
Retrieve Control/select value with XPath in SharePoint

A form is populated from a list and I need it filtered. I have a table with a date column and would like to display only the rows of the required month. For this I have used XPath filtering: [((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDateColumn) ,1061 ,'MM'))=02)] This gives me the results for February, all ok. Now what I am trying to achieve ...

JQuery: Finding/Filtering on attributes within context

I've been trying a few different ways to filter finding of specific nodes within my html. Here is some example html: <body> <div ui:component="component1"></div> <ul ui:component="component2"></ul> <article ui:component="component3"></article> </body> I've successfully been able to match items by doing a simple filter: /...

Alternative ways for setting variable value in XSLT?

I have a basic XSLT filter on a SharePoint 2007 DataFormWebPart: <xsl:variable name="Rows" select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDate) ,1061 ,'MM'))=$MyParameter)]"/> The $MyParameter comes from an ASP.NET control. But trying to set the variable value in any other ways results in an error: <xsl:variable n...

Element rotation and resizing in IE (jQuery UI + CSS)

Hi, I've got a script that performs rotation in all modern browsers using jQuery UI and CSS transform property. But I doesn't work in IE. I've managed to make it rotates as expected (around it's center) but I fails when I resize it again. You can find an example in here If someone could...

[Spring 3.0] Intercept-Url and filters

Hello everyone, I'm currently working with Spring 3.0.4 and Spring Security 3.0.2 (latest stable release at the moment). I'm kind of struggling migrating from Spring 2.5 to this new version, but that's a different subject. The real question is coming, inside the <http> tag you can put the <intercept-url>, but it seems like it can also ...

CSS filter property in IE7 won't close

I am using the ms proprietary css property "filter" to control the opactiy of an element. #square2 { filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=50)"; zoom:1; padding:10px; border:solid 5px #0cc; height:200px; width:400px; background-color:#cc0; color:#c0c; font-size:2em; } The problem...

Is there a JavaScript library that adds missing standard iteration methods (filter, map, reduce, some...) to Array?

Is there a JavaScript library which just adds some methods of Array, Object and other standard objects which have been standardized, but that are not available in all browsers? I am thinking of iteration methods in Array such as filter(), map(), reduce(), some(), or keys() in Object. Note that I don't want the library to introduce anyth...

Filtering a list in Haskell

I am trying to start learning haskell, and a question came up. Say, I have a function countFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Int) countFilter a z = case z of [] -> ([], 0); (x:xs) -> (filter a z , length (filter a z)) It returns a list, all the items of which apply to a certain predicate and a...

DirectShow BaseClasses - a video renderer class with video and input pin

Hello I couldn't find a suitable renderer class in BaseClasses that has 2 input pins - one for video and one for audio. Can anybody recommend/provide some code? Regards Dominik ...

Filtering data at datagrid wpf

I bind a dataset to a datagrid wpf like this DataSet d = Database.getBabies(); babies = d.Tables[0].DefaultView; dataGridBabies.ItemsSource=babies; Which is the best way to filter the data?(without running database query) ...

howto filter this with regex?

I have the problem i want to get these numbers, BUT only when then dont come an "foo" Example: "12:13 Foo" (no) "12:22 Bla" (yes) i have the Regex: (\d+):(\d+) and dont know what to do that it dont select strings with the "Foo" after the digits ...

Convert multiple files using Mercurial's Filter System

Is it possible to convert multiple, on-each-other-depending files using a filter? E.g. instead of converting to a.txt and to b.txt is it possible to convert AND to ab.txt? The problem is that and can't be converted individually, since contains data which is needed for the conversion of ...

Python filter / max combo - checking for empty iterator

(Using Python 3.1) I know this question has been asked many times for the general question of testing if iterator is empty; obviously, there's no neat solution to that (I guess for a reason - an iterator doesn't really know if it's empty until it's asked to return its next value). I have a specific example, however, and was hoping I ca...

exhausted iterators - what to do about them?

(In Python 3.1) (Somewhat related to another question I asked, but this question is about iterators being exhausted.) # trying to see the ratio of the max and min element in a container c filtered = filter(lambda x : x is not None and x != 0, c) ratio = max(filtered) / min(filtered) It took me half hour to realize what the problem is ...

SQL and search query calculated value

Hello... Suppose we have a table with collumns (A,B,C) We want to search this table based on a criteria that is calculated from collumn C... and other parameters Because the calculation is complex and cant be represented in sql query... what should i do? Make the filtering at application level ? ...

Filter expression not working correctly

Hi, I am using a GridView and I require the user to be able to filter using 2 controls. One simply filters the type of row - there is a column called action, and the user selects one of the distinct values from the database in a dropdown box, and the gridview only displays the rows with that value in the action column. On it's own this w...

string filtering on c++

given a string literal in c++ i have to remove toxic words like stupid etc by ###. Suppose i have my toxic words in an array like char[][]={"...",".."...and more...} and my string is like char str[]="......." any particular library func that could help me here. thanks in advance for help ...

Where is the filter for configurable products while caching layered navigation attributes?

I need to locate the code, where layered navigation filter (options) are build... It seems these options only come from config. products which are visible in catalog and search, but i need to change this behaviour to a new visibility state... ...

Filter expression not working properly

Hi, I am using a GridView and I require the user to be able to filter using 2 controls. One simply filters the type of row - there is a column called action, and the user selects one of the distinct values from the database in a dropdown box, and the gridview only displays the rows with that value in the action column. On it's own this w...

Filter database results without running an additional query

I'm using CodeIgniter for a classifieds website. Here's a specific example of what I'm trying to achieve: On page all the Real Estate classifieds are listed. I'm using CI's Pagination Class to paginate the results. On the leftbar, a set of filters are shown that correspond to each db column of ...