
Displaying caught errors outside of IDE - overkill/critique?

I have devised the following method for catching errors throughout my AS3 applications: In the Document class, define the following methods: //This is the handler for listening for errors protected function catchError(event:ErrorEvent):void { displayError('Error caught: ' + event.text); } //Creates a MovieClip with a TextField as ...

Why would an SWF load in the Flash CS3 IDE but not the browser?

I have five SWF files that are loaded into a main SWF. All five load when testing in the Flash CS3 IDE. When testing in the browser, only three of the five SWF files load. Loading just haults after the first three. No IOErrorEvent is triggered, and I am sure that the URLs for the SWFs are correct. I have used MonsterDebugger to pinpoin...

Merging MovieClips into a larger MovieClip

I have these 2 separate FLA (AS3) files and I want to merge them together. One FLA, let's name "Animation.fla", consists of a 1-frame animation with a class assigned to its main stage, let's label it "MainStage.cs." The other FLA file, label it, "Navigator.fla", consists of 3 frames where I have to navigate different frames to get to the...

Flash - how to start playing an SWF film being loaded before it is complete?

Hi, I have a large SWF flash file being loaded by a parent SWF and I would like to start playing the film being loaded, let's say, when it is 50% completed. According to my expected user's bandwidth and the size of my film I will calculate the best moment to do that (the film could be 20%, 30% or 50% loaded). I want to leave users waitin...

Identifying the source for a dynamic text variable

Hello... I'm sure this is simple, but I'm a newbie working to modify a flash template, so... Sorry. I have a dynamic text field on the stage. It's assigned a variable name of "a3". When the flash runs, it loads that text field with the value of a text field in an html file called "text.html", in which the corresponding variable name is...

about flash and XML

How can i combine the fla file and xml file into single swf file.. ??? ...

Flash CS3 problem with outlines

Hi, im having problems with my artwork in flash. I am vectoring playing card faces. My problem is, even if Im using the thinnest stroke which is 0.1, when i zoom out the page, the line becomes thick which looks bad in the flash game. Can anyone tell me how i can make the stroke be the same in appearance even if I zoom out the page? ...

How to addCuePoint in as3 with netstream?? i do not want to use FLVPlayback component..

Hello. Is it possible to add cue points using as3 and I will not be using FLVPlayback component. I want my flv or netstream object to call a fucntion after 7 or 16 second or at any specified time during playing. i found addAsCuePoint the only way to do it. If there is any other way to accomplish this task then i will not be using cue...

How do I move the origin point of a MovieClip in Adobe Flash CS3?

How do I move the origin point, or zero point, of a MovieClip to the same origin point of the stage without scripting in Adobe Flash CS3? Example: While I'm trying to move objects within a MovieClip, the origin point is at (stage) 200,-300. This means that when I put objects in a MovieClip, the objects' X,Y coordinates, as displayed in...

embeding swf photo gallery in a webpage

i edited a flash photo gallery template and it works great by itself...i am trying to embed this gallery in my flash website (i use flash cs3)..i dont know how!? should i embed the file in the xml page or i should use some actionscript? ...

grid image gallery flash as2.0 big image never in place

hello all, i'm having a bit of a problem with a flash image gallery, this are my problems: I need the big images to appear always at the same place: x=0, y=0, but i've tried everything, modified the AS and not only they never appear at 0,0, but each appears in differents places, any idea how I can fix this? how can I have a next / prev...

SWFObject or Firefox? flashvars won't pass with transparent wMode...

Tested on IE (8) and Firefox (3.6.8) Using SWFObject to embed a flash movie, flashvars are passed from javaScript to the flash movie except when wMode is sent do "transparent" Has any one else experienced such a behaviour? Where is the defect? swfObject or Firefox? (or am I missing something...?) Here is a testPage: backBtn test ...

Flash Transparency of Overlapping Items

In Flash, I have a container with several overlapping children. When I give this container an alpha value of .5, some of the children can be seen behind others that overlap them. I would rather be able to take the whole thing as a composite image and blend it that way. Any ideas? cacheAsBitmap on the parent container doesn't have any...

Flash XML Data formatting

Hi, Is it possible to format text in xml file that gets displayed in flash. Below is my xml file with 3 menu labels. Is it possible to just highlight and italicize the word 'New' when it displays in a flash file. I tried doing something like New, but it wont work.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <items> <item item_label="Home"...

how Flash and C# communicate?

i need some help in making a C# application that embed's a flash .swf file and what i want is to feed some data to it. in html is like this <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase= "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="625" height="100%" id="fl...

Find all instances in a currentFrame (AS 3.0)

I have a movie with several imported videos which are instances of FLVPlayback. I want to make some Pause and Play buttons. Thus I need to know which video should I refer the stop() method to when I'm in a certain Frame. I believe it is something related to finding all existing instances in this.currentFrame and stopping the found instan...

Accessing a variable in nested movie clips - Actionscript 2

Hi, I would like to access a variable(txt1) set on an input box. The input box is in a movie clip called txt_0143. am trying to access it in the parent movie clip called part_0.010 . So the hierarchy goes as root->part_0.010->txt_0143->txt1. I have used the following function on another sibling clip in part_0.010: on (release) { ge...

How listener will be executed for objects hidden by another objects in as3??

I have two movie-clips, one is small-box and another is big-box .Both are rectangular shape. Small- box has an index 0, and big-box has an index 1. Their x,y are same and big-box being big in size gets hide small-box. Now the problem is the listener attached to small-box does not fire as big-box is on the top of small-box. what would be...

Dynamic Flash FLV Player

I am attempting to create a custom FLV player in flash that will allow me to link to an external FLV file in the html object code. This is in order to easily change a video that will appear on a client's index page dynamically. Currently I am using an external player that does exactly what I wish to do (http://www.walkernews.net/mediapla...

Error #1006: value is not a function.

//Create the URLLOader instance var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); //the data will come as URL-encoded variables myLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES //Load using an URLRequest, even beeing local myLoader.load(new URLRequest("flash/index.php")) //onLoad handler listener myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLET...