
Detect page load completed event in Firefox

I'm writing a Firefox add-on that do something after the webpage is completely loaded.My current code is var target = this; const STATE_STOP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP; const STATE_IS_WINDOW = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW; const STATE_IS_DOCUMENT =

How can I use SVN to manage my Firefox Extension project?

I'm using SVN to manage my Firefox extension project, and this project contains an XPCOM component. Firefox is loading directly from my working directory by placing a text file with the working directory's path in the ./extensions directory of my user profile. When Firefox starts, my extension fails to load & overlay; examining the Error...

How can I write a script to firefox that works with the adressbar?

I want to write a script to firefox that in the moment I start to write address in the addressbar it change the language to the one I'll choose (in the add-on).How do I do it? ...

Firefox Extension Port Listener

Hey, I'm trying to get an extension to wait for a xml message from another program over an internal port. Just something like waiting for a single UTF-8 string that has something like: <?xml version="1.0"?> <status received="true" state="started"></status> and <?xml version="1.0"?> <status received="true" conn="closed"></status> I...

Firefox cursor hotspot

Does anyone know if there is a Firefox extension which shows the exact mouse cursor hotspot? ...

tree element in firefox sidebar with dynamic elements and click functionality

I have created an extension to show a sidebar in firefox. Now i need to display a tree like structure where the third level will be dynamic and loads a particular link on clicking. I know how to create the three level hierarchy but with static data.. heres the code <treechildren> <treeitem container="true" o...

How do I get the current url inside a firebug extension?

How do I get the current url inside a firebug extension when for example pressing a button? ...

Phone Number Recognition in Javascript

Hi Guys, Is there a javascript library the can recognize phone numbers in a web page? Just like what skype did on their firefox plugin. Or do you know a way on how to do it? Websites or any tutorial that do the same would be very helpful. Your reply is greatly appreciated. Best, ...

Firefox extension: how to read a cookie name and value on the current page

My extension works on an application, which requires user login. Once the user has logged in, I need to read the cookies and use them in my XMLHttpRequests. So initially I need to check if the cookie is set, if not, I direct the user to the login page. Once logged in, I need to read the cookies and send it as part of my further requests...

Overlaying Firefox's new Addon Manager

I'm trying to create a conditional overlay for firefox's new addon manager in minefield 3.7 (aka firefox 3.7) I'm trying the following: overlay chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul chrome://greasemonkey/content/addons.xul application={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} appversion<3.7 overlay chrome://mozapps/cont...

Creating Your Own Firefox Add-in with Visual Studio

I need to develop an add-in (as a bar) that will monitor user browsing data using Mozilla Firefox (priority) and other web browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.). I have already done this using IE, but I need the same for Mozilla Firefox too. Any idea, if this is possible, and how to integrate Firefox add-in with the ability to interact with m...

how to access a firefox extension variable from the current document/window

my firefox extension has an object myExt . myExt = { request: function(){ //adds dynamic script element to the current webpage's head tag }, callback: function(json) { //do something with this } }; myExt.request adds a dynamically added script element to a server that returns json, i want the json to be sent to myExt.c...

Select All in Javascript (Firefox extension) not working right

I'm having some problems with a select all/ none function. (I didn't write it, I'm trying to fix it!) It currently looks like this: rsfindmod.SelAll = function(){ document.getElementById("ListBox").selectAll(); document.getElementById("ListBox").focus(); } It's being used on a dynamically generated set of links, so there's no ...

how can a firefox extension detect content-type of the page loaded ?

since my extension's pageload is triggered even when I view css or js files, i want to add another check that triggers my extension only when the current page's content-type is text/html . //eg: at my page load handler function onPageload(){ // only want to proceed if content-type reflects a text/html or */html page if ( contentTyp...

jFeed in Firefox extension never successful

I'm trying to use jfeed to grab track names from bbc radio audioscrobbler style recently playing feeds, see for an example. Using the example.html that comes with Jfeed, the following works correctly on my local system (Win7). However, when I call the exact same script wi...

Can I access a firefox plugin element from an in-page javascript ?

Hi, I created a canvas object in my firefox plugin and now, I want to access the same from a webpage (The feature on the webpage will only work if the plugin is installed and the browser is FF). Now, usually we access DOM elements inside a page through the browser plugin. How can I access it the other way round - i.e access the canvas ...

Mozilla addon- help needed with interfaces

Hi all , I am working on an Firefox - addon . To modify an url to another with all its parameters same .Could you please suggest me references.. I am struggling very hard to understand interfaces / services .Could you please help me with how and when and what interfaces-methods are called.. I want to know somewhat like this https...

Firefox add-on tab-specific buttons and scripts, similar to Page Actions in Google Chrome

I want to write a Firefox extension that acts exactly like the built-in RSS feed scanner (as an exercise). It should do the following: On each new page / tab load, it should scan the content of the page for RSS feeds If there are RSS feeds in the page, it should put a button in the location bar that the user can click On clicking the b...

Communicating between 2 Firefox Add-Ons (Cross-Extension Communication)

How do I pass data and messages between 2 Firefox Add-Ons (the way Google Chrome does it, here)? ...

How can you get a list or traversable tree of bookmarks from within a Firefox Extension?

I am working on a simple Firefox Extension, and I need a list of the user's bookmarks. I have found the nsINavBookmarksService class which appears to be the recommended way of manipulating bookmarks since Firefox 3.0. Strangely I don't see a method that I could use to get a list of all the bookmarks in a folder. I need some way of creati...