
Firing of asynchronous (statistics) request of HyperlinkButton not registered

I have a HyperlinkButton in my Silverlight project. Clicking the link will open the URL in a new page: <HyperlinkButton x:Name="Button1" Content="Click" TargetName="_blank" Click="Button1_Click" NavigateUri="" /> When I click the button, I want a (second) asynchronous request to be fired to a statistics ser...

How to edit javascript in firebug in Mozilla?

Hello, I am only able to view the javascript file of website. How do i edit it? I tried everything like double clicking the line that i want to edit etc. But still it doesn't let me edit it. I am on Script tab. If i move to HTML tab i am able to edit HTML by clicking on Edit but i am not able to edit the javascript. Thanks in advance:)...

can firebug be accessed through visual studio

All I need to know, is if it is possible to access firebug panels from visual studio? ...

Http headers in Javascript ?

Hello, Is it possible to gather the HTTP headers in Javascript ? This is just a thought of mine after using Firebug for days In one of the posts I came to know that, it is impossible to find the HTTP headers in Javascript, whereas in firebug, we can see the response headers ( client side ) so my doubt is can we cache the HTTP hea...

Beautify Javascript and CSS in Firebug?

Is there a way to beautify javascript and css in Firebug? I'd like to be able to view formatted js instead of the compressed version :). ...

How can I use Firebug to check data if the page is reloaded?

Hi, How can I use Firebug to check data if the page is reloaded (in the case of AJAX, etc.)? Thanks. ...

There is problem in tabcontent.js script and I couldn't solve this.

Return a erron in on sidebar in tab content with firebug. The error is "subcontent is null" I try different ways for solve this problem but I can't understand this error's cause. I suppose the problem is caused by wp-recentcomments plugin. I think so that because I check this script with wp-recentcomments' ol...

Why isn't my !important attribute working in Google Chrome?

I have two CSS files in my web app: reset.css and screen.css. They appear in that order in the html (reset then screen). In the reset.css, the following style definition occurs: html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img...

Firebug error: failed to load source for localhost/folder/foo.ashx on a POST in the RESPONSE tab

Firebug 1.5.4 has been correctly displaying the response returned by my webservice in its RESPONSE tab: Console...HTML...CSS...Script...DOM...[Net] Headers....Post....[Response]....HTML But for some reason, now, instead of displaying the response, it is now showing an error message that I don't understand: Failed to load source ...

javascript: call an embedded function from a GM script

On a webpage there's <script> function fn982734() { // some code } </script> In my Greasemonkey script, I have the following code: var fn = fields[5].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute('onclick').substr(7,11); console.log(fn); // outputs fn982734 to the firebug console window[fn](); This code does not work, and s...

Javascript: IE Error, Firebug not erring. Where is it?

Again, I am working with code from my predecessor and am at a loss for this one. It appears to be a sampled navigation script. It is receiving an error in IE stating 'Object doesn't support this property or method'. Here is what I have narrowed the error down to. The function: /** * hoverIntent r5 // 2007.03.27 // jQuery 1.1.2+ * <h...

VERY confused - javascript not being executed - unless Console is turned on in Firebug?!

Hey everyone! I just started doing some Javascript work for a project, I do mostly backend work so I'm sorry for being new at this! Also, not using a Javascript framework because I want to learn about the fundamentals before making everything very easy for myself :) So, here is my question/confusion: I wrote a little javascript that dy...

Firebug alternative for the IE

Hi, Is there a good alternative to Firebug that I could use with IE 7 and 8? I'm interested in modifying CSS/HTML on the go, as well as debugging some of the java script and viewing the positions of certain elements on the page. THank you ...

Using console.log() with firebug, ok locally, not when published to my live site though?

Hi, I'm using the: console.log() method to log messages to firefox (3.6.6)/firebug while working on my webapp. When I view the app locally, it works fine, log messages come up ok. When I push my app up to my live server and view the page, I get lots of 'console not defined' errors. I am not quite certain how the console object was e...

JQuery ajax getJSON response has size but empty body?

We are trying to hit the api using jquery's getJSON() method and are running into some problems. In firebug we can run $.getJSON( ';key=ourkey', function(data) { console.log(data) } ); We can see the call taking some time. We can inspect the response ...

How to know where javascript method is defined and which method is called using firebug

How can we know which javascript method is called and where it is defined? (When methods are attached dynamically) Let us consider situation where JQuery Bind method is used to bind an event. If I see control in FireBug with FireQuery, I can see events=Object{click =} handle=function() But I don't know which method is attached with click...

What are the list of items that entering jQuery $.support into FireBug console return?

Hi, I was watching the Lullabot jQuery video and in it one of the teachers advises to use $.support command to check all of the available features that the current browser supports. So when I enter $.support into console I get this link Object { leadingWhitespace=true, more...} and when I click it FireBug opens up the DOM tab a...

A Firebug Net Panel for IE?

What are the alternatives on IE 8 that can work like the Firebug Net Panel? ...

Why aren't these two bits of JavaScript equivalent?

in jquery 1.4.2, ff 3.6.6: The following code produces three divs, which write messages to the firebug console as you would expect. However, if you uncomment out the loop and comment out the 3 lines doing it manually, it doesn't work - mousing over any of the divs results in "three" being written to the console. Why are these two me...

Preserve Whitespace in the FireBug console

Is it possible to keep the whitespace in the console messages? Whitespaces like tabs, linebreaks and double spaces are all ignored, like in normal HTML. Can I overwrite the CSS used by FireBug to render the log messages in the console and set something like <pre> arround it? ...