
What do you use to play sound in iPhone games?

Hello! I have a performance-intensive iPhone game I would like to add sounds to. There seem to be about three main choices: (1) AVAudioPlayer, (2) Audio Queues and (3) OpenAL. I’d hate to write pages of low-level code just to play a sample, so that I would like to use AVAudioPlayer. The problem is that it seems to kill the performace – ...

How can I do metering/average peak power level in OpenAL?

I'm in the process of switching from AVAudioPlayer to OpenAL using the Finch sound engine. I need to do metering, i.e. get the average peak levels. Finch sound engine does not provide this, and I'm completely new to OpenAL. How can I do this? Any examples would be really appreciated. ...

How to use the Finch audio library for iPhone?

Is there some good getting started guide how to use Finch? ...

Is the Finch audio library for iPhone capable of doing this?

I need to: - start / stop sounds with lengths between 0.1 and 10 seconds - change the playback volume I want to / would like to / would be nice to have to: - change the playback speed - change the playback pitch / frequency - pause an sound and resume playing it later - play a sound backwards Is Finch my best friend here? ...

When I use Finch to play audio, can I actually do everything that OpenAL can do?

When I use Finch to play audio, can I actually do everything that OpenAL can do? ...

How to control the playback volume of a particular sound when playing it in openAL or Finch?

I may play several sounds at the same time, and some of them are louder or more silent than others. Because I am very lazy and don't know a lot about audio editing tools, I would just want to adjust the volume of the sounds programmatically so that they all match nicely. I believe winamp does something similar and they call that "normali...

If I want to play the same sound 10 times per second, must I have 10 copies of that sound in memory?

I have a sound that needs to get played 10 times per second. The sound is 1 second long. So it does overlap like 10 times. However, as far as I understand the Finch sound library, I would need 10 different instances of a sound in place so that I can play it 10 times at almost the same time. When I have just one instance, the sound would...

How to play the same Sound multiple times with overlap, using OpenAL or Finch?

Finch uses OpenAL. However, when I have an instance of Sound, and say -play, the sound plays. When I call -play multiple times one after another in a fast paced way, every -play makes the current sound playback of that sound stop and restart it. That's not what I want. Would I have to create multiple sources or buffers to get that worki...

Using finch first time. How to play mp3,ogg or other formats (wav files to big) ?

My *.wav's work as expected. But wav files are to big, so I want to play *.mp3 or *.ogg but it doesn't work. I use this lines of code found in the finch Demo project engine = [[Finch alloc] init]; sitar = [[Sound alloc] initWithFile:RSRC(@"sitar.wav")]; [sitar play]; So I only change sitar.wav into my .mp3 filename. Note 1: It mustn...

Distribution build of Finch demo ends with GCC error

thanks to zoul for sharing his openal avaudioplayer alternative!! its exactly what i needed, heres my problem.. i cant build a distribution build w/o getting general gcc-4.2 failed with error code 1, i built my code within the finch demo project and figured it might be something i did. so i re-downloaded demo... duplicated release, r...

Added AudioFileClose to prevent running out of file handles...

Hi Zoul/whoever.... I encountered a problem using Finch - I was opening and releasing again alot of sound files and a particular point in the project sounds would stop loading - the error code form ALOpenFileFromURL... was 43 - File not found ... my solution in the end was to make sure that files were closed by adding AudioFileClose (an...

finished playing audio callback with finch

is there a finished playing callback with finch? similar to - audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying in the avaudioplayer stuff? looking through the code i could not find anything that referenced it. ...

Can I change the playback speed without affecting the pitch with Finch?

Is it possible to change the playback speed of a sound in Finch, but withouth changing the pitch? ...

Finch make robot sound

Can Finch change the user's recorded voice into a robot's voice? By changing the pitch, rate, tempo etc? ...