
Seam: Session component is null and taglibs are compiled in each request

Hi all, I made a change to our cluster-deployed application to be authenticated via Oracle SSO with Dynamic Directives using a servlet Filter. The filter sits in front of all the application (even in front of the Seam filter). If the request is a servlet request and the principal is null, then I redirect to SSO for authentication. This...

What is the most basic approach to implement a liquify filter like the one photoshop has , in java ?

What is the most basic approach to implement a liquify filter like the one photoshop has , in java ? ...

adoQuery Filter

Could you please provide me with a simple example of using the Filter Property of ADOQuery in Delphi 7? Thanks. ...

Spring Security 3.0: How do I specify URLs to which a custom filter applies?

I am using Spring Security 3.0 with JSPs. I have created a RequireVerificationFilter that redirects unverified users to a "verify your email" page. I added the filter to the spring security filter stack in last place like so: Bean definition in my app-config.xml: <bean id="requireVerificationFilter" class="com.ebisent.web.RequireVeri...

Filter expression issues

Hi, I am using a GridView and I require the user to be able to filter using 2 controls. One simply filters the type of row - there is a column called action, and the user selects one of the distinct values from the database in a dropdown box, and the gridview only displays the rows with that value in the action column. On it's own this w...

Grails: How do I create filter like the ones in MS Excel??

I want to sort the elements in my list and have the option of filter them the same way MS Excel does. So it should be able to keep the filtered elements in the table and apply a filter within those results as well. Also be able to sort them without refreshing the whole table. Any help is greatly appreciated! FG ...

Sensor fusioning with Kalman filter

I'm interested, how is the dual input in a sensor fusioning setup in a Kalman filter modeled? Say for instance that you have an accelerometer and a gyro and want to present the "horizon level", like in an airplane, a good demo of something like this here. How do you actually harvest the two sensors positive properties and minimize the ...

Cakephp "joins" destroys conditions?

A bug has a state and hasandbelongs to many usergroups among other things. Now, when listing the bugs I used the pagination helper and also give the user the ability to filter it by various setting. Works great so far. You can filter it by project, you can filter it by state (via the state_id property of the bug) and by several other it...

best jquery way to find and filter and apply css classes

ok say we have <span class="foo">7</span> <span class="foo">2</span> <span class="foo">9</span> and want to apply a css class of 'highest' to ''.text > 7 and css class of medium to values > 4 and <= 7 and css class of lowest to <= 4 example of desired result: <span class="foo medium">7</span> <span class="foo lowest">2</spa...

Code sample to remove all special characters from data stored in MYSQL ?

Does anyone have a code sample where I can to remove all special characters from data stored in MYSQL? I need to remove the following special characters: : ~!@#$%*()_+{}[];':"<>? ...

Move emails with procmail if it matches from sender

Hi, as im using different email clients to read/send my mails i want to setup procmail to move my emails to a the folder which is normally done by Thunderbird filter feature. I know that i can do it by using the following code for procmail in my email users .procmailrc file: :0: * ^From:[email protected] myfolder But i have a list...

shell to filter prohibited words on a file

Good day shell lovers! basically i have two files: frequency.txt: (multiple lines, space separated file containing words and a frequency) de 1711 a 936 et 762 la 530 les 482 pour 439 le 425 ... and i have a file containing "prohibited" words: stopwords.txt: (one single line, space separated file) au aux avec le ces dans ... so ...

How to specify filter priorities in java web apps?

Hello I wish I could define two filters like this <filter-mapping> <filter-name>SecurityFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>ContextFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> with the same pattern /* in my web.xml file, and ...

Android ArrayAdapter Filtering problems

While working on this app, I wanted to use a Custom List Adapter so that I could style the list but the Filter functionality is not working. I got the basic filtering to work but the application crashes as soon as the list of filtered results is less than the number of listItems shown when I start filtering. There is also a second probl...

mark specific dataset in filtered grid

i'm just struggling through the following situation - there's a datasource added to a grid in axapta 2009, filtered by a querybuildrange. i want to mark a specific dataset by x++ via datasource_DS.findrecord( specificRecord ) this works as intended, removing the filter, but not having the filter active! a workaround to remove the fi...

display only todays feeds

i put out a daily media monitor that combines content from multiple sources each day. is there a way to do this in ypipes? when i run my pipe i only want to see feeds from today only. i am not a programmer ...

Color filter in MATLAB

For this picture: How do I make filter that returns true on brown color (insect) and false on background? ...

MapGuide Ajax viewer custom search filter

this: featid = "$USER_VARIABLE" Does not return any matches. What filter should one use to search in a .shp attribute table? ...

Artificial Intelligence and Chat Filters

Are there any chat filters that works depending on the context? I'm talking about the use of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing to determine for example if a word was rude or not, depending on the context. ...

Dataview Filteration Problem

Can some one help with with the following code please!! if (DiaryOccasions != null && DiaryOccasions.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dtFilteredOccasions = new DataTable(); if (ddlMonths.SelectedItem.Value != string.Empty) { string[] selMonthYear = ddlMonths.SelectedItem.Value.Split('/'); if(selMonthYear.Length ...