
Firefox add-on for examining z-indexes

I'm working on a fairly large site and am having trouble managing z-indexes. Is there a Firefox add-on that will look at a page and give me an ordered list of every element with a z-index declared? That would save a ton of times for the cases where a z-index was wrong or hard to find. ...

Firebug not showing Javascript errors for Rails applications

I have a Rails application, and when I have Javascript errors they are not showing in the Firebug console. I have 'Show javascript errors' and 'Show javascript warnings' selected. When I insert javascript errors in a basic html file, the errors show as expected. In the javascript of the Rails app, it only shows errors in rare cases. F...

Firefox extension - Display customized popup message just above the status bar

I am new to extension development, I have a requirement wherein I need to do some checking on the page and display a popup message at the bottom of main window, just above the status bar. I used the insertAfter attribute with value "browser-bottombox" but this does not display the label at all. <overlay id="gHook" xmlns="

Firefox-Addon: Restart and save all current tabs and windows

Hello guys / gals, First off, this is my first attempt at writing an add-on. That being said, I am attempting to write an add-on that makes some configuration changes and needs to restart Firefox in order to have the changes take effect. I am currently restarting Firefox using the following code: var boot = Components.classes...

Inserting CSS with a Firefox Extension

Hi I'm building a Firefox extension that adds HTML elements to certain pages of a website. I want to have it insert a custom CSS file to style those elements. It works if I insert tags with the CSS right on the page, but that's a less than ideal solution. Is there anyway to get it to load and parse a CSS file, as if I used the ta...

Firefox Extension: Execute action when user closes the browser

I have an extension with a sidebar, when the user close the sidebar a method is called. I need to diference when the user close the sidebar than when he closes the browser. pseudo code: if (userClosedBrowser){ //do something }else if(userClosedSidebar){ //do something else } ...

How to tell if XUL menupopup opens down or up?

I have an extension that can be placed on any toolbar (like the bookmarks, menu or status bars). In general, the context menu opens downward, but when placed on the status bar and Firefox is closed to the bottom of the screen, the context menu opens upward. I'd like to try reordering the context menu based on its up or down orientation, ...

javascript interactiveshell with intellisense for extension development ?

For extension development, is there a javascript interactive shell , that has intellisense (shows what methods and properties an object has) ? Or is it possible to do this with the debugger that supports intellisense (maybe VS2008/intellij idea 9 ) ? ...

XUL - traffic monitoring for a special browser window in a firefox extension only

I hope you can help me with some code to monitor sent bytes (especially if a user is uploading a file in a web formular). For my extension a have a new window(id=rootWnd) in which is my . What I want to add now is the possibility to monitor all the traffic that is sent on a single request on this browser only, especially if a user start...

What is the use of firebug's "Open With Editor" function?

What is the use of firebug's "Open With Editor" function? ...

How can a Firefox extension inject a local css file into a webpage?

I'm writing a Firefox extension that needs to inject a css file into webpages. The css file is bundled with the extension, so I can access it using a chrome url chrome://extensionid/content/skin/style.css I'm trying to inject css like this when the page is loaded: var fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("re...

How to discover Font Type?

Is there a way to determine the type of a given font (TrueType, OpenType, Type 1, Bitmap) using javascript? ...

Google results problem with firefox addon

I have written a firefox addon with which user can add notes to the pages they are viewing. Users can also highlight the content they like on the page. My addon adds some css and javascript files to the page once the document is loaded. The extension is working properly except with some google results pages. The results sometimes appear ...

Why is my firefox extension messing with another one's buttons?

I wrote a firefox extension which simply re-formats a page using some JQuery. But, it's interfering with another extension that places a button on the header panel of the browser. Now that button doesn't display. Can some one point me in the right direction as to when this happens. This is my first fire-fox extension. Update: The...

Changing save directory

Disregard my previous pre-edit post. Rethought what I needed to do. This is what I'm currently doing: downloadFile: function(httpLoc) { try { //new obj_URI object var obj_URI = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci...

Detect if selected element is an anchor on right click

I'm writing a small firefox addon to grab urls and send them to a site. What I want to do is be able to right click on a link (but not have to actually highlight it) and be able to click send and the links href value is grabbed and sent. The bit I'm having trouble with is detecting if the selected element is an anchor and grabbing it's h...

Using a C++ class inside Javascript without an .idl

It is possible to call methods on a class whose interface is not exposed through an .idl file? Im my particular case, I'd like to use the;1 class, whose interface nsIFontMetrics doesn't have a correspondent .idl file. ...

Browser for cross-site-script testing (for testing Mozilla Add-On)

I am working on a Firefox extension that will involve ajax calls to domains that would normally fail due to the same-origin policy set by Firefox (and most modern browsers). I was wondering if there is a way to either turn off the same-origin restriction (in about:config, perhaps) or if there was a standard lite-browser that developers ...

firefox plugin to test web application

is there any firefox plugin to emulate slow internet connection or emulate unstable internet connection to test web app? ...

FF extension: saving a value in preferences and retrieving in the js file

I am making an extension which should take a link as the user input only once. Then the entire extension keeps using that link on various functions in the JS file. When the user changes it, the value accessed by the js file also changes accordingly. I am using the following but it does not work for me var pref_manager = Components.class...