
How do I optimize table after delete many records

I deleted many records from my table but the DB size (Firebird) left the same. How do I decrease it? I am looking for something similar to vacuum in PostgreS. ...

Speeding up SQL query when sorting on foreign keys

This is more of a generic SQL problem but I'm using Firebird 2.5 if anyone knows of a Firebird/Interbase specific optimization. First, the following is a simplified example schema to illustrate the issue I'm trying to solve: CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(16) ); CREATE TABLE data_set ( id INTEGER PR...

Has open source ever created a single file database that auto handles transactions?

Has open source ever created a single file database that has better performance when handling large sets of sql queries that aren't delivered in formal SQL transaction sets? I work with a .NET server that does some heavy replication of thousands of rows of data from another server and it does so it a 1-by-1 fashion without formal SQL t...

Database Design question

Hello everyone! I have a Firebird database, which let's say has Tables A and B which look like this: TableA TableB's Id | SomeNumber | OtherNumber | ComputedByField | OtherIntField 1 5 200 SomeNumber*OtherNumber 10 1 2 70 ... ...

Firebird multiple statements

Hello, is there any way to execute multiple statements (none of which will have to return anything) on Firebird? Like importing a SQL file and executing it. I've been looking for a while and couldn't find anything for this. ...

Firebird or NexusDB

I know that there are many Delphi database related questions available, but I'm considering only these two databases. I will need to query around 100.000 records. From your experience which one is faster: as embedded as C/S Thanks. ...

Porting an IBXpress Interbase 6 app to the current Firebird platform, on Delphi 7?

Just wondering if there are any gotchas to be wary of here. We have a legacy D7 app that we developed several years ago for a client, which uses IBXpress to talk to the open source Interbase 6 build. We're having a number of issues with that platform these days (very slow to connect/start-up on new hardware being the chief one) and the...

Firebird, which driver?

Now that I have decided upon Firebird, with the help of StackOverflow :), which driver do you recommend? Delphi's DBX Another vendor's DBX Some native driver Thanks. ...

Parameters in query with in clause ?

Hi all, I want to use parameter for query like this : SELECT * FROM MATABLE WHERE MT_ID IN (368134, 181956) so I think about this SELECT * FROM MATABLE WHERE MT_ID IN (:MYPARAM) but it doesn't work... Is there a way to do this ? I actually use IBX and Firebird 2.1 I don't know how many parameters in IN clause. ...

HDBC Driver for FireBird Database

Can someone point me to an HDBC(Haskell) Driver for FireBird Database, Nothing turned up on Google. Is my best option at this point to use an HDBC-ODBC bridge to connect to a FireBird database from a Haskell Program? ...

Will embedded Firebird/Delphi cause a firewall 'hit'?

I'm looking at porting an Interbase 6 / Delphi 7 application to embedded Firebird in Delphi 2007. One of the problems we have is getting our users (often quite an unskilled bunch, really - though I love them to bits, naturally) to unblock our applications in their firewall. Windows firewall itself is fairly straightforward but often they...

How to do a firebird SP, SELECT * FROM "TABLE"?

I'm migrating from SQL Server to Firebird. In SQL Server CREATE PROCEDURE Departments_GetAll AS SELECT * FROM Departments I try in Firebird CREATE PROCEDURE DEPARTMENTS_DELETEALL AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM "Departments"; END^ SET TERM ; ^ But that doesn't work. It returns an error "SQL Code -104" ...

Apache2, PHP5, and Interbase/Firebird on Windows 2003/XP

I have recently upgraded from Apache 1.26 and PHP 4.3 to 2.2.11 and 5.2.9 respectively. With my original setup I had a scheduled task set to run every Sunday for a weekly newsletter. It would connect to my database (Interbase/Firebird) to find out what events were opening for the following week and get the list of addresses the email wil...

Using Reserved Word TimeStamp as a field name (Firebird 2.5)

Am extending the data layer of an existing application to work with FireBird 2.5, in addition to MSSQL and SQLite, but have hit a stumbling block. I have a field called TimeStamp which stores the data/time as type TimeStamp. This works fine under MSSQL and SQLite where the type is datetime, but falls over under Firebird. The following ...

Firebird connection problem after converting project from VS2005 to VS2008!

Hello, I have a queer problem. I was working on a project with firebird 1.5.6 .NET provider and Visual Studio 2005. Everything worked fine. Then I converted the project to a VS2008 project. Now I have the problem that when I'm trying connecting to firebird database I get the an error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and le...

Read stored procedure parameters' type in Firebird

Hi, I need to read the stored procedures' parameters type in Firebird database. I'm able to read their name, if they are input or output parameters, but where I can get their type? Or how do you solve this? Thank you. ...


Hi, folks. When i belived i was a genius and that metadata was my intelectual property, i developed a procedure in firebird to track changes on a single table, something with id´s and time stamps. So, i´ve done a mega clever move and deleted the source of this procedure. Does anyone knows a BLR decoder, or the doc´s that i need to bui...

Error message "Incorrect values within SQLDA structure" with Firebird and Delphi 2009

Hi, I'm strugling with error message "Incorrect values within SQLDA structure" when I'm trying to update blob field within Firebird 2.1 database from Delphi 2009 DBX application. However I get the error message when I'm trying to execute TSQLQuery with following SQL: "update MYTABLE set FIELD1= :data where id = :id" The relevant delp...

Firebird constant value

Is it possible to have database wide constants? What I want is to define a constant like: UPDATE_CONSTANT = 1 INSERT_CONSTANT = 2 DELETE_CONSTANT = 3 and then use it in for example a trigger like: CREATE TRIGGER AD_PRJ_PROJECTS FOR PRJ_PROJECT ACTIVE AFTER DELETE POSITION 1 AS BEGIN EXECUTE PROCEDURE SP_ADD_HISTORY 'PRJ_PROJEC...

Simple multi-user database solution

I've written a Windows desktop application that works with Sqlite very nicely. It was a single user app, and the database sits right on the machine where the app runs. However, the application has grown, and now multiple users should be able to run the app and connect to one shared database. I'd like to just be able to share the sqlit...