
iPhone OS 3.2 File Sharing Path

Currently I have this for my file path and file... NSURL *storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Shared\PartyPlanner.sqlite"]]; This allows me to share the file with iTunes, but instead of just having 'PartyPlanner.sqlite' in the 'applicationDocumentsDirectory\Shared'...

MySQL "filegroup"??

Coming for using Sql Server where there are file-groups, i was wondering if there is (i'm sure there is) something similar in MySQL. After all the database cant be limited to just one hard drive( if using windows that is). I've tried to search but its hard to find the something that you don't know the name of!. ...

list external drives

in java, you can use File.listRoots() to get all drives in the system. I'm looking to get only the external drives, i.e. USB drives, external hard disks, optical drives, floppy etc'. is there any way to do it in java? if not, native c++ code would be good as well. in that case, i need both windows and linux code thanks ...

iPhone SDK Get tmp directory

How do i get the tmp directory on the iPhone or iPad? if i use NSTemporaryDirectory() to create a file it does not save to the simulator temp directory. ...

Is it beneficial to development to use a case-sensitive file system?

Is there any benefit to developing on a case sensitive file system? I recently heard that Adobe products do not run on case sensitive file systems. Is developing on a case-sensitive file system the simplest way to avoid such problems? ...

How to list the files in a folder in windows mobile using C?

anyone has an idea how to? ...

How many files in a directory is too many (on Windows and Linux) ?

Possible Duplicate: How many files in a directory is too many? I was told that putting too many files in a directory can cause performance problems in Linux, and Windows. Is this true? And if so, what's the best way to avoid this? ...

What is the easiest way to loop through a folder of files in C#?

I am new to C# and am trying to write a program that navigates the local file system using a config file containing relevant filepaths. My question is this: What are the best practices to use when performing file I/O (this will be from the desktop app to a server and back) and file system navigation in C#? I know how to google, and I ha...

What is a good FAT file system for ARM7-TDMI

I'm using the ARM7TDMI-S (NXP processor) and I need a file system capable of reading/writing to an SD card. There are so many available, what have people used and been happy with? One that requires the least amount of setup is best - so the less I have to do to get it started (i.e. write device drivers to NXP's hardware) the better. I...

Is it a good idea to use only a key to encrypt an entire (small) filesystem?

This question comes as part of my doubts presented on a broader question about ideas implementing a small encrypted filesystem on Java Mobile phones (J2ME, BlackBerry, Android). Provided the litte feedback received, considering the density of the question, I decided to divide those doubts into small questions. So to sum up I plan to "cr...

using wild card when listing directories in python

how can I use wild cars like '*' when getting a list of files inside a directory in Python? for example, I want something like: os.listdir('foo/*bar*/*.txt') which would return a list of all the files ending in .txt in directories that have bar in their name inside of the foo parent directory. how can I do this? thanks. ...

Check whether a string is a valid filename with Qt

Hi, Is there a way with Qt 4.6 to check if a given QString is a valid filename (or directory name) on the current operating system ? I want to check for the name to be valid, not for the file to exist. Examples: // Some valid names test under_score .dotted-name // Some specific names colon:name // valid under UNIX OSes, but not on Wi...

How do you pronounce FUSE(File System in Userspace)?

How do you pronounce FUSE? Let me know the pronunciation. Thanks. ...

zend framework - view not rendering

Hi My zend framework render function returns: Warning: include(C:\wamp\www\cms\application\modules\default\views\scripts) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied... It's being called in a postDispatch function on the controller, but that doesn't matter as no matter where i put it, it fails. Any ideas? My view an...

GetAccessControl error with NTAccount

private bool HasRights(FileSystemRights fileSystemRights_, string fileName_, bool isFile_) { bool hasRights = false; WindowsIdentity WinIdentity = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal WinPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WinIdentity); AuthorizationRuleCollection...

[C++] Is it possible to use threads to speed up file reading ?

Hi there, I want to read a file as fast as possible (40k lines) [Edit : the rest is obsolete]. Edit: Andres Jaan Tack suggested a solution based on one thread per file, and I want to be sure I got this (thus this is the fastest way) : One thread per entry file reads it whole and stocks its content in a container associated (-> as ma...

Reading images (jpeg) files from SD Cards Vs SQLLite DB

Does anyone have any idea (numbers?) that shows the difference between reading image files from a SQLLite database vs reading it directly from the file system in a SD card. Which one is faster ? Thanks. ...

Directory on another machine - Login credentials

My application needs to access files on a remote machine that requires a username and password for accessing it. I'm trying to find out if a directory exists (using Directory.Exists) to verify I can make the 'connection. Is there a way to supply the username and password when working with remote directories? Currently Exists returns f...

Figuring out whether string is valid file path?

the file path may or may not exist, but I need to know if it's in the right format for it to be a valid file path? Anyone know a quick way to do this? ...

Which technology should I use to expose a server files system?

I need to expose our repository which resides in our server machine to clients. The clients should be authenticated, and read write permissions are enabled. We are having doubts regarding which way to go with the implementation: We already have client based COM layer so we can wrap it with some C# UI. Server rest services, and then wri...