
Firefox add-on development: Register global dynamic custom keyboard shortcuts

I have been tasked with developing a Firefox add-on that is capable of registering global keyboard shortcuts (ones that will work throughout all areas of Firefox) that will open up the side-bar and execute an XMLRPC request based on previously recorded input. The idea here is that there will be many potential XMLRPC requests that the use...

FF extension: displaying an array of string elements in a sidebar

I am developing a ff extension which displays a list of elements from an array (dynamic) in the sidebar. The array is dynamic and needs to be constructed in a function everytime the sidebar is opened (or any other event handler). Later, i will need to implement link functionality on parts of the string. What is the best way to go about t...

firefox sidebar menu or list of elements. resources/help

I am struggling to find any resources on firefox extensions which construct a sidebar and put elements into them. plus tyhe other functionalities within a sidebar. I have made a emptysidebar. Now i need to display a dynamic array(which is formed using a JS function). I have absolutely no idea how to go about it. Can someone please help!...

Script/plugin to update web page (load next 25 comments) until page fully loaded

Brief summary: I need a script/plugin for Firefox that selects the "load next 25 comments" link at the bottom of a web page, until that link is no longer on the page. As you click that link - you get more comments - eventually all of them on the same page. See this web page for an example (there are 1,852 comments):

XUL: create menu items dynamically and set "selected" attr

I have a firefox extension Options pref panel, where I should dynamically create menu items and select particular item to be current. here is the XUL file part <menulist id="rss_service_combo"> <menupopup id="rss_service_menu"/> </menulist> Then in load event of the pref panel, using js I append menuitem elements into menupop. Th...

How to make firefox or google Chrome Add-on?

I Want to make Firefox and Google Chrome Add-on in which language can i make?and how to make it in Firefox or Chrome compatible? ...

Firefox extension file structure best practice

Is it a good practice to put js files of the "content" folders in inner folders representing their logical module? For example have a "datalayer" and "view" folders? I looked into some well known extensions, such as Firebug, and saw no such devision. I'm a Java developer so its seems much more natural to divide the files logically. ...

How to override JS function from a firefox extension?

Hello, I am trying to intercept calls to document.write for all pages. Setting up the interception inside the page by injecting a script like function overrideDocWrite() { alert("Override called"); document.write = function(w) { return function(s) { alert("special dom");, wrapString(s)); }; }(document.write); ...

problem with firefox tamper data plugin

I am facing this problem while debugging a website. Plugin used: tamper data for fire fox; Possibilities: its a ajax request. as you see in the image the tamper dialog dose not show anything for this request. for other request it shows the general options. any known issue with this. And I also want to know if any other better tool...

splitter is not resizing back in xul

while making the toolbar when i make my toolbar its working fine but when i dragged it back to orignal positon then its not comming back.Name3 is expanding but Name1 and name3 remain shrinked. why? ...

how to make double chevron >> in firefox.

i am making my own toobar in firfox .can any one tell me how to add double chevron >> so that if window resizes then toolbar content can be seen by clicking this double chevron >> ...

programming Firefox with MozRepl in Windows 7

I've only seen examples for it in Linux. Does it work in Windows? Can you give an example? ...

Modifying a firefox extension

How can I get the original .xpi file of an extension so that I can make changes to it? ...

Chevron is not displayed when window width was narrowed

i have made my own toolbar.added that in mozilla.Chevron is not displayed when window width was narrowed.what i need to add in my .css file to make it work. ...

Get Windows username with JavaScript?

I am working a Firefox addon (which is written in JavaScript) and need to determine the Windows user currently logged on. Is there a way to do this? ...

Is there a way to click a link in Firefox and open a file in an existing VIM session?

Hi there, I know it's possible to open links in an html page (let's say, if you're using Firefox) with TextMate if the link has this format: <a href="txmt://open?url=file:///home/.../index.html.haml">View</a> But is it possible to do a similar thing with VIM? Perhaps like so: <a href="vim://open?url=file:///home/.../index.html.haml"...

xpcom array can transfer in different xul files ?

Now I am developing a firefox extension, can I define a global array in a js with the main xul . and I found when I use it in another js with another xul , it could not worked , so I searched the document of Firefox development. I found a common array can not be transfered between two js files with different xul files. and then I difined...

How do I change Firefox config programatically at runtime?

I want to use selenium/JUnit to do some mobile emulator testing using the FireMobileSimulator plugin. Given that the plugin can emulate a number of different phones, I'd like to be able to cycle through testsswapping out devices as required. The device being emulated is controlled by two config options. Being able to manipulate these pr...

How to code firefox extension which run javascript code in the page's context like firebug does.

I know that for safety reasons that this is not easy to achieve, however there would be a way to do so as firebug does... Please help, would like to invoke some script in the page's context to achieve some effect... Basically, I would like to achieve two functionality: 1. add jQuery to any web page automatically if not already exist. 2...

How to stop my firefox extension which interferes other extension?

Hi, I have tried very hard to make my extension as simple as possible, it now do not contain any skin/css, it just have 'statusbar' in one single 'overlay'. The issue is that when installed, it hides the top three icon of 'all-in-one toolbar' extension of my firefox 3.6.3. On other two machine which do not have 'all-in-one toolbar', ...