
How to add a local image in my firefox entension?

I am developing a firefox extension and create a table and in it add a image , and I create a image with : var _img = document.createElementNS("", "xul:image"); and then I found I couldn't set its attribute "src" with a local image just like use its Url: chrome:\...., so I ha...

How to intercept and apply effects to Firefox audio/sound output

Hi I want to build a Firefox extension that will allow me to directly manipulate the audio output, applying live filters and effects, from (for example) a streaming video site. Im struggling to find any good resources to help me. I think the effects bit will be ok but I need to find a way of intercepting the audio stream output. Does a...

How to create simple Firefox Add-ons?

How can I create and deploy a simple Add-on, just for altering the name of anything? How to create Add-ons for Mozilla firefox? ...

Triggering click events from within a FF sandbox

I am trying to trigger a click event on an element on a page from within a Firefox sandbox. I have tried using jQuery's .click() as well as doing: var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("click", true, false ); toClick[0].dispatchEvent(evt); Has anyone been able to trigger a click event on a page in the browser thr...

Trigger events from Firefox browser extension?

Hello, I want to trigger events from a firefox extension, specifically click events. I've tried jQuery's .click() as well as the whole: var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("click", true, false ); toClick[0].dispatchEvent(evt); This is not working for me, and I was wondering if this is even possible? (to tr...

Need a Java Script for default download manager of firefox browser

Java script to automatically terminate a download in default download manager of firefox if it becomes inactive i.e. if download speed becomes 0 for x number of seconds. ...

Silent install of the firefox addon

I am trying to install a firefox xpi silently through an msi installer. I am doing so by the following method: Unzip my xpi in some temp dir and copy all the contents of that to the %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxx.default\extensions\ I expected the addon to be available the next time my firefox opens, but I am not able to get i...

A Firefox plugin to display the distance between the sides of an element and its parent

Does such an add-on exist for Firefox? ...

firefox no longer being ignored by fiddler.

After updating firefox to 3.6.4, fiddlerhook no longer allows you to disable firefox traffic. It will always show up in fiddler. Is this a known issue with the new way firefox is handling add ins? ...

on page load event of *not the focus* tab in Firefox extension

Hi, I develop firefox extension and using the "load" and "DOMContentLoaded" events to raise when document was fully loaded. My problem, however, is that my 'content' variable is always pointing to the focused tab and not to the new loaded tab (for example, when firefox restarts and load several tabs or if you right-click a link and op...

How to replace a javascript file request with contents from another file in a FF addon?

I'm looking for some guidance on how to replace requests for a specific javascript file with another file that I'll package with the Firefox addon. ...

Firefox addon to view/edit/create localStorage data?

Is there an addon that allows you to view, edit, localStorage information? If there is and it works as an extension of Firebug I will be extremely happy. Something like Google Chrome's similar to Firecookie but for the localStorage Is there something like it? ...

javascript: how to display html page from string

hi. i generate some html content dynamically like var content = "<head><title>testtitle</title></head><body>testbody</body>"; then i get myself a new tab with about:blank, and now i want to display my generated html in this tab. if the tab's contentDocument is newDoc, i thought i just do newDoc.documentElement.innerHTML = content; ...

Record webcam video to local filesystem from a browser

What is the best (and simplest!) way to record video from a webcam to the local filesystem--all from a browser? Ideally the video would be recorded in HD and then we could use ffmpeg later to convert it into the formats and sizes needed. Here are some things we've looked into: Use Flash to stream to a local Red5 server. But we've had ...

How to call hg commands through firefox extension ?

I am trying to automate hg commit and hg push commands , for that I need to call those commands from firefox extension (which I am working on). Is there a way to do it without using batch files ? ...

How to check whether a repository exist or not ?

I want to check whether repository exist on the given path or not before executing the process below..any ideas ? var exe = Components.classes[';1']. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); exe.initWithPath("HG.EXE"); var process = Components.classes[";1"]...

How do I modify an existing Firefox plugin?

Delicious provide an excellent Firefox plugin for managing your bookmarks. However, they do not like the idea of people using Delicious as a private bookmark manager and so the "Mark as Private" checkbox option is set to "unchecked" by default. As you can imagine, it gets pretty annoying having to check that box every single time I want...

Targeting all RSS feed menus in XUL

I'm starting to learn XUL. I'd need to add an entry to each RSS feed menu in Firefox. How do I do such an overlay in XUL? The problem is that there may be multiple RSS feed menus, and they could be anywhere in the Bookmarks menu tree. For a start it would be nice to target at least those RSS feed menus which are direct descendants of the...

Calling Greasemonkey user.js from a custom Firefox Extension

I'm modifying the existing GrabThemAll Firefox extension, which takes a list of URLs, loads them each into their own browser window, and takes a screenshot of the page. I would also like to run a greasemonkey script on this page, but I am not sure how to go about doing this. I have GM set up to automatically execute any time the URLs i...

Selenium IDE - How to record xpath in the Firefox plugin

Hi All! I'm having trouble with my xpaths in the Firefox plugin. I have three textboxes, the first one has ID=login and the rest has dynamically generated IDs. The first one works fine to write in the plugin, //input[@id='login'] but as soon as I try something more advanced, it cannot find anything. After reading plenty of forum posts, ...