
Ajax In Firefox Plugin

Hi, Is there any way to send Ajax request to server from Firefox plugin? If yes how? If no, how do we have client server communication in Firefox plugin? I want to get some json data from server and manipulate dom object according to the client input. I am pretty beginner in plugin programming Regards, Jishnu ...

embedded image data

I've noticed that in recent versions of Firefox, some images are displayed even when I disable images (e.g., Google News). Apparently this is due to images being embedded in the code using the "data:image" specification. Does anyone know of a way to disable these images from being displayed? The reason I'm posting this here rather than ...

How to get a image in my JS project directly?

I want to develop a extension for firefox. Now I add a image in my project, and I want to use it in my js.because my element is created dynamic,so I didn't get it from xul file. How to get the Image in JS directly? ...

Is there an extension or a way to write an extension for firefox that allows a developer to refresh a page, but discard POST data?

I'm a developer, and I spend much of my day refreshing the webapps I work on. Occasionally, I'll encounter pages where POST data was submitted, and firefox will prompt me to Resend POST data or to Cancel. Now, I know that I can just redirect a page to itself to get rid of this warning, but I still want to keep this warning for our us...

Accessing Firefox tab element in nsIWebProgressListener::OnStateChange using C++

Hi All, I am developing extension for Firefox 3.0-3.5 versions using VS2008. I want to set attribute to a tab once the document load request completes within that tab window. So in OnStateChange method, I am checking for document load. I have used STATE_STOP & STATE_IS_DOCUMENT for it. I want to determine which tab window has been as...

How do I make the unresponsive script warning come up?

I am making a firefox extension and I have a manual script entry box. I don't want the script to hang the browser when it is run. How can I make an unresponsive script error popup come up if the script runs for longer than a second. ...

document.getElementById() returns null when using mozrepl (but not in firebug)

I'm trying to use the mozrepl Firefox extension to give me a Javascript REPL from within emacs. I think I've got it set up correctly. I can interact with the REPL from emacs and can explore the document pretty much as described in the tutorial pages. The problem comes when I try to do something really simple, like get a context to a can...

Why click event not work when I click a image at runtime?

Now I am developing a Firefox extension , and when web page I want to create a image at runtime, now I can show the image , but When I click it to invoke a method , why it is not work? it is my code: var _img = doc.createElement("img"); _img.setAttribute("id", "floatImage"); _img.setAttribute("src", "abc.jpg"); _img.setAttribute("onc...

How to run a local exe in my firefox extension?

I want to run a local exe in my firefox extension javascript file, but ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell") is work fine in IE,not in FF,how to run a local exe in js in firefox. ...

Problems with registering click event listener to a frame-element

Hi everybody, I ran into a problem with adding an event listener. I wrote a Firefox plugin a while ago for my bachelor thesis. It was based on a different attacker model than you would normally expect. In this scenario the attacker was the service provider (like Facebook, Google,...), who reads all your private data stored on their site...

blocking url using firefox extension

how can i control access to webpages in firefox. i'm going to develope a new addon for this but colud you tell me what should i do? can firefox extension programming allows this. or should i develop a desktop application to control access. thx in advance. edit: it's not going to be used daily. will be just an example for a research. ...

Using the new jQuery Position utility script at an FF extension

Hi all, I'm trying to use the following code at my FF extension with no success: $('#duck').position({ of: '#zebra', my: "left top", at: "left top" }); (the Position manual is at I also tried: var doc = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocument; $('#duck', doc).position({ of: $('#z...

How to get the URL of the current firefox tab

I am creating a firefox extension. I want to get the URL of the current "top" firefox tab. How can I access this information? ...

Firefox extension, need advice

I've never built a ff extension before and before I start I want some feedback on my idea to make sure its possible. I want a firefox extension that allows me to supply a url with parameters in GET format, the extension would take the url, parse it, and submit the request as POST rather than GET. Is this possible? and could someone g...

Calling a webservice in javascript

I am trying to make a Firefox extension which will use a webservice. I was looking online to find a way to do this. I was wondering if someone could explain what the following objects/methods do: service.useService(___, ___); service.<Service Name>.callService(); If there is an alternative that does not include these objects, I would...

Finding all the URL requests from a firefox extension

I am building a firefox extension. In this extension, I want to see the URLs of any new webpage that the user visits. The webpage can be in a different tab or window than the current tab that the user is viewing (this should also catch the URL of pop-ups). Is there a way to find when firefox makes a GET or POST request and grab the URL? ...

Modifying HTTP response headers in Firefox

Hi, Does anyone know if Firefox extensions are allowed to modify HTTP response headers? For example, can an extension remove the x-frame-options header to let the page load in an iframe? Thanks ...

Automate the signature of the update.rdf manifest for my firefox extension

Hello, I'm developing a firefox extension and I'd like to provide automatic update to my beta-testers (who are not tech-savvy). Unfortunately, the update server doesn't provide HTTPS. According to the Extension Developer Guide on signing updates, I have to sign my update.rdf and provide an encoded public key in the install.rdf. There i...

Using nsINavHistoryObserver to create events for a firefox extension

I am trying to make a firefox extension which looks at all the new pages that a user views and look at the URL. I was looking at the nsINavHistoryObserver interface and was interested in the onVisit function. Is there a way to create an event listener that can listen to whenever the onVisit function is called? Thanks ...

Getting tab index in nsIWebProgressListener:: onStateChange in C++

Hi All, I am developing Firefox extension in C++ I want to get the tab index of the tab window for which I have got STATE_STOP for STATE_IS_NETWORK. i.e. I want to find the tab index associated with the request. How do i get it? Please help me !!! Thanks in advance, Vaibhav. ...