
Adding XUL to a Plugin?

I am working on a Firefox Add-on that view TIFF Files. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do the UI, buttons, scrollers etc. I'm on a mac, so the program is being written in either C or Objective-C, in case that makes a difference. I'm thinking that XUL might be a way to do the UI. If I could wrap my plugin in some sort of XUL wrapp...

How to get the stack trace from errors in a FireFox extension?

Is there a convenient way to do this for my extension? I know I can use FireBug to get traces for exceptions which happen in content, but I don't think it works for chrome (does it?). I couldn't get ChromeBug to work when I last tried it. ...

XY positions of hyperlinks in Firefox plugin

Hi, I want to build a FireFox addon that can capture a webpage as an image (which seems simple using a canvas object) and also preserve the XY postions of the hyperlinks present in the webpage. I wanted to know if there are any DOM methods that can help me extract the geometry info (XY positions and the height and width) of all the hyp...

Firefox extensions & XUL: get page source code

I am developing my first Firefox extension and for that I need to get the complete source code of the current page. How can I do that with XUL? ...

How to start developing Mozilla Firefox addons?

Guide me on the appropriate technologies to learn to start developing Mozilla firefox addons & later addons for Songbird & Thunderbird. What all technologies and softwares are needed. I use ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. ...

How do I import Spanish into a SQL DB?

So I have some Spanish content saved in Excel, that I am exporting into a .csv format so I can import it from the Firefox sql manager add-on into a .sql db. The problem is that when I import it, whenever there is an accent mark, (or whatever the technical name for those things are) Firefox doesn't recognize it, and accordingly produces a...

How do I talk to a WCF service from a Firefox extension?

I wrote a simple WCF service and verified I could call it from an web application. Now i want to call the same service from a firefox extension. Looking at the example here, I figured if i get the javascript proxy in step 7, I will be able to ca...

Add on for firefox for custom search providers - ike IE does?

In IE you are able to add a custom search provider in firefox? IE does this nicely and lets you add any site as a search provider. Is there anything similar? For example to add as a search provider that will allow you to search for a domain from the firebox search box. ...

store preferences in google chrome extentions

Hi, Using firefox, I can store extension preferences using Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService); What interface can I use to store preferences in Chrome? And do they get overwritten on an extension update? Thanks ...

Is there any way of getting Netbeans code completion to work with XPCOM components?

I'm writing a Firefox Addon in Netbeans 6.8. The Ctrl+space code completion for my own code or native javascript elements is very useful, but is there any way of making it aware of XPCOM (eg so that code completion would suggest the methods of nsIHttpChannel in the following code)? /** * @param {nsIHttpChannel} cSubject */ captur...

How to implement a function which add a click option for border when mouseover a flash?

I want implement a function for my extension of Firefox. and when my mouse over a flash or other objects in a web,a border will show and around this flash, and up the border is a tab we can click it to invoke a App, just like Thunder extension , now I have implement showing a border around flash ,but How to add a tab on border to invoke ...

How do I use a custom xml entity in a javascript file

I have an 'overlay.dtd' file with a line like <!ENTITY myentity "myvalue">. At the top of my xul file I have <!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM 'chrome://myaddon/locale/overlay.dtd'>. In my xul file, I have <script src='myscript.js'>. I want to know if there is any way to access 'myentity' from the script. alert("&myentity;") just alerts "" ...

I want to use VI-like commands in Web Browser?

I love VI and I'm looking for a plugin of some sort that would allow me to input text in my browser (preferably Firefox or Chrome) using VI commands. It would save me an immense amount of time and at the same time when writing long emails. Can anyone think of any plugins that would allow me to do this? I was hopeful with Vimperator (h...

Is there any Firefox Addon to find ASP.NET page viewstate size?

Is there any firefox addon which can display my page viewstate size.... Any suggestion... ...

Copying data across tabs

Hello, I got two different forms in two different tabs. One has data from our system and the other one is an interface of another, external, system in wich we need to copy data into (XML or API integration not an option here) The this is that, having open both forms - in two different tabs - i need a greasemonkey script or something si...

firefox extension security issue

I'm writing a firefox addon that logs certain user activity and displays some statistics on a webpage. When the page is opened, the page sends an event to the addon. The addon adds data to the page and sends an event back, and the page refreshes the statistics. Now how do I ensure that the extension only puts the (sensitive) data on th...

How to access and run field events from extension js?

I have an extension that helps in submitting forms automatically for a process at work. We are running into a problem with dual select boxes where one option is selected and then that selection changes another field's options. Since setting an option selected property to true doesn't trigger the field's onchange event I am trying to do s...

developing browser extension for content filtering

I'm developing an application for content filtering. i'll use it as web service but my problem is that i hadn't developed any extension for firefox or ie before. i read some about firefox extensions and now i know a little about it. firstly can i use web service in a firefox/ie extension? if yes, can you give me a link of tutorial or st...

How to stop firefox from downloading and applying CSS via a firefox extension?

Thanks to everyone in advance - So I have been banging on this issue for quite a while now and have burned through all my options. My current approach to canceling css requests is with nsIRequest.cancel inside of nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. This works most of the time, except when things are a little laggy a few will slip thr...

Which Firefox extension checks html markup when you view source?

I used to have a great Firefox add-on for this and I can't remember the name of it.. when you looked at the source it would sit at the bottom (like firebug) and check your HTML markup and suggest things like "doctype given is html4.0, looks like xhtml strict" etc I thought it was the web developer toolbar but that doesn't seem to add a...