
Blocks to Fixed document/Fixed Page

Can any one help me to add Blocks(System.Windows.Documents.Block/ Section / BlockUIContainer) to the Fixed Document. Thanking for your attention, regards, kuman ...

To call a method that requires IntPtr, is it better to use /unsafe, or Marshal.AllocHGlobal?

I have a class that will have a few instances persistent throughout the duration of the application. These objects will each need to call a dll method that appends data from an existing float[] buffer, and passes the full dataset to a DLL method that accepts an IntPtr (float array), several times per second. Is it better to do it as un...

Does "fixed" really guarantee anything when passing pointers (ie int[]) to DLLs?

I tried searching for this but haven't found anything, however when passing an int[] into a native DLL function as a pointer, isn't there still the danger that the DLL could maintain a reference to the pointer, and then try to access it again after the "fixed" block has terminated? Wouldn't this cause memory access errors if the GC has ...

Unsafe code and fixed statements with StringBuilder

I was wondering about how passing a String or a StringBuilder to a C function which output a string by parameter. I've found a great answer in But I have a doubt. Anyone can explain to me why the garbage collector ...

Chrome and fixed width on a div (or other tags).

I have some html which looks like this: <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">fig</div>vitamin c<br> <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">apple</div>vitamin a<br> <div style="{ display:inline; width: 80px}">coconut</div>vitamin <br> in IE.8 this is shown as fig vitamin apple vitamin coconut vitamin and al...

Dynamic Container Height (jQuery Only)

I have a fixed-height (180px) header and fixed-height footer (50px). I'd like the container height to be: window height MINUS header MINUS footer. If the container height can be updated on window resize, that'd be awesome! How do I achieve this using jQuery? I posted the same question and receive a great answer with a CSS only solution...

Fixed-Fluid Columns in Table

<table> <tr> <td>Fixed-Width Column: 250px</td> <td>Fluid Width Column: remaining width</td> </tr> </table> I'm not creating a page layout with this, and I need to use Table. Is there any way to achieve this cross-browser? I'm already using jQuery on this project, if that helps? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

Is it wise to use a Fluid Layout?

Google Labs Browser Size I've always preferred fixed-width layouts over fluid-width layouts, one of the main reasons is that I'm able to better understand how the whole picture will be without having to worry about the screen resolution. But now the "picture" has changed, there is a high discrepancy between the lowest and highest res...

Fixed <thead> in <table>

<table border="1" style="height:50px; overflow:auto;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Col 1 </th> <th>Col 2 </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Cell 3 </td> <td>Cell 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cell 5 </td> <td>Cell 6 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> I'...

C# creating a fixed size hashtable

I want to be able to create a fixed size hashmap of say 100 buckets, and if I need to store over 100 items then collisions and overwriting will just have to happen. The hashtable class has a IsFixedSize property however it is readonly. Am I thinking about this completely wrongly, or is there a solution to this? ...

How to make a fixed div ?

I am trying to make box to be fixed in the lower right border of the page and doesn't move with the page scrolls down. But it's not working for me dunno why. Here is my code: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .tooltip { width: 200px; position: fixed; top:auto; bottom:0px; right:0px; left:auto; } </style> </head> <body> ...

Fixed positioning in internet explorer ?

I just wrote a sample page with a corner banner and tool tip. Everything is working just fine with firefox. But in IE things are not working correctly. I surfed the internet and found that IE doesn't support position: fixed. So does anyone know how to work around this problem ? Here is my source code <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD H...

How do I give a scrolling div focus on pageload with JS/jQuery?

See this page: When you load this page, and try hitting space bar, page up/down or use the scroll wheel on your mouse, it doesnt scroll at all. This is because the page is wrapped inside a secondary "viewport" in order to place the facebook bar in the bottom of the page. When you click...

PHP send plain text mail and force fixed-width charset

I want to force the reader's email client to display my php-generated plain text emails with a fixed width charset. Thunderbird displays the email with a fixed width charset. However, Gmail and Outlook (and probably more clients) do not. Is this a config setting with my mail server or something I'm doing wrong? Any help would be great...

How do I create an element on a page which always stays visible but moves out of the way of other elements?

I have a HTML page which a pretty complex layout (see here). I need to put an image on that page which the visitor can drag anywhere so she can remember where she was. I've implemented the bookmark feature but now I need to place the image somewhere where she can easily grab it. Basically, I'd like the element to stay below the ToC on t...

Fix thead on page scroll

Situation: a page with a table with several rows. I want to fix thead when thead reach the top of the page when scrolling, using jquery or any given scripting. I don't want to overflow the table itself. Thank you! ...

Fixed positioned div with a fixed height and relative or absolute divs inside it with greater height

Hello I have a problem with IE. I have a fixed div like this: #fixed { position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 9998; width: 100%; height: 40px; } Inside this div I want to place another div that has a height that is higher than its holder (higher than 40px). So I put a relative or an absolute div inside it and it works splen...

jQuery: How can I animate to a taller height with the height being added to the top of the element?

Hi, I have a simple problem but I am not sure how to solve it. Basically I have some hidden content that, once expanded, requires a height of 99px. While collapsed the element holding it section#newsletter is set to be 65px in height. LIVE EXAMPLE: On the click of a#signup_form the section...

how to fix the column width of a listview in c# windows form?

i have a listview i need to fix the column width of the listview so that at run time user cannot drag the columnheaders and resize it.....what is the procedure?? i have searched all the properties but none of them help me out to solve this pbm.. this is possible in gridview but how will it be possible in listview.... ...

facebook leftcol links how those work?

hi everyone, I never understood how facebook left column links eg welcome, newsfeeds and photos, how this things wont open new page beside it open #link, do they have any server side check client side. and second thing how they open whole page in content div, yes you can do this with javascript but they dont have onclick event on that it...