all files recursively?

I see .NET has the option: SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly which helps me to limit the file list retrieval for just the selected directory, not subdirectories. I would like to know whether .NET CF has any options to do so? ...

Network IO using Credentials

Is it possible to move files from a network location that requires credentials to another network location that also requires credentials without mapping any drive. (ie: Without any use of P/Invoke) Example: FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"\\SomeComputer\SomeDrive\SomeFolder\someFile.txt"); fi.MoveTo(@"\\AnotherComputer\AnotherDrive\Anoth...

Windows evented API to react on drive mounting?

Does Windows provide some sort of evented API so I can run some code whenever a drive (say a usb stick) is attached? Similar to how ReadDirectoryChangesW is for events on the filesystem? I am not interested only in hardware changes, a user can also mount a volume, a ftp drive or similar. ...

Creating a "mountable" File System, where to start?

A friend and I are thinking about creating a simple file system for learning purposes. We're going to write it in C/C++, and try to get it to a mountable state from within linux. We've both been coding or over 16 years (32 combined), so I suppose its just a matter of finding some documentation, and a ton of learning. My question is, w...