
Program cannot reconnect to Firebird after abnormal termination

What can be done to prevent having to restart a PC after a program (C++Builder) terminated abnormaly without closing the database using firebird 2? What I am looking for: I would like to be able to just restart the program without any other intervention. (I could have the user call a batch file executing some cleanup or add some lines o...

Does firebird support transactional schema changes?

Does firebird support transactional schema changes? It seems to me that MySQL does not (am I correct?). ...

Incorrect error messages in FB2.1

I have FB1.5 and FB2.1 installed in my computer. I´ve written a script to swich from one instance to another. It runs all ok, I access FB1.5 and 2.1 databases normally. My issue is, when I´m running 2.1 the error messages are incorrect, the following example illustrates the problem Invalid token. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = @1....

ANSI Sql query to force return 0 records

Hi, I'm looking for an ANSI-SQL method to do a Select query without returning any record, but fill a TDataSet's Fields structure. The method I found is by adding a "where 1=0" in any query, for example: Select Id, name, province from customers where 1=0 This is a fairly trivial example, it turns a little more complicated when I have ...

Firebird Architecture

How can I tell which architecture is installed/configured/running on an existing installation of Firebird RDBMS server (ie. Classic Server or Super-Server)? How can I switch between the two modes? Which versions (1.5, 2.0, 2.1) and architectures (CS or SS) of Firebird can be used on multi-processor servers? and how to configure them pro...

How use a relational database as a document-based one?

For make a document managment system, I'm looking at document stores like MongoDB, but because I have more experience with regular databases (Firebird, Sql Server, Mysql) I wonder if is possible model a document store on top a relational one. The advantages about a document store, schema less: Fit well to the task of store arbitrary m...

What does the switch -r mean for Firebird gbak tool?

When I run: gbak -r what will it do? ...

Delphi compatibility with Windows 2008 Server 64 bit

I have a plan to install my application which is compiled using RAD2010 in Vista 32 bit dev. environment, in a win 2008 server 64 bit. I use Firebird 2.0 (32 bit) as database server. Is there any issue? Or it should run without any problem? ...

Firebird .NET provider and ASP.NET

I have no problems setting up a regular (Windows Forms or Console) project in C# to use Firebird's .NET data provider. However, whenever I try to use the same provider in ASP.NET I do the following: Copy the DLL to the project to keep it under version control Add the reference to the project Create an entry in <connectionStrings/> tag...

What is the maximum size of a primary key in Firebird?

I need to set a Varchar(255) field as the primary key of a database table in Firebird 2.1. I get error messages saying that the field size is too large. I'm using UTF8 as my character set and the default page size of 4096. Is it possible to do this in Firebird? I need to ensure that this column is unique. ...

Connecting to Firebird embedded on D2010

I downloaded the Firebird DBX driver from and I've been able to compile the "Test Connection" project and get it to run. I pointed it to my test DB like so: procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var C: TSQLConnection; begin C := TSQLConnection.Create(Self); try C.DriverName...

Making DBX recognize booleans with Firebird

The Firebird FAQ explains how to create a BOOLEAN domain. Probably the most interesting part is at the end, where it says: If you use a connectivity library like OleDB under .Net, you can override the OleDB provider's GetSchema method, so the DataTables you get from queries have native .Net booleans. Is there any way to do...

Firebird Embeded & .NET: fbembed.dll in different folder

Hi, I want to specify the folder where to load the fbembed.dll from. In App.config I have: <connectionStrings> <add name="database" connectionString="Dialect=3;Database=Database\MYDATASTORAGE.FDB;ServerType=1;clientlibrary=Database\fbembed.dll"/> </connectionStrings> But I still get the error even if the file is there: The DLL libr...

Firebird Database Keeps getting larger

This one is interesting to me - despite the almost inane title. I have used Firebird for a long time, but not until recently noticed an interesting behavior. I am using embedded firebird 1.5, and noticed that if I stuff the database full of blobs (lets say 10mb worth), the size of the database increases. I can then delete all the field...

.net InterBase FireBird SQL

I am using InterBase and FireBird SQL in C# .net Enviroment. I would Like to use Transaction Scope in my program. How to do that Effectively with InterBase-FireBird ? Any Idea ? ...

Is a Transaction active when a IBQuery component is active

When opening a TIBQuery (IBQuery.Open), is the correspondig Transaction active only the time the data is fetched from the DB or as long as IBQuery is closed? ...

Experience with IBPP interface for Firebird database

I'd like to the ask guys with experience in Firebird and IBPP (especially the latter). I found a lot of positive posts about Firebird but I'm having a problem to decide about IBPP. The interface itself is clean and simple but it seems that the project does not have much of activity going on (maybe because it's very stable). Would you r...

One active IB transaction the whole lifetime of a single user application

Are there any negative impacts when a single user application uses only one IB transaction, which is active as long the program runs? By using only CommitRetaining and RollbackRetaining. Background: I want to use IBQuery(s) and connect them to a DB Grid(s) (DevExpress), which loads all records into memory at once. So I want to avoid re-...

DBMS for Payment Server Software

Can anybody tell me if usage of FireBird or PostgreSql can by used in a small e-mail payment or 1000 kiosk-terminal server's data management , which will mainly process very important financial data like balances, payment transactions ... ????? which open-source database server you will suggest in my case? I don't like MS SQL because it...

How to load Excel or CSV file into Firebird?

I'm using Firebird database and I need to load Excel file into a database table. I need a tool that does this well. I tried some I found on Google, but all of them have some bugs. Since Excel data is not created by me, it would be good if it could scan the file and discover what kind of data is inside and suggest a table to be created ...