
Google maps not rendering in firefox

I'm having some real problems here with my google maps, its not rendering at all. AT first I thought there was something wrong on my code end but now I've checked it in two browsers and the problem is with firefox. In firefox it renders nothing - just the controls and overlays but no underlying map at all. In chrome and IE its working ...

Error 0xc1f30001 when calling asyncListen method of nsIServerSocket interface in Firefox while there is no internet connection

CAN'T REPRODUCE ANYMORE The code below works fine when there is internet connection. var socket = Cc[";1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIServerSocket); socket.init(-1, true, -1); socket.asyncListen(nsIServerSocketBug); However once the computer is disconnected from the internet, I get ...

firefox not display rss feed with interface

Firefox displays an interface for RSS instead of the XML of the feed. For example goto: For some reason this feed is showing the XML in Firefox instead of the interface: The xml and Content-Type headers are the same. Anyone see what I am missing? What's th...

HTML for FireFox

I am working with Joomla. I would like to display a certain module if the user has all browsers, except FireFox, and display another module if user has FireFox browser. I know that I can do targeted browser CSS styling, but in my case I need the user's browser to choose between an excerpt of HTML code (for all browsers choose this module...

Can't see Acrobat JS console when PDF is in an FF browser window.

Windows 7 (64 bit), Acrobat Pro 9.4(32 bit), FF 3.6.11(32 bit) In Firefox, I briefly see the JS console flash and then vanish... but it stays empty. IE will show the JS console if it's already open, and displays a brief error message and then crashes Acrobat: "Exception in line 18 of function top_level, script Page:Open". I don't hav...

View chrome source in Firefox

It would be extremely helpful for developing Firefox extensions if I could see the source of, e.g., chrome://browser/content/browser.xul with overlays applied. Is there a way to do this? Chrome List and "View Source" show only the base structure, ChromeBug requires restarting the browser and isn't too easy to get working. ...

Transparent background, clear text?

Hey all, been banging my head against this one for a while. For a CSS redesign of a site I need a parent div to have a background-image followed by a p child with a transparent background, but foreground text needs to remain at 100% opacity. I tried making a 1px image of a semitransparent (40%) white, but it won't show up when used with...

Recording website load times?

I am trying to record the time it takes to load my website on an average (say 10 runs) from various locations in the world. For this, I was thinking of using a list of proxies to achieve this and am not sure this is the perfect way of doing this. Is there a Firefox add-on that lets me time this perhaps using Firebug itself? Is there a...

Firefox thinks form is not defined, but IE and Chrome do.

I'm trying to get the value of a drop-down menu selection. Here's my XHTML: <form action="(EmptyReference!)" method="get" name="myForm" id="myForm" onsubmit="myValidation(this)"> <fieldset> <select name="mySelect" id="mySelect"> <option value="o1" selected="selected">Option 1</option> <option valu...

js error "_ci has no propeties" in firefox

I tried to implement a calender control into my web app. It works find in IE, but got error "_ci has no propeties" when running in firefox. document.writeln('<iframe name="__calendarIframe" id="__calendarIframe" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="margin:0px;"><\/iframe>'); var __ci = window.frames['__calen...

Firefox extensions development with mootools

My question is simple. It's feasible to develop extensions with mootools? ...

What does Request.Browser.Type AskTbFWV mean?

This is more for curiosity, but we're seeing that every time an end user updates their Firefox browser, the Request.Browser.Type value gets set to AskTbFWV. Request.Browser.Browser: Gecko Request.Browser.Type: AskTbFWV After closing and re-opening the browser, the value changes to "Firefox". I'm wondering what does "AskTbFWV" mean? ...

Block-level links that work in Firefox?

I'm using block-level links, but running into the Firefox bug as reported here. Unfortunately the fix of simply adding a wrapper is not working for me. My block-level links are still screwed up as you can see from this link: (in Firefox 3.5). How should I be using block-level lin...

css difference between firefox/Mac & firefox/Windows

I'm working on a template with a designer and we see different things. In my browser on mac the input field are next to the labels but for the designer in his browser the input fields are under the labels. I use eric meyer's css reset so everything should be correct. Here's a screenshot to illustrate what I mean (left is what it should ...

Way to get Chrome to always re-download styles and images on every visit to the page during development/testing?

As brilliant as Firebug is, I would consider switching my JavaScript debugging to Chrome if I could figure out how to get it to always re-download styles and images on every visit to the page? When I'm testing a page in Firefox, it always gets the latest version. But in Chrome I often end up scratching my head over something that turns...

Functionality like "about:whatever" to display arbitrary data in Firefox

I'm writing a Greasemonkey script that has a fair few user settings (just using GM_getValue and GM_setValue). What I'd like to be able to do is create a settings page for the script, and add that to the @include-d sites. So, for example, it'd run on: @include* @include about:myScriptConfig Th...

How to use a JavaScript variable as a XHTML attributes value?

I have tried: ... <script type="text/javascript"> var myVar = "some string"; </script> ... <input name="&{myVar};" ... /> ... But using FireFox the name is set to the literal string: "&{myVar};" instead of the value of myVar... UDPATE: I see this called JavaScript Entities and hasnt been supported for a long time - but there must b...

Firefox SVG from subdomain

I have a stylesheet that accesses an svg in the same directory as the stylesheet. Firefox will get the svg on my test server and on the subdirectory. However, it refuses to attempt to download the svg when accessed from the subdomain. I tried adding svg to the list of files in an .htaccess file on the subdirectory's highest level, which...

Firefox - Huge Cursor

I have a contentEditable div on which if a cursor is placed it's displayed as a huge cursor! Here's the code: <html> <head></head> <body > <div style="position:absolute; top:2px; left:30px; right:0px; bottom: 0px; height:100%;"> <div contentEditable="true" style=" color:#333333; height:100%; width:100%; curs...

printing web fonts on fire fox

I am trying to print web pages contains external css reference which uses web fonts (I mean @font-face attribute) but in print preview web fonts are disappeared , Could any one know a solution with out using the web font locally? ...