
How can i check if url of current browser tab is changed?

I need it to use in my firefox extension. I already tried window.onload event listener, and check if current url == old url, and it's a good idea, but it does'nt work when page loads pdf. I saw hash changed function too but it works only with ff 3.6; i need it to work at least with ff 3. So, i need an event listener that check if docum...

Cannot click on textNode element

Here is my XBL code: <binding id="CF-cart"> <content> <xul:hbox onclick="return productClick(event)"> <xul:label value="Text line 1"/> <xul:description> <children includes="#text"/> </xul:description> </xul:hbox> </content> </binding> And JS: var elem = docum...

A way to observe url in urlbar of firefox, and get an event every time it changes

I need it for my firefox extension. I don't care about waiting the page load completely, I want only observe URL and get an event every time it changes, also when I do history back and forward. edit: I saw An observer for URL changes (Firefox Extension), but i wondering if there is something much simpler, like an event that fires every ...

Send Email from Firefox Extension

What is the best way to send email from a Firefox extension? I can't just execute a mailto: link, because I need an attachment (actually, I really need a specific MIME-encoding, so I'd like full control of my headers). Worst-case I can speak SMTP to the user's SMTP server I guess... is there a raw socket request ability in Firefox? ...

How to remove drop down menu indicator on a button in a XUL Firefox extension?

I'm working on a Firefox extension that creates a toolbar in the browser. I'm using a with type="menu" to create a menu that pops up when the button is clicked. By default, setting type="menu" creates a little menu indicator triangle, like in this image: Is there any way, either in XUL or in the CSS, to get rid of this indicator tr...

Cross Browser Addons

I'm looking to make a browser add-on as widely and easily distributable as possible. Is there a set of wrapper addons for all the major browsers that will let me write one piece of code and it can execute in any of the environments? I don't need anything fancy, just DOM and some ajax stuff. Something along the lines of greasemonkey fo...

Firefox : features addons

Firefox is one browser without which i cant even think of developing web application. This comes with so many handy add on and features which makes developers life easy. However features that Firefox has are huge and not every one is aware about them. So i request you all to add unique features/Add on of Firefox which are/will be helpfu...

Replicating Google Chrome Browser Actions popup Effect in a Firefox Extension

Hi, Chrome Browser Actions provide a really nice popup effect by default. Hovering over the toolbar icon provides a neat hover effect. Clicking the toolbar icon shows a nice animation that opens the popup html file. The popup is aligned with the button that is pressed. Clicking the toolbar icon again fades out the popup. Any tho...

Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working "Component not available"

I've seen the other question on here about loading jQuery in a Greasemonkey. Having tried that method, with this require statement inside my ==UserScript== tags: // @require I still get the following error message in Firefox's error console: Error: Component is not availa...

Can I use a firefox extension from Java?

Hello. I want to be able to use existent firefox extensions in a java application. There are some extensions that make requests about the webpages I surf through and I want to avoid rewriting their code to get the functionality, but just (maybe) create an environment for them so that I can just "install" them in my app and be able to que...

How to detect if a particular toolbar is enabled in Firefox's View>Toolbar menu programatically

I am trying to determine if a particular toolbar is already enabled (meaning: made visible) in Firefox's View>Toolbar menu. I can determine if a toolbar (add-on) is installed. I can determine if it is enabled in Tools>Add-ons. I cannot, however, seem to detect if an installed toolbar is actually enabled/visible vie the View>Toolbars menu...

best method for creating a universal extention/plugin

Hi, I'm looking to create an extension for the leading browsers (firefox, safari and ie). Its rather simple, and I'm looking for the most efficient way to go about this. I need to get the hostname of the current site the user is on, and if it matches a certain parameter(eg,, I'll need to append to the link some extra data a...

Notifying iFrame page from Firefox extension?

I'm writing a Firefox extension and need to notify an iFrame page of certain events. The iFrame page is contained within a sidebar created by the extension, and this iFrame page is controlled by me. When I load the iFrame page, the extension code needs to send a notification and trigger something to happen within the iFrame page. To a...

define the height of an image in xul extension

My extension is an overlay that has some images inside a toolbar. I need to display these images small (about 15px), but they render always at the same height of toolbar. I've already tried to define height and maxHeight of image and of hbox where them are palced but it doesn't work. here is the piece of code: ... <toolbox id="navigat...

Can Firefox code trigger any functions in the extension?

I have modified some code inside my Firefox. Just add on some extra functions for my isolation network. Besides that I also want to create my own FF extension for this particular purpose. I just need some information: Can the code inside my Firefox, call any function Javascript declared in my extension? ...

Firefox Popup window event

Hi All, I am writing a Firefox extension using XPCOM C++. I want to get notified when the popup window (like we see while browsing is opening. How do I catch this event? Does anybody knows how to do it? Thanks for your help. ...

xsl:include not working from a Firefox extension

I am developing a Firefox extension that uses XSL transformations. I have been using XSLTProcessor without problems until I needed to do an xsl:include from the XSL stylesheet. When I import the XSL stylesheet that uses an xsl:include, Firefox gives an error: Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80600001 [

XSS Me Warnings - real XSS issues?

I've been using the free Firefox extension XSS Me from Security Compass to test for XSS problems. However, using what I understand to be safe filtering, XSS me still reports warnings. Are these accurate warnings or spurious? Using the code below as a testcase: <form method="post" action=""> <input type="text" name="param" value="<?php ...

Accessing document's javascript variable from firefox extension

is it possible for Firefox extension (toolbar) to access document's variables? detailed explanation follows.. loaded document: <script type="text/javascript"> var variableForExtension = 'something'; </script> extension: var win =; alert(win.variableForExtension); // undefined i...

Zero-configuration, automated, random testing tools for web-apps?

In short, I'm looking for a tool to perform an automated, zero-configuration, full-frontal assault on a web application. I'm thinking this would logically be a browser-extension that both crawls links on a given domain/path, AND randomly inputs data into forms and submits them. Specifically, form input would randomly include various dat...